Lesson 2 Buying a Present[1]

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《Lesson 2 Buying a Present[1]》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Lesson 2 Buying a Present[1](3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Lesson 2 Buying a Present李丽佳一 教材分析 本课是新路径英语(三年级起点)五年级下册Lesson 2 Buying a Present 第一课时。本课学习询问价格的表达法“How much is it/How much are they?”以及回答“Its ./Theyre”。二 学情分析本课的教学对象是五年级的学生,他们有很强的表现欲望,模仿能力强,记忆力好,乐于参与形式多样的教学活动。大部分孩子对英语有浓厚的兴趣,愿意参与课堂活动,渴望受到老师的表扬和同学的肯定。三 教学目标1. 知识目标(1)学生能听懂,会说本课单词,要求语音准确,语调自然。(2)学生能用“H

2、ow much is it/How much are they?”询问价格及用“Its ./Theyre”回答。2. 能力目标(1)学生能自如地运用新单词和询问价格的对话。(2)培养学生创造性使用语言的能力,使他们获得一定的成就感。3. 情感目标(1) 激起学生探索新知的热情。(2) 通过本课学习,让学生知道生活是五彩缤纷的,我们要热爱生活。四 教学重难点1. shirt,phone,mobile phone 和shoes 的发音。2. 学生能在自如地运用对话“How much is it/How much are they?” “Its ./Theyre”。五 教具准备多媒体课件、卡片。六教

3、学过程Min教学流程教学活动学生活动设计意图2GreetingT: Time for class.T: Good morning, boys and girls.T: Nice to see you.T: I love you.T: Sit down, please.P1: Stand up.Ps: Good morning, Lily.Ps: Nice to see you, too.Ps: I love you, too.Ps: Thank you.师生通过问好创设和谐氛围。52481Lead inPresentationPracticeConsolidateHomeworkT: What

4、s this?(Guess presents in the box.)T: Today, well learn Lesson 2 Buying a Present T: Look at the picture.Whats it?Learn the new words.1.Rising-falling tone.2.High and low voice.3.Practice the new word.If you want to buy the beautiful skirt,you can ask“How| much is the skirt?”“Its yuan.”同样的方法学习复数形式的表

5、达。Show many pictures and use the new dialogues to describe them.Let pupils fill in the blanks on the books.Ask some pupils to show their dialogues.1. 熟读对话和单词。2. 与同伴练习对话。Ps: Guess.Learn the new words.Learn the new dialogues.Pupils ask and answer .Then finish the blanks.Show their dialogues.创设活跃的氛围,引入课题。两组问答,让学生练习问句。.七、 板书设计 Lesson 2 Buying a PresentA B C D shirt phone money shoes How much is/are the? Its yuan./Theyre yuan.


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