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1、ChptrSuma: Jane Eas alwa ill-teate atGathead all wher haut, Mrs. Reed ah cousns-Elza, John n Grgina lve. Oe, she aeadigon thenow-sea bin cra.ohn cameand rovehr away her nger, sh efened ef, bt e aunt ame and cmmanded olock her inhe ed-roo.Feeligs: I fel eally fo Jne as a child at h a. Imgne i eeher a

2、at tme, I may ive mself up and die rl. ve iffacig ch bd iatio, she still lovedreading. I dmre hereymuchChater2ummar: a wsdragged way byt ervats, Bess andMss bb, an lce inh red-room It wah lacehere h Unce Reedded Ths, the whole atosphreemded erof ghot. Sheouldnt std it anyore nd pased otFeli: I cante

3、lflin that Jae asuferin ome ind of metl disase becaus herant n csins attitudetwars er. Poo itt chld!I hoe som time ntheture it cn be heledChapter3Summary: hedoct Mr loyd a tos if Jn was.e askedher wheershwoulli t go to schooorn and t was al.Meahile,i At toldBessie bot ane. Hermothew M.Redssister. Se

4、 rred anerly pennleslrgyman,an her father ws furiousand d nting mre to do wth her. The went awa tork amng poor peope, caugttyphoid, and die wenMis Janwas a bb, o she as entoGshea Hal Bssie etsorry te hearing thee.Feeins: awunfortae, but tosoeextt,sh as eally luky. Se hd smne lke Besi who caed aouthe

5、r I hink Jane wiltar nwlife at scool.Cater4ummr: Janewsintducedto chool headmst MBrolehust. Her ut talkbdabo he t that al,gri man, whic eans her schoo life ddn have goodeinig.Feelings: Ijut elsikfor Mrs. eeds beavior. eanno judge thes matter what, l alon sewasJanes aut. a she h onecoud probl detroy

6、Janwole ife!Chapter5ur: J arriveata school a Lowood Th livincondition ter wa rly poor. Girlsther nly haa itlfood to eat an oe of itculdnt becaled as “food”Btherwas tachr le Mis Millrwh cred about th irl, orering etra breadandchee o thm.Felings: I nder why earth tere as a chol likeha n th pt. Wat ind

7、 o parenswuldnd her children tohl on at? Im wr abou ne right now.Chpter6Sumay: l wasfried of Jan wheshe was at sol. hwas a teachercaled Mss Scatcherd wo asalway dicted agnstHeeShescoded Helen henver e aa chance. But Helen was petty positive toard these.Se beived thatince life wasshor,w shde hppyeeli

8、gs: elenhd strong caracas akid.I tnth ust dueto herarly peience s norhanhe old fac anyhngeaefully. Many adult cat dtat inmy opiio.ChatrSuar: Mr. roceurst nnoncd to a theirlsin he schol th Jae wasa larand h arnedthem aaist her ut Helen trused her and aveher ouragFeig: It re to say bd hngs about other

9、snmatte infront of e o bnd thirk. r.Brockleurst behaviorcanbe rally hurulChaper8ummary: MissTeplws aother rn ho cose to eleveJane. he ake Mr. Lyd wehe Janes sid of stoy wastrue.As Mr Llod connd Janes wd, Miss emplennuced to th soo thatane was inocn ofr.Boclurtschages aanst hrelings: iss Temple a kd

10、of rson ho gie you light of opwhn youaretul down. great luckto h suh a person be your sidnd upportuI tin iss Teml will influenceJane hroghouth lifetime.Capter9Summar: Tphod feer truck Loo he sprin am. Th, anyof te stuts e kept apt Hee a also ll, n typod bt ith onpion.Kowing Helenmightdie son, n culd

11、n hep tpoing to the oom Hele staed in o e with hrs her latcompany. Tynt a nighttgete ad Helen dii Janes a uing hr drameelgs: Hlensdeatwa rtlos for Jane in my opnion.Bnhw, Helenpirit leaves a epipe on me, an lve,oneveye h hs ever reathis book.Chate10uary: Son atee typhod, therwasa inqiry, ich buht to

12、 ih hetruth abo Lwodwith irethedclothing,poor fod,and bad onditos. Loood waspu ino the care f kind adsnsible trusts, and oth diet and clothing imoved.Aer ix yers of study tre, Jane becm a eacheAfterhe tuo both instudy and inlfe,MissTemle,ge maried ad left, Jn decidd to leave a wll. O hr st nh at Lood,Besie viitedh wt hr son Bb Se brht te nes abouGateshead Jane.Feligs: Itstim


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