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1、二级上 Unit 2 Is this book yours?教学目的和要求:1 通过学习本单元,学生能初步掌握名词性物主代词的用法2 学生能较熟练地使用本单元的词汇和句型3 学生能自己编小对话交际用语:1 Is this book yours?2 No, it snot mine.3 Maybe you can ask Bob4 You should ask Tina.5 This book is not yours.6 Which one is different?7 His beard is short, but his is long.重点朗读词汇:mine, yours, his, h

2、ers, ours, theirs, its, maybe, different, scarf, sweater, pet, find, socks, dialogue, guess, circle, bat, fan, tank, bank, hand所需教具:1 名词性物主代词的卡片2 有关的学习用具,如钢笔、铅笔、书、铅笔盒、书包等3 能用做比较的相关图片,如 short, long, new, old, big, small, dirty, clean, green, yellow, dog, cat 等精品文档如何导入教学?复习人称代词。反复训练,达到熟练掌握。上课时,教师拿出一支钢

3、笔对学生说: “ Look, I ve got a pen. This pen is mine. I ve got a book. This book is mine. ”a) 给出几个例句后, 教师对学生说:“ Now you pick up a thing and say it to your friend. ” 教师暗示学生拿出东西跟自己同座位的学生说:“Ive got a pencil. This pencil is mine. ”b) 联系一会儿后, 教师找几个同学拿着东西到前面演练, 然后, 教师拿出一本书问学 生:Is this book yours? ” 并教学生说:“ No,

4、 it not mine. Mine is here.教师继续让学生练习类似的表达。 “You pick up your own thing and ask your friend, Is this bag yours?Your friend answers, No, it s not mine. Mine is here. ”学生开始练习。c) 教师请几个同学拿着自己的东西到前面做类似的问答。 说完之后站到旁边, 手里仍然举着自己的东西。教师开始举例说:“Shesgot a ruler. The ruler is hers. He s got an eraser.The eraser is

5、his. ”教师说完之后,让学生按照教师所给的例句做同样的练习。d) 几次练习之后,教师说: “ Now let s play a game. I m going to ask Li Ming a question. Li Ming, is this book yours? Li Ming says, No, it snot mine. Maybe it sToms. You can ask Tom.Then I go to Tom and ask Tom, Tom, is this book yours?Tom answers, No, its not mine. Maybe its Tin

6、as. You can ask Tina. Then I go and ask Tina. Tina says the same thing. Do you un dersta nd? Who wan ts to come here and try?教师找一个同学拿东西到前面来问另一个同学。e) 等该同学问了几个同学之后,教师说:“Now you can go and ask your friends and dothe same thing.”教师暗示学生离开座位相互问问题。f) 最后, 教师让大家听录音并朗读对话。 旁边的小对话熟悉一下就可以了, 但中间的 对话需要同学们再认真地朗读并做

7、pairwork 。练习教师应该检查学生是否认真地进行对话练 习,及时提出表扬与批评。单元教学活动 2 Listen, chant and sing.第二部分是歌曲和歌谣。 教师首先带着大家一起说歌谣。 说的时候, 教师可以让学生边 拍桌子边说,一个词一拍。说几遍之后, 教师让学生跟着录音一起学唱歌曲。从而熟悉物主 代词。单元教学活动 3 Odd one out.第三部分是指出每组中的不同类的东西或动物。教师可以这样说:“ Now please look at精品文档these four pictures. One thing is different. The rabbit is diffe

8、rent. The rabbit is white and the others are black. ”同时教师也可以说: “ The bat is different. Because the bat has wings, but the other animals don t have wings. Do you understand? Now I m going to ask you to do this one in pairs. You tell each other which is different and why. ”教师给学生一些时间,让学生练习说区别和不 同之处。第二组

9、:The first one is different. This one is moustache and the others are all hairs.第三组:The second one is different. The second one第四组:The third one is different. The third one is a drink. The others are all food.如果学生还能从别的角度说出不同,教师也应该给予肯定。单元教学活动 4 Lets play.第四部分是游戏。 教师将事先准备的一个空盒子放在桌子上, 然后找一个同学到前面背 对着学生开

10、始数数, 用英语从 1 一直数到 20.在数数的时候,教师让五个同学尽快往盒子里 各放一个东西。 数到 20的时候,该学生转过身, 拿出盒子里的一个东西问同学: “ Zhang Nan, is this ruler yours? ”如果猜对一次,该学生为小组得到 10 分,然后继续猜,直到猜错了,就 回到座位上。为了节省时间,教师把东西放在一边,继续开始另一组游戏,方法同上。几分 钟的游戏之后,教师再让学生到前面认领自己的东西说:“This is mine.”单元教学活动 5 Look, match, point and say.第五部分是让学生把物品与相关的人进行连线。 连线之后, 学生应该

11、说:“ This hat is his. These shoes are hers”.警察与警察帽子 /跳舞的人与跳舞鞋 /做饭的人与白帽子 /教师与书 /小丑与小丑帽子单元教学活动 6 Tongue twister.第六部分是绕口令。教师带着学生慢慢地说,然后逐渐加快速度。最后可以采取比赛 的方式调动学生积极性,检查学生说的效果。单元教学活动 7 Look and tell第七部分是句型练习。学生可以根据所看到的图进行比较。教材上已经给出了例句, 精品文档学生还可以继续给出其他的不同之处。比如:“ Their hats are green, but theirs are orange. Th

12、eboys dog is brown, but the girl sdog is white. The boy shat on the floor is black, but the girl s on the floor is red. This girl s watermelon is big, but hers is small. ”此部分重点练习的是名词性物 主代词。单元教学活动 8 Read and tick.第八部分要求学生阅读句子,并从所给的选项中选出正确的答案。在做该练习时,教 师可以先拿出名词性物主代词的卡片让大家朗读及辨认, 然后再让学生进行选择, 最后一起 核对答案。答案

13、是: 1) hers 2) mine 3) hers 4) yours 5) theirs 6 ) ours 7)hers 8) theirs单元教学活动 9 Read, write and put.第九部分需要学生将密集的字母按照单词和句子的划分来分出两个人的对话。教师可 以说:“ Now, lets look at Part Nine. Bob and Peter are brothers. They often can t find their socks in the morning before they go to school. (Look at this big sock.)

14、Now they are again talking about something. Could you help to write the sentences out and find out what they say? ”教师让学生把 句子分出,并写在相关的人的对话栏里。答案是:Bob: Where are my socks?Peter: Mine are here, but I don t know yours.Bob: Peter, my socks are black and white, but yours are green and yellow.Peter: Right. These socks are yours, but where are my socks?Bob: Look! Yours are under the bed.Peter: Thank you. Yes. These green and yellow socks are mine.单元教学活动 10 Listen, guess and circle.第十部分是词的多义性。同一个词有不同的意思,学生只需了解和知道就行了。课后作业:1、请同学按照第二部分的句子自己编一段歌谣。2、熟记重点单词句型。3、做天天练,描红。



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