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1、四川职科技业技术学院毕业设计(论文)(专科2012届) 院(系):移动通信与软件学院 课 题: 基于单片机的简易电子琴 专 业:电子信息工程技术 班 级:电信1班 学生姓名:宁莎 指导老师: 学 号:201201010121 日 期:20 年 月 日目 录摘要Abstract 第一章 绪论61. 1 课题背景61. 2 本文所做的主要工作7第二章 系统方案设计及主控芯片介绍 82. 1主体方案8 2. 1 电子琴的总体框图8 22 主控芯片AT89C51的结构与原理102.2.1 AT89C51单片机的结构10 2.2.2 AT89C51单片机的工作原理 15 第三章 硬件电路设计17 3.

2、1发声电路173. 2 数码管显示电路19 3. 3 电源电路设计2034 键盘设计21第四章 乐曲声音算法2341音乐频率的实现2342音乐节拍的实现24第五章 系统软件设计2851系统程序流程2852 键盘扫描程序流程图29总结 30 致谢 31 参考文献 32 附录1 33 程序34 1摘 要 在现代各种生活中,电子琴作为一种音乐型玩具 ,广泛用于与人们的日常生活中。市场上有各种各样的电子琴。特别是日本产的,音质优美,它是有专门的音乐控制芯片制造的。由于其价格较贵,无法大面积普及,且功能单一。用89c51作为主控中心,研制一种简易的微型电子琴,尽可能地体现较好的音质来,是一种可做的尝试。


4、控制定时器产生方波的频率和该频率方波的持续时间.当延迟常数到时,再查下一个音符的定时常数和延迟常数.依次进行下去,就可演奏悦耳动听的音乐.主要实现 1能够发出1.等七个音符。2能自动演奏完,自选的一首歌曲两种功能。关键字:简易电子琴 单片机 矩阵键盘 定时器AbstractIn the modern variety of life, the flower as a musical toys, widely used and peoples daily life. There are all kinds of market flower. Japan is particul

5、arly middle, sounding, it is a dedicated music control of the chip maker. Because of its expensive price, not a popular area, and single function. 89 c51 used as a control centre, the development of a simple micro-organ, as far as possible, to reflect a better quality, is an attempt to do. MCU core

6、design for a simple flower, from the button scanning circuit, a driver circuit voice, reset circuit, such as modules, is a more practical and inexpensive electronic toys. In this paper the design of simple flower, which are divided into two parts, hardware circuit design and software design. Hardwar

7、e circuit design to AT89S51 microcontroller for the control board, supported by the expansion of the external equipment buzzer, matrix keyboard, a total of Yang digital form can be controlled by a display system. SCM software designed to control the internal timer T0 to produce different frequency s

8、quare wave, driving a different syllable speakers voice. Reuse delayed to control the length of pronunciation, pitch in to control the beat. Notation in the notes converted to thecorresponding frequency timing constant, corresponding to the beats of the time constant transformation, and then make tables stored in memory, table look-up procedures are regularly by the constant and delay constant, a timer were used to control the square wave The frequency square-wave frequency and duration. constant when the delay time, a



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