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1、ntne.英译汉:1.rangboc 贸易集团2.impo shar 进口额度3.ructin addistribinshng 合伙生产和分派共享4. loa rerintation 全球性的重新定位5 cnc ntenati bsiness 从事国际商务 insuranc company 保险公司7. providefor eficen transprtato 提供便利交通8. frgea workf glbal lika 形成全球网络(联网). inerationalinvesmt 国际投资10.u nd cepae ofh comon conage采用和接纳同一货币制度.汉译英1. 贸易

2、惯例 busness practice2. 石油危机 oil hok3. 市场份额 maket share4. 完毕交易 cry ot transactio5. 以市场为基本的商业交易 maket bsed bsnesstrasaction6. 跨国公司 mutntioalcorporain7. 国际贸易量 olumef interntoaltrade8. 重要经济大国 majoreonomcpwers9. 提高生活水平 mrove thstadrdof living10. 股票市场 tock market11. 年销售额 analsaes12. 国内生产总值 gr doesticproduc

3、tUnT.英译汉1. pattero word trade 世界贸易格局2. blky or peishal gods 大件货品或易腐烂商品3. heavcnsumer of tural rsorces 自然资源的重要消费者4. an lie ru of erchant and entereneurs商业和公司家的精英群体5. otlawsrip mining of cl 立法严禁采矿6. eis foign invesmntin oes industy 抵制外国在某国工业方面的投资7. undetake steps to limit onsumpion 采用措施限制石油消费8. impose

4、 taiffs and uotasn mprted iems采用对进口商品征收关税和实行配额9. Iterntiol Bauxitesociion (BA) 国际铝矿协会10. Organizaionf Petroeu Exprtng Counres (OPEC)石油输出国组织汉译英1. 初级产品 pimary comoditi2. 价格下跌 rice dr3. 劳动成本 lorcosts4. 生产国和消费国 podcngand nsumngations5. 粮食重要出口商 oiant eorterofans6. 国际收支 balcefpayments7. 第三方 a hirparty8. 批

5、量生产 ass-produce9. 比较成本理论 try o comparaveadvante10. 金属含量 etal cntent11. 期货交割 futres delivery12. 商品期货交易 ommoity ue trading13. 采用保护主义措施 take rotecions mesus14. 消费国 cnsumig cuntres15. 运送费用 anspotaionexense16. 减缓对石油的依赖 lessen nes pendenceo oi17. 炸糖加工设备 sr rocessing flities18. 外汇 foreiechg.短文翻译Th theoyo i

6、ntrnational tadehas cned drastcally fro tht irst put ward byA Sith e clacl teories o Adam it andavd icro fcuedon the biitieso coutrto prode good oe ceaply ha oth countris.Teriet poduto n radethories saw lbor as te majr factor epense thatwt into ay pduct.Ifacnul pay tht lbo e, an if tat lo coul produ

7、ce more physicly thanr n oth unries, th outy migh obtan anasolteor comprativeadtageitrae.国际贸易理论自从亚当史密斯第一次提出后就发生了很大的变化。亚当和大卫的老式理论强调了国家所具有的比其她国家便宜生产商品的能力,最早的生产贸易理论把劳动力视为获得产品的重要支出因素。如果某个国家可以支付较少的劳动力费用。同步在体力劳动中比其她国家生产的多的话,这个国家就也许在贸易当中获得绝对和相对的优势。 bequetheoreicl develoment led to a mor etailedundertanding

8、 of rocion ad itcsts. Facors f pdcton enow elved toncuebr (skldanunsklled),captal, natl resource, n the potentallysgnificant commodities tat arediffiul to repduce or rplce, suh asergy. Tecnoloy, ocassumed tobthe samerosslountis,is nosn as on fte preir drvg forcesndeerminn wo olds the ometiti edg ora

9、vntae. teratiol te is nw seen as ope cmbiationof toandsf prdus, chnois, and firms that are costantly inovating tkee up ithor et ahad f the cometition. Moder tade heory s looed beondproduction st o anayze owthe emnds of themarkete ater h ra ihoman whichfirs survive doeilln internationaly. e litis of

10、irms oaapt t foreign mrket, t inthe demndsan e mpetitos hat f the reinmarets,have reurd muh oneratinal traean vesent thory to sach o ew and inovati proches to whadermies successan ilr. Finall, aswrld ecnomies gew and tegntude ofold trae creased,he simplistic idel that guided intoal e ninestmet teory

11、 have hadto go wihthem. he choies taanyfrmfaetoa requrehe o directy vehipital, echology, ndkoowto countries ha possss otrunie factorsr marketdvantges at will hep th r keep pce with arketdemads. ni Three.英译汉1. coptonbd 公司债券2. close ln 收盘汇率栏3. cross deal 套汇交易4. nter it acnrac 签订合同5. freign exchangeomuty 外汇界6. tosts qutatos 两组标价7. po


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