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1、 主观题专项练习完形填空 (1) In June of 2009, our family went for a trip in Badlands National Park in South Dakota. We _1_ to the weather report before starting for the trip. The weather report said that it would be _2_ that day. So we decided to go for the _3_. When we were camping(露营) in Badlands National Par

2、k that night, the wind was so _4_. It blew our tent so hard. The sides of our tent were right about our chests _5_we were lying in our sleeping bags. We were woken up by the wind during that night. We couldnt _6_to sleep. We were sitting and talking about the bad _7_all the night. We were afraid tha

3、t the stakes(树桩) were pulled out of the ground and the wind blew the tent away with us. The wind finally_8_the next morning. We left Badlands National Park as fast as possible. When we were on our way home, we_9_many people talk about the fornado (龙卷风)that night. Some trees fall down._10_we werent h

4、urt that night and have returned safely.( )1.A.sent B. talked C. got D. listened( )2.A windy B. sunny C. awful D. special( )3.A lunch B report C night D trip( )4.A dirty B nice C weak D strong( )5.A so B when C since D after( )6.A forget B decide C agree D continue( )7.A park B night C weather D tri

5、p ( )8.A left B started C stopped D finish( )9.A recognized B felt C heard D saw( )10.A Luckily B Mainly C Unluckily D Especially ( 2 ) There are twenty-seven bridges_1_ Londons River Thames. _2_ all the bridges, Tower Bridge is the most famous. Do you know what _3_ Tower Bridges so famous? _4_do so

6、 many visitors from all over the world come to see it? The surprising thing about Tower Bridge is that it is open _5_. It does this to let the big ships go _6_ the poll(水域) of London. If you are lucky enough to see the bridge with its two opening arms high in the air ,you will never_7_ it, its reall

7、y exciting. On the north side of the river, there is the Tower of London. The Tower of London and London Bridge look the same, but the Tower of London is much_8_ than London Bridge, the Tower of London is almost one thousand years old and the Tower Bridge is only about one hundred. Before the began

8、to build Tower Bridge ,the designers(设计师)argued(争论) about it for more than thirty years. It _9_them quite a long time to argue and decide to build the Tower Bridge because they had two_10_,they were very difficult to solve.( ) 1.A on B above C over D from( ) 2 A In B From C About D Of ( ) 3 A makes

9、B let C has D does( ) 4 A What B Why C When D How( ) 5 A on the left B in the middle C on the right D all the time ( ) 6 A past B on C through D into( ) 7 A remember B know C understand D forget( ) 8 A younger B smaller C older D cheaper( ) 9 A took B spent C paid D cost ( ) 10 A question B problems

10、 C arms D bridge ( 3 ) Fork music is a kind of popular music. It comes from the people of any country. Folk singers sing songs _1_centuries ago and they also write_2_. They want to express their feelings about new things in the world today. The work “folk” _3_ “people”. Folk songs tell stories about

11、 people. For example, the songs tell about their jobs, their friends and their _4_. They also express ideas such as love and war. The words in the song are _5_ the music. In the United States and Europe, folk music became very popular during _6_. Singers fans listened to folk singer performing(表演) a

12、t concerts. The singers told stories,_7_ and played the guitar. Fans listened to the music and often sang along with the performers (表演者)Later people_8_ to play this kind of music themselves at schools, at parties and at home _9_. Today fans can still hear folk music at concerts. They can also buy c

13、ompact discs and cassettes(录影带) recorded(录制)_10_ new folk performers. They can listen to folk music on the radio or watch the fold singers perform on TV.( ) 1 A to B for C from D at ( ) 2 A songs B homework C novels D stories ( ) 3 A says B means C tells D speaks( ) 4 A work B rest C study D lives( ) 5 A an important of B an impossible part of C a general part of D a special part of ( ) 6 A 1960s B the 1960s C 1960 D the 1960( ) 7 A singing B to sing C sing D sang( ) 8 A began B finished C competed D wrote( ) 9 A alone B lonely C one D only( ) 10 A with B to C by D for


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