2022年高二上学期第一次调研 英语试题

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1、2022年高二上学期第一次调研 英语试题第I卷(选择题)一、单项选择1The fact that fun is not equal to happiness may be the opposite of _ many people actually understand.A. whyB. thatC. whichD. what2What do you think _ makes the English version of the musical Notre Dame de Paris different from the previous ones?A. is it thatB. that

2、it is C. that is itD. it is that3The joy of life is a deep spring. Only when digging deep _ clear and sweet water.A. you can drawB. did you drawC. can you drawD. you draw4Rare species in the world, _ by hundreds every year, must be jointly preserved by all countries, or humans will encounter ecologi

3、cal disaster in the near future. A. disappeared B. disappearing C. disappear D.having disappeared5English is a course for anyone in university, _ his or her major or previous educational qualifications are. A. whateverB. whether C. howeverD. no matter6-I bet you will go on a trip after graduation. -

4、_. I cant wait! A. Surely I willB. Go aheadC. Take it easyD. My pleasure7In order to _ his muscle, Mike goes to the gym regularly to do exercise. A. sharpenB. brightenC. strengthenD. deepen8Wherever such an area is located, it will be immediately _ by the enemy if armed forces are lacking. A. takenB

5、. caughtC. occupiedD. kept9His hard work paid_ when he got the result. v A. backB. overC. offD. for10Sometimes Im dying _ him about it. A. tellB. to tellC. tellingD. of telling11The poet and pianist is going to give us a talk this afternoon.A. a B. the C. 不填 D. an12What I want to know is _ he likes

6、the gift given by us.A. that B. if C. whether D.不填13Can I pay the bill by check? Sorry, sirBut it is the management rules of our hotel that payment _ be made in cashAshallBneed Cwill Dcan14- You should have finished your homework, I gave your much time.- Sorry, but I_ it.A. had forgotten B. forgot C

7、. was forgotten D. forget15With all his attention _ on the puter game, the boy even didnt notice his mother came in. A. was fixing B. was fixed C. fixing D. fixed二、完型填空Dash of HopeDash is a symbol which represents every day weve spent alive on earth. Therefore, how you spend your dash is important.

8、Recently I 36 about a little girl named Hope. After learning more about her life, I couldnt help but feel it was not by 37 , nor happenstance(意外事件), that she had been named Hope. The strong feeling of sympathy and generosity 38 in her young heart made a lasting impression on me and countless others.

9、 39 I never had the opportunity to meet her, I wish I had. It seems as though she was wise beyond her tender years and very, very special. Hope was a twelve-year-old girl who was 40 a wish in early December xx by the Make-A-Wish Foundation after being 41 that she had a rare type of bone cancer. Howe

10、ver, when she found out that more than 150 42 in her area were waiting for their wishes to be achieved , she unselfishly used her wish to 43 that those children have their wishes granted. She also asked that it be done 44 January 16, 2011. Unfortunately, however, the organization informed her that h

11、er 45 request could not be granted as the funds were simply 46 . They calculated that they would need to raise more than one 47 dollars in thirty days in order to grant her wish. 48 , but not discouraged, she turned her disappointment into an enthusiasm that inspired caring 49 to take up helping gra

12、nt the wishes of the other children, and eventually 50 as well. Newspaper columnists and reporters for radio and TV stations 51 the story of this caring young girl who had 52 the hearts of so many and as word spread, the munity was challenged. mittees were fanned and schools, corporations and variou

13、s organizations assisted in 53 money to help make Hopes dream e true. Her efforts were not in vain as they continue to help others, not only 54 , but spiritually and emotionally as well. At the gathering to celebrate her life, A Celebration of Hope on January 16, 2011 , the 55 was made that they had

14、 indeed received donations totaling more than one million dollars. Her wish had been granted!16A. heard B. thought C. cared D. talked17A. coincidenceB. independence C. convenienceD. intelligence18A. lostB. carriedC. expectedD. housed19A. UntilB. Unless C. ThoughD. If20A. expressedB. offeredC. madeD. sent21A. recognizedB. informedC. remindedD. understood22A. childrenB. citizensC. villagersD. relatives23A. suggestB. askC. arrangeD. order24A. forB. toC. onD. by25A. finalB. formalC. simpleD. noble26A. unbeara


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