2015年高中英语 老外最想聊的100个口语话题(46)留学海外素材

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1、studying Abroad 留学海外dialogue 1Mlko: What are the basic rules of applying to a US graduatc school?申请赴美读研究生,最基本的规则是什么呢?Kate: The earlier, the better.赶早不赶晚M: Is the process very complicated?程序是不是很复杂啊?K: Yes, tbc process is arduous, so make up your mind firmly before you begin applying.是的,这个过程很艰辛,所以在申请之

2、前要做好充分的心理准备M: What should be done first?那么首先应该做什么呢?K: Read related information about international study. And discuss with your family,teaherand friends.读一些关于出国留学的信息,并与家人、老师和朋友仔细商量M: This work should bedone before or after the GRE and arms?这应该在GRE和TOFEL考试之前还是之后呢?M: How long does a studcnt nccd to pr

3、epare for the two cxams?在考试之前 般准备这两项考试需要多久呢?K: HctShc needs at least six months to prepare for the two tests, but that also dcpends on his. her fevel of English.至少需要半年吧,不过这也因人而异,每个人的英语水平不一样M: OK. whats the next step?那么接下来应该做什么呢?K: Write to the chosen schools to ask for admission and scholarship appl

4、ication forms.下一步就要给你选择的学校写信,索要入学和奖学金申请表格M: What are the necessary application materials?那必要的申请材料都包括哪些呢?K: They usually includc a pcrsonal statement. lettcrs of recommendation official transcripts,CVkrsumc, study plan, scholarships and copies of your TOFEL and GRE scores.包括个人陈述、推荐信、官方学生成绩单、个人简历、学习计划

5、、经济能力证明、奖学金的申请材料、GRE和TOFEL成绩的复印件。M: Ok, got it. Thank you.好的,我明白了谢谢您!dialogue 2M: Would you like to go to work or continue your studies after graduation?毕业后你要参加工作,还是继续深造呢?K: I think I will my studics. Now its not easy for a graduate with bachelors dcgree to get a job since tbere an: so many graduatc

6、s with masters or doctors degree. We arelikely to lose in competing with them in the job markct.我想继续深造现在本科生毕业找工作并不容易,很多人都有硕士学位和博士学位,和他们竞争,我们很可能失败M: So you will continue to study for a mastcrs degree?所以你想接着攻读硕士学位,对吗?K:Wc, I think so. But I am thinking of going aboard to get a masters and doctors degr

7、ee. If can get a Ph.D. abroad, it will bc much for me to get a good job at home.是的不过我想出田读硕士和博士如果我能在国外掌到博士学位的话,在国内找工作会稍微容易一些。M: How can you finance your education abofurd? It is vcry cxpcnsiVc to study abroad.那你的学费怎么办呢?出国留学需要很大一笔饯的K: I think I will try to get the scholarship since I really dont havc

8、so much money to study abroad. Actually now I am preping for the TEFOL and GRE exams. If I can get highmarks in the two coms and if I am lucky cnou8h, I may get a scholarskip.我想尽量争取奖学金,我没有太多线留学,现在我正在准备TOFEL和GRE考试如果我能考高分并足够幸运的话,就可以拿到奖学金。M: It could be pretty tough studying abroad. Being so far away from bome-留学海外很艰辛的,离家太远了K: Well, I know studying abroad may In be casy, but I am ready for any hardsbips. I know I will be plunging into a totally strange cnvironmcnt.是的,我知道留学并不容易,不过我已经做好了充分的准备我知道我将会处在一个完全陌生的环境中。M: Good luck!好的,祝你好运!



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