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1、实用精品文献资料分享七年级下册Unit 6Its raining教案七年级下册Un it 6Its raining 教案Lan guage goals In this unit stude nts lear n to talk about the weather and talk about what people are doing. Newlanguage What are you doing? rm watchi ng TV Whats he doing? Hes playi ng basketball. Whats she doing? Shes cook ing. What are

2、they doing? Theyre study ing. Hows the weather? Its raining.Secti on AWrite the question. What are you doing? on the board.Read the question and ask the class to repeat it. Then act out an activity stude nts are already familiar with, point to the questi on and have stude nts repeat it. An swer the

3、questi on using the target Ian guage. For example, you might prete nd to be read ing a book,playing soccer, playing the guitar or writing your name.When the class asks, What are you doing?, you answer,Im reading a book, and so forth. 1 a This activity introduces the key vocabulary. Focus atte nti on

4、 on the cities in the picture.Ask, What s the weather like here? If they cant answer, supply theword and ask the class to repeat it. Say a sentence or two about each kind of weather. For example, Its rainings it raining here today? Point out the nu mbered list of words. Say each one and ask stude nt

5、s to repeat the words aga in. Then ask students to match each word with one of the cities in the picture. Say, Write the letter of each city next to one of the ivords.Point out the sample an swer. Check the an swers. 1 b This activity gives stude nts practice in un dersta nding the target Ianguage i

6、n spoken conversation. Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.Say, You will hear four different conversations.Each one is about the weather in a differentcity.Point to each city in the picture as it comes up on the tape.Play the recording a second time. Ask students to write the nam

7、e of the city in the picture of its weather. Say, The first one has been done for you. Beijing is written in the picture of sunny weather. It is sunny in Beijing. Correct the answers. 1 c This activity provides guided oral practice using the targetIanguage. Point out the example conversation.Ask two

8、 studentsto read the dialogue to the class. Say, Nowwork with a partner. Make your own conv ersati ons about the weather in these five places. As the pairs talk, movearound the room monitoring their work. Offer Ian guage or pronun ciatio n support as n eeded. Ask several pairs to prese nt their conv

9、 ersati ons to the class. 2a This activity gives stude nts practice in un dersta nding the target Ianguage in spoken conversation. Point to the four pictures.Ask students to tell what each person is doing in eachpicture. For example, This boy is talk ing on the pho ne. This man is play ing basketbal

10、l. Supply vocabulary words as n eeded.Play the recording the first time. Students only listen. Play the recording a second time. This time, ask students to listen to the record ing and nu mber the pictures 1 through 4 to show what each person is doing. Correct the answers. 2b This activity provides

11、liste ning practice using the target Ian guage. Point out the list of namesand the list of activities.Aska differentstudent to read each list to the class. Say, Now I will play the recording again. This time,please match each name with an activity. Write the letter of an activity in front of each na

12、me. Point out the sample answer for number 1. Play the recording and have stude nts fill in the rest of the an swers. , Correct the an swers. 2c This activity provides guided oral practice using the target Ian guage. Call atte nti on to the four people in the picture in activity 2a. Ask stude nts to

13、 say someth ing about each person. Guide students to use the words and phrases play ing basketball, cook in g, ivatchi ng TV, and play ingcomputer games. Point out the sample conversation in the speech bubbles and have a pair of stude nts read it to the class. Say, Now please work with a part ner. M

14、ake conv ersati ons like this one. Talk about the people in the I pictures. As students work in pairs, movearound the room monitoring progress and offering assista nee, if n eeded. Ask some pairs to prese nt their conv ersati ons to the class. 3a This activity in troduces more key vocabulary. Call a

15、tte ntio n to the faces. Ask stude nts to point to and describe each face using whatever vocabulary they can.Help students to identify how each person is feeling. For example, ask a student. Look at this face. Is it happy? Is it un happy? Then point to the four words. Say the words and ask students

16、to repeat each one. Use your tone of voice and facial expressi ons to rein force the meaning of each. Add your own simple explanations of what each one means.For example: Not bad. This means something is not very good, but its also not very bad. Its in the middle. After that, ask students to match each numbered phrase with a face by writing the letter of each face in the blank in front of the correct phrase.As students work, move around th



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