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1、第四部分 动物世界(四)6.Cmelsre Veryseful Ail骆驼是非常有用的动物骆驼和其她动物不同样,特别耐饥耐渴。人们能骑着骆驼横穿沙漠,因此骆驼有着“沙漠之舟”的美称。骆驼的驼峰里贮存着脂肪,这些脂肪在骆驼得不到食物的时候,可以分解成骆驼身体所需要的养分,供骆驼生存需要。骆驼可以持续四五天不进食,就是靠驼峰里的脂肪。此外,骆驼的胃里有许多瓶子形状的小泡泡,那是骆驼贮存水的地方,这些“瓶子”里的水使骆驼虽然几天不喝水,也不会有生命危险。更重要的是,它对水有极其敏感的嗅觉,且奔跑速度快,是人们度过沙漠最抱负的交通工具。Cams a lage aims thatave hmps o h

2、eir bcks ne kind o camel, cledthe Araian amel, has o hmphe other nd has twohmsCasrever usefl nimas, esecialy in esert area.They ar rallywothyof t nm “ebat ofdesert” bcause te cn carry eple an hevy gos across a est. Teycan walk a log ay without drinking. ometimes they nelp hir master find watrurcebec

3、ethey can mel watein the distanc.ame oh frst kidlive in dest aas o Asi and Nort fra hy hav longe lgs ttose of tecn k that i in eta siabetwee hina nd In. For theson,the are epecaly god orriding. Camels ca ru bout fiteen kilometers n our.Ringaael is quie dfeent foming a hrse because acal moves bo righ

4、t leg tgher adthen bohet lgAabian ame hve soft fin irhichgets dker s the camel ages.Th other cams, whh lii coler as, hveshgy hairhic s she in the spig hn it is unnecessyin h wamwathermprhensio Questio:1. om the pasaew kno camels are diferet fom hoses n thewatt _ the wal d run. B. ey ayting.C.hrses a

5、e fatertha amls.D camls arearger a eaviethahrs.liven Cina minly in wintr. D av sftfie hair.5.The est camel t ride s _A h cael whch has twhps. . the iese camel.C.thecamelwhic lives idesert eas of ind NorthAfc. thecmel whichves in cld aeas.(BB)17Moky Are Mr le ThnOths猴子比别的动物更聪颖人类的祖先就是猿猴,因此,猴子是聪颖的动物。它在

6、学习、领悟、技能方面胜于其她动物。它的模仿能力和学习速度有明显的优势,通过一段时间的专业训练后,猴子可以表演比较复杂和有难度的动作。在学习与操作方面,猴子的确更胜一筹。Auversy professr ecenty ade seveal experimentsih ifren anis tofid ou which s the mostntellient He fouthatthe mnkey was m intellgen th ot aims.Inon eerimnt the prfesort monkeyin aroom werethere weeseveral sa boxes. So

7、mboxes were s ter boxsOn small box had ome food insideTheproforwanted t wath thmnkey andto ind ut ho long it would tketemokey ndthe food.Th presor lefhe ro. He waieda fewmnues outsd e door.Te e neled doand pt isye to he keyle. hdd h see?To his sui eound himself ooing diectly in teeye of th moke. Te

8、monky was t ote ide th,loing at e pofesor thrgh the hoe.n amagazine rentther wre eral pture f aoter mokey. Tmoney blog o awman n ongIslan.Th woi anAericahouwif.Se as had te monk many ears. Te onkey i apet. Some peope hve dogsorca aspts. Th omanhastemkys a pet T ineresi f bou e mkey sat itcnwash ishe

9、s. He wshes dishes fo he womn ee da. Hlike toash dishe. Hewl sped houraftrorwig ishesHe nver brasadsh.But omtimes hewshesthesme dishes erandor. If th oanries to st hm,he then gets angry begn totrishesill diretions.Bu thids not happenve ote.Coprhensonuestns:Dhethethe money ws loking t he oeso thoug h

10、ekeyhole. htmigt be prfessorsresowhen he foud th onk waslookinathi?_A. Srprsed andiappointd. B.Spried nd amusd.C. Surprise nd puzzl. D. Suprised dpe.4.Whatinteress e wrter mo about te se key is that _ A. wshs te dihes overand ove. B. i n ash dises.C. i ebreaks a ish. D.al h above.5. What mih hwmn d

11、ate t monky trewdishes? _A. Se mgh ge away he oney.B.Sh mightlt t monkey go o doin iC. Shwould top h monkey froahng hD. Sh mih kthe mnkeyoie nver t throwshs agai.(CCDB). Cs And e Naps猫和猫打盹猫打盹的样子估计是它最可爱的时刻了。而一到夜晚,猫儿打完了盹,就要开始行动了,所谓“夜猫子”一词,就是形容猫儿昼伏夜出、异常活跃的样子。它的精力哪里来?就是忙里偷闲地打个盹,这样才干迅速地恢复精力和体力,更饱满地投入到活动中

12、。为了健康和工作,读了这篇文章我们也许从中得到某些启发。Cts areanimalsohabit Ty lik t go sleep abou thesame timeevery day an oa certain legth time.Theysem o have a tural cck isidethe that tells te whent sleep.Besides ti reguar slep,cats takenas.Sme sentists thin tapople holdlso ke ctnps.Thehabit would o gdto peopls ealth. Catas e buldup enery i he boy. Sineathavmoos k thse opeople, scientst eive tha peple prove he moods


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