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1、口译必备短语1. a far cry from 与差距很大2. abide by 坚持, 遵守3. adhere to 坚持, 追随, 拥护4. apart from 除了5. all in all 总而言之6. all out 竭尽全力7. along with 连同.一起8. according to 根据9. accord with 符合, 与一致10. around the clock / twenty-four seven 全天候,毫不疲倦地, 不松劲地11. as is often the case with 这是常有的事12. as the case maybe 看情况而定13.

2、 as far as is concerned 就而言14. as for / as to. 至于、关于15. at short notice 临时得到通知; 在短时间内16. as long as 只要17. at the expense of 以. 为代价; 在损害.的情况下18. at large 普遍19. at the very beginning 最初、一开始20. attempt to 尝试, 企图去做(某事)21. attribute to 归因于22. as we all know 众所周知23. be crowned with success 取得成效24. be crow

3、ned as 被誉为25. be faced with 面临26. be geared to 使适合27. be geared to international standards 与国际接轨28. be meant for 旨在,针对29. be open to 对. 持开明态度30. bear on 有关31. beat around the bush 拐弯抹角32. besides the mark 离题, 不相关33. bring . under control 稳住34. bring home to 使. 领悟到,认识到35. bring oneself to 下决心,奋力36. b

4、ring about 实现37. beyond popularity 不受欢迎的38. bring forth 推进、推出39. by a big margin 大幅度40. by a hairs breath 极小的差距; 一发之差41. by accident / by chance 偶然, 意外地42. by and large 大体上, 基本上43. by comparison / by contrast 和.成对照; 和.比起来; 相反44. by degrees 逐渐地45. by leaps and bounds 飞跃地, 迅速地, 日新月异46. call for 要求, 提倡

5、47. carry forward 发扬,继承48. cheer to 为干杯49. come to a successful completion 圆满成功50. come to terms of 就达成协议; 妥协51. conform to the norm 符合标准, 规范52. count for nothing 毫无价值53. date back / be traced back / be tracked back 追溯到54. declare open / declare the commencement of 宣布开幕55. declare the conclusion / c

6、losing of. 宣布.闭幕56. drink to 为 干杯57. do the trick 达到效果、获得成功58. do well in 在.做得好59. during . / in the process of 在.的期间, 在.的时候60. dwell on 细想; 详述61. due to 由于62. embark on 开始、着手于63. exchange notes on 就. 交换意见、进行磋商64. extend . welcome(gratitude, congratulations. . . )to 向. 致以欢迎 (感谢,祝贺. )65. fall back up

7、on 依靠; 退守66. feel free to 无所拘束地去.67. find time to 抽时间(做某事)68. first and foremost 首先, 首要地69. for all the world 无论如何(也不)70. for once 只这一次71. for the time being 就目前来说72. forge ahead 向前迈进, 渐渐赶上73. fresh from 刚刚、才74. from then to now 从那时一直到现在75. gain ground 发展; 普及76. get down to business 讨论实质问题77. get th

8、e better of 智胜、打败78. give full play to 充分发挥79. give full /greater scope to 给予充分发挥的余地或机会80. give in 让步81. go a good way (对.)非常有效, (对.)大有帮助82. go out of ones way to 尽全力(去做某事)83. give priority to 重点84. go to great lengths to do 尽全力(去做某事)85. good for nothing 毫无用处86. have a good opinion of 对. 评价高87. have

9、 a mind to 想做某事88. have seen better days 有过更好的日子 (对目前情况失望、批评的婉转说法 )89. have the edge on sb. 胜过某人90. heart and soul 全力91. hold good 仍然有效92. hold forth on 对大加评论93. honor WTO commitment 恪守入世诺言94. Id like to call your attention here.在此我想提醒大家注意95. identify in very explicit terms 明确阐述96. ill at ease 不自在97

10、. in a nutshell 简单地, 简而言之98. in a sense 从某种意义上99. in a timely fashion / manner 及时地100. in addition to 除了, 另外101. in advance 提前102. in an arbitrary fashion 随意地103. in an effort to 努力, 尝试, 企图去做(某事)104. in broad outlines 概况105. in a wide range of areas 就广泛领域里106. in compliance with 顺从107. in conformity

11、 with 和.相适应, 和.一致,符合,遵照108. in closing 最后; 在我结束讲话之前109. in essence 关键, 本质上, 其实110. in favor of 赞同, 有利于111. in depth 深入112. in full swing 全面展开113. in great demand 有需求, 销路很好114. in identical fashion 以相同的模式115. in my own name 以我个人的名义116. in need of 需要117. in respect of 关于118. in terms of 关于; 至于119. in

12、real earnest 认真地120. in the air 悬而未决121. in the broad sense 从广义说122. in the cause of 为.而.123. in the face of 面对124. in the final analysis 归根结底125. in the interest of 为. 的利益; 从. 利益出发126. in the light of 根据127. in the long run 最后; 长远打算128. in the main 大体上129. in the pursuit of 追求、奉行130. in the service

13、 of 为. 服务; 造福于131. in the spirit of 本着的精神132. in the vicinity of 附近、左右、光景133. in the way of 关于方面134. in this regard 在这方面135. in utmost sincerity 以最大的诚意136. in view of / owing to 考虑到, 由于137. individual-oriented / team-oriented 个人取向的 / 团队取向的138. its necessary and imperative for 很有必要139. just around th

14、e corner 就快到来了; 刚刚出现140. just over the horizon 刚刚出现、新兴141. keep a firm grip on 紧紧抓住142. keep body and soul together 仅能维持生活143. keep pace with the times 与时俱进144. last but not least 最后, (但非不重要的一点)/另外重要的一点145. let alone (连都) 不要说146. lay equal stress on 视同等重要; 并重147. live up to the expectation of不让失望、实现

15、的期望148. live in harmony 和睦相处149. loose no time in 抓紧150. make a point of 强调151. make both ends meet 收支平衡; 日子还过得去152. make concessions 让步153. make head or tail of 弄清楚154. make out 辨认、理解、设法应付155. next to impossible 几乎不可能156. no better than to 几乎等于157. not to mention 不要提158. nothing more than 只不过159. nothing short of 完全是; 简直可以说是160. of all walks of life 各界人士161. of great assistance to 对 帮助很大162. of pioneering sign


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