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1、8A Unit 5 Wild animals Self-assessment主备:季芳教学目标:知识目标:1。本单元词汇的用法级掌握构词法。2.may 的用法3.正确使用动词词不定式能力目标:正确理解本单元所学话题、词汇、语法、语音等内容情感目标:通过reading 复习进一步激发学生爱护野生动物的兴趣。教学重难点:巩固本单元的语法教学环节:一、“15分钟温故、自学、群学”环节预习作业&预习交流:A.本单元重点单词回顾B.本单元重点词组回顾1. 在野外 2. 同情3. 事实上 4. 看起来如此可爱5. 出生 6. 看起来像7. 在4个月的时候 8. 不再9. 一开始 10. 照看,照顾11.

2、因此 12. 处于危险中13. 采取行动 14. 立刻,马上15. 建立更多的熊猫保护区 16. 在出生时17. 颁布法律保护老虎. Check the phrases in groups and highlight some difficult phrases. Remember them in a limited time. . Translate the phrases in different forms of activities. C.语法回顾A. Using may for possibity Exercise One1. - _ I ask you a question? -

3、Sure. A. May B. Would C. Do2. -How nice the building is! What is it for? -It _ a hotel. But Im not sure. A. must be B. have to be C. may be D. can be 3. - Mum, _ I go out with my friends this Friday evening? - No. You _ stay at home and do your homework.A. may, can B. may, must C. can, wouldB. Using

4、 verbs + to-infinitivesExercise Two1.You need to take notes at the meeting so make sure_ a pen and some paper with you. A. bring B. bringing C. to bring D. not bring2. The students are preparing _ a party this afternoon. A. to have B. to having C. have D. having. Check the answers in groups. . Expla

5、in some difficult problems or encourage the students to explain them. 二、“20分钟展示交流质疑、训练点拨提高”环节A. 小组合作学习Exercises . 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词1. Those animals should stay in the _ (野外). 2. Maybe someday these animals will be _ (无处).3. Doing eye exercises is good for _ (保护) our eyes.4. Its our turn to take some _ (

6、行动) to help the animals. 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空,使句子通顺。 1. At the _ (begin) of the 21st century, many young people liked wearing jeans.2. He looked _ (sad) at the broken toy car.3. I decided _ (work) hard from then on.4. I plan _ (play) football this Saturday.5. Dont forget _ (lock) the door when you leave h

7、ere.B. 自我巩固学习Exercise One 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1._(sad) , my pet dog died last night.2. The _ (lose) of sleep will make you sad.3.The number of the students in our school is becoming _ and _ (small).4. Many wild animals are in _ (dangerous) now.5. White _ (mouse) are lovely animal.Exercise Two 单项选择 1. My fa

8、ther stayed at home because of _ . A. ill B. sick C. sicking D. sickness2. Bears are good at climbing and _ .A. swim B. swims C. swiming D. swimming3. Wild animals need _ .A. us protection B. we protect C. our protect D. our protection4. People hunt elephants _ their tusks .A. with B. from C. for D.

9、 on 5. I did not watch TV last night I had a lot of homework to do.A. if B. because C. when D. but6. If Simon _ hard, he _ good at English.A. work; is B. works; is C. works; will be D. will work; will be7. How much did you _ on your new bike? A. pay B. take C. buy D. spend8. All the students will wr

10、ite a report _ wild animals _ next week. A. on;in B.on; 不填 C. to; in D. to; 不填 . Finish the exercises in a limited time. . Check and discuss in groups. . The teacher tries to find out some common problems and highlight the key words and important point of this problem.三、“10分钟当堂检测、反馈、矫正”环节(一、)见导学案87页

11、的当堂检测部分内容。(二、)根据下面的中文提示,写一篇关于大熊猫的短文,不少于80词。提示:1. 大熊猫是黑白相间的性情温和的动物; 2. 6个月前,它们每天喝妈妈的奶达14个小时,6个月大时,它们开始以嫩竹和树叶为食; 3. 现在全世界仅有约1000头大熊猫,而且数量正在变得越来越少; 4. 农民们持续占用土地,大熊猫失去了生存空间; 5. 我们应该采取措施,保护大熊猫。四、课后作业:1.复习整个单元,准备章节考试。2.预习Unit6第一课时,并完成预习作业。教学设计意图:“self-assessment”,要求学生根据表格所列的条目,回顾本单元所学话题、词汇、语法、语音等内容,检测自身掌握

12、情况,并加以评价,以达到查漏补缺,完善学习的目的。该评价表要求明确,活动形式具体,给英语复习课指引了方向。鉴于我认为,以话题为主线、活动为载体,走整合、拓展与思维能力培养的结合之路是提高复习课有效性的一条有效途径。 教学点评:l研读“self-assessment”,明晰教学目标;立足“self-assessment”,设计教学活动;巧用“self-assessment”,适时检测反馈。避免单纯传授语言知识,应在课堂教学中采用实践性强,具有明确目标的任务型教学方式,使学生带着明确的任务目标,积极主动地学习。在完成任务的过程中,学生通过实践,思考,调查,讨论,交流和合作等方式学习和使用英语。在发展学生的语言能力同时,强化其学习动机,提高其学习兴趣,培养其合作精神,使其形成学习策略,并增进其对英语文化的理解。 2



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