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1、文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! 八年级下期中复习基础知识1一百年以后in 100 years=100 years later=100 years from now (一段时间+from now) 2活到200岁live to be 200 years old live=lived3 在家学习study at home study=studied4爱上.fall in love with sth. ( Fallfell掉 feelfelt感觉)5 养一只宠物鹦鹉keep a pet parrot keep=kept6 独居live alone live=lived7在大学/中学i

2、n college/high school 8在太空站上on a space station9 看上去时髦look smart (look+ adj )10穿一套衣服wear a suit wear=wore11穿着更随意dress more casually12飞向月球fly to the moon fly=flew13世界杯the World Cup14 公司领导the head of the company15 实现come true come=came16 能,会be able to/can17帮做家务活help with the housework18厌倦.get/be bored

3、(of)19未来,将来in the future 20有自己机器人have ones own robot (ones为形容词性物主代词,如my,his,her)21 数以百计hundreds of (数词+hundred hundreds + of)22就像.just like23似乎不可能seem impossible (It seems+ that从句) seem=seemed24 从现在开始from now (on)=in the future25赢得比赛win the match win=won26住在公寓里live in an apartment27 奥运会OlympicGames2

4、8打赌beton bet=bet29纸币papermoney 30 信作卡creditcard31五年前five years ago.32一张纸a piece of paper 33遥远far away34似乎是.it seems that.35对.来说做.是可能的It is possible for sb. to do sth36少于less than37 多于,超过more than (a lot, a little, a bit, a great deal of)(rather)(still)(no)38 更多的人a lot more people(修饰形容词比较级口诀歌-四A确实仍然没

5、有任何马骑,甚至说,怎么走远)any much even far39较少的污染less pollution.40科幻小说science fiction41一本有用的字典a useful dictionary(辅音音素开头,用a)42一条污染的河a polluted river43令人愉快的一天a pleasant day44 与.一样the same as45到处here and there46 一遍又一遍over and over again47 尽力做(某事)try to do sth try doing sth尝试做(某事) try=tried48使.做.make sb do sth.

6、Make=made49距.远,远离far from (far away /far away from)50在因特网上on the Internet51在电脑上on computers52做预言make predictions53自给自足work for myself work=worked54看见某人说话see sb talk see sb do sth看见整个动作的全过程 see sb doing sth看见某动作正在发生 see=saw55不尽人意的工作unpleasant jobs56花上.(时间).take(period of time) take=took57电动牙刷electric

7、 toothbrushes58在太空站生活live on a space station59同我最好的朋友们住在公寓里live in an apartment with my best friends60未来的人们people in the future61 和我们做同样的事情do the same things as us62观看起来趣味盎然be fun to watch63到处将有更多的机器人There will be more robots everywhere64 寻找在建筑物底下的人们Look for people under buildings65 留在外面,不进人keep out

8、66打电话给某人call sb.up(ring sb, up)67与相同the same as= be differentfrom68为.做好准备be ready for69为.作准备get ready for(to do sth.)70过时的;落伍的out of style=in style71与某人争吵argue with/have an argument with sb72为.付款;付钱pay for73向某人借某物borrow sth from sb =lend sth to sb74 给某人提建义give sb. some advice(不可数,a piece of advice)7

9、5 找出find out=look for=find find=found76足够的钱enough money (enough+名词 形容词/副词+enough) 77 把作业忘在家里leave my homework at home leave=left78与.打架have a fight with sb 79找一份兼职工作get a part-time job80与.相处好get on well with sb81用电话交谈,通过电话on the phone82 写信给.write (a letter)to sb write=wrote83 使.感到惊奇to ones surprise84

10、惊奇地in surprise85对感到惊奇be surprised (at/that.)86谈论talk about talk=talked87想要做want sb to do sth want=wanted88 一张球赛的票a ticket to a ball game89 开一个烧烤卖场have a bake sale90要., 寻求ask for ask=asked91 给.买.buy sth. for sb. Buy=bought92加入俱乐部join a club ( take part in/join/join in)93找一名家庭教师get a tutor94邀请.做.invit

11、e sb to do sth95归还,返还give back(return)96直.到才not.until97有压力under pressure98很快吃早餐have a quick breakfast99各种各样all kinds of100 在小小年纪at a young age101有.要做have sth to do102运动服sports clothes103 更友好more friendly104 考试不及格fail the exam105考试及格pass the exam106心烦的be upset107为.抱怨complain about108 够忙的busy enough10

12、9当今,现在these days110找到休闲的方法find ways to relax111做调查do a survey112 对代,处置do with=deal with113 有组织的活动organized activities114 独自by oneself115 该做Its time for sth /doing sth Its time to do sth116 参加take part in/join/join in117一方面另一方面on the one handon the other hand118到达arrive at/in=reach=get to119一名电视台记者a

13、TV repoter120在(外部)前面in front of121在(内部)前面in the front of122 从 出来get out of get=got123 睡懒觉sleep late sleep=slept124在图书馆in(at) the library125航空博物馆the Museum of Flight126 买一个纪念品buy a souvenir buy=bought127报警call the police call=called128 打电话给电视台call the TV station129打电话给报社call the newspaper130起飞take off take



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