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1、哈尔滨学院本科毕业论文设计题目:蔬菜中有机磷和氨基甲酸酯类农药残留量的快速检测院系理学院专 业化学年 级2007级姓 名XXX学 号07052108指导教师XXX职 称副教授2011年 6月 13 日目 录摘 要1Abstract2前 言4第一章实验局部61.1 仪器与试剂6仪器6试剂6 1.2 实验原理61.3 实验过程71.3.1溶液的配置71.3.2两点法残留农药速测71.3.3数据处理和计算公式8第二章 结果与讨论102.1 实验影响因素102.2 实验结果讨论10酶抑制剂法的优缺点10酶抑制剂法使用过程中应注意的几个问题102.3 分光光度法112.3.1实验步骤112.3.2结果计

2、算112.3.3实验结果分析122.3.4检测考前须知122.3.5分光光度法存在的问题探讨122.4 两种方法的讨论13第三章 结论14参考文献15致 谢16摘 要随着环保意识和健康意识的加强,农药残留危害性越来越受到重视。许多国家制订了食品中农药残留限量,加强了关键检测技术的研究和应用。传统的检测技术如气相色谱技术由于检测本钱高、检测时间长、不能对蔬菜进行有效的产前、产中、产后监督管理。为了有效地快速监督管理农药残留的直接危害,农药残留快速检测技术非常重要1。近几年,在各个领域展开了农药残留快速检测技术研究,快速检测技术突飞猛进。目前研究和应用较多的快速检测技术主要有活体检测法、化学检测法


4、酶的活性被抑制,底物就不被水解,当参加显色剂时就不显色或颜色变化很小3。用分光光度计在412nm处或农药残毒快速检测仪测定吸光值,根据计算出的抑制率,就可以判断蔬菜中含有机磷或氨基甲酸酯类农药残留量的情况。关键词:有机磷;氨基甲酸酯;分光光度法;酶抑制剂AbstractWith the enhancement of environmental protection consciousness and health consciousness, pesticide residue harmfulness has attracted the attention of people . Many c

5、ountries have drawn up the pesticide residue limit in food and have strengthened the research and application of key measurement technique. Traditional measurement technique such as gas chromatography technology cant give supervision and management to vegetable effectively before, during or after pr

6、oduction because of high cost and long test time. In order to supervise and manage the immediate harm of pesticide residues effectively, rapid measurement technique of pesticide residue is very important 1. In recent years, the research of rapid measurement technique of pesticide residue was develop

7、ed in all areas ,and rapid measurement technique was improved by leaps and bounds. At present ,main rapid measurement techniques include in vivo detection method, chemical detection method, enzyme inhibition method, immune analysis method and instrument analysis 2. The detection of Chinas agricultur

8、al products pesticide residue is in initial stage and the establishiment of detection method standard still lags behind the needs of the development of the agricultural product market. We should speed up the establishiment of detection standard , and excogitate detection method suitable for Chinas n

9、ational conditions, strengthening residue and popularize detection method to areas of production and sales at lower cost ,in order to improve the quality of agricultural products to make due contributions. In this paper, according to the principle that organophosphor and carbamate pesticide can rest

10、rain the activity of acetylcholine esterase, such biochemical reactions substrates as iodinated acetyl sulfur choline and acetylcholine esterase were added to abstraction solution of vegetables, if vegetables didnt contain organophosphor and carbamate pesticide residues or low residual, the enzyme a

11、ctivity would not be restrained, the substrate in experiment could be hydrolyzed by the enzyme, hydrolysate and chromogenic agent produced yellow substance.If the abstraction solution of vegetables contained high pesticide residues, the activity of enzymes was restrained, substrate would not be hydr

12、olyzed, The solution didnt show color or color change was very little, when chromogenic agent was added 3. Using spectrophotometer in 412 nm place or rapid detecting instrument of pesticides, absorption values were measured.According to the calculated inhibition rate, we could judge the residual amo

13、unt of organophosphor and carbamate pesticide in vegetables .Keywords: organophosphor;carbamic acid ester; spectrophotometric method; enzyme inhibito前 言目前农药残留的化学快速检测技术研究主要是根据有机磷农药的氧化复原特性。 有机磷农药磷酸酯、二硫代酸酯、磷酰胺在金属催化剂作用下水解为磷酸与醇,水解产物与检测液反响使检测液的紫红色褪去变成无色。本方法的特点是防止了使用酶的不稳定、不易保存,但该方法局限于有机磷灵敏度不高、易受一些复原性物质干扰3。

14、酶抑制技术在农药残留检测技术方面的研究进展中。酶抑制技术是研究比拟成熟、应用最广泛快速的农药残留检测技术;是根据有机磷和氨基甲酸酯类农药对乙酰胆碱酯酶的特异性生化反响建立起来的农药残留的微量和痕量快速检测技术2。国内外近几年对选用酶的种类、底物和检测方法做了大量的研究。碘代硫化乙酰胆碱为底物,二硫代二硝基苯甲酸和碳酸氢钠为显色剂,根据颜色的变化测定酶的活性。有机磷农药和氨基甲酸酯类农药抑制了的活性, 引起碘代硫化乙酰胆碱不能水解,造成积累,利用碘代硫化乙酰胆碱与二硫代二硝基苯甲酸反响生成黄色的巯基硝基苯甲酸。从而测定其吸光度即抑制率确定酶的活性根据酶的活性估算农药残留量4。目前国内大多农药速测




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