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1、 第 4 页2015-4-8六年级下册 Unit 6 Steve JobsTeam备课小组英语科组Date日期Apr.3rdDesigner执笔黄燕冰Module/Topic模块及话题 Module 3 Famous People研讨方向 篇章教学Title题目Unit 6 Steve JobsPeriod课时第1课时Type of lesson课型新授课Teaching Contents Analysis教材分析 本阅读篇章是介绍乔布斯生平主要事迹的文章。文章篇幅长,新词长句较多。Students Analysis学生分析 学生们对乔布斯这个人物较感兴趣,但大多数只是知道乔布斯的苹果产品,对

2、乔布斯的生平了解并不多。篇章中出现的新词汇如“probably, successful, come true, work as, once again”等,学生们也是第一次接触,另外,学生们对一般过去时的口头运用还不够熟练。Teaching Objectives:教学目标1. 语言知识目标:(1) 能听、说、读以下单词:probably, true, company, game-maker, once, successful, return, iPod, iPhone, lose.(2) 能听、说、读以下短语:come true, work as, make money, once again

3、, turn into.(3) 能听、说、读、理解以下句型:They called their company Apple. They started making cartoon movies. After he returned, he turned Apple into the worlds biggest company. They first made iPod, then the iPhone and later iPad. 2. 能力目标:(1) 能在阅读篇章过程中进行速读、查读、提取关键信息。(2) 能用自然的语音语调,流利朗读篇章。(3) 能在时间轴和关键词的帮助下,口头复述

4、乔布斯生平的主要事迹。教学重点乔布斯生平主要事迹的理解;对篇章的熟悉和朗读。教学难点能用一般过去时口头复述乔布斯生平的主要事迹。教学媒体课件,学案,视频,篇章MP3。教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图Pre-reading1. Free talk. 师生互动,通过iPad等图片,引出主人公乔布斯。T:Hey guys!Do you love playing with an Ipod, an Iphone or an Ipad, ?SS:Yes.And do you like watching wonderful cartoon movies like Toy Story?SS:Yes.T

5、:Ok,If you answer yes, you probably love Steve Jobs,too. 教读Steve Jobs you know his Chinese name?(板书乔布斯)教学 probably板书(提前简笔画一个头像)He made these things come true. 教学 come true板书过渡语:If you study hard, you can make your dream come true.And you can be successful like Steve Jobs. 教学successful板书看图,读前预测。图片展示,

6、引出话题。2. Lets share.Steve was born in America on February 24th,1955.Lets share.分享乔布斯图片,介绍背景知识。(背景乐better man自动播放四张幻灯片)了解乔布斯背景。介绍背景知识。While-reading3. Lets watch. 播放视频过渡句:Steve Jobs was a better man,he made the world so different. Do you want to know more about him?.第一次听:Lets look and listen to the VCD

7、 and then finish the exercise1 区分started to do 和 started doingreturned to 板书第二次听:带着问题去听顺势教学:then put these words in the right side.Lets check the answer.找一个学生的回答情况通过平台展示出来。answer the question on page33.观看,倾听,整体了解主旨。整体感知文本,了解文章大意。4. Lets match.出示乔布斯生平重要年份和大事件,引导学生快速阅读,配对。速读,匹配乔布斯生平大事记和时间点。多种方式检测,多样品读

8、文本,培养阅读技巧。5. Lets answer. 根据乔布斯生平时间轴,进行细节性提问,引导学生查读,回答问题。查读,关注细节。6. Lets read aloud.跟读,小组读,让学生熟读文章。听音跟读,熟悉文本。大声朗读,熟悉文章。Post-reading7. Lets retell.提供时间轴,图片和关键句,重新呈现文本,帮助学生复述乔布斯的生平。在时间轴,图片和关键句的帮助下,重现文本。图文帮助,还原文章。复述乔布斯的生平。8. Lets learn /guess /practise. 在情境中教授新词汇,引导学生猜词义。情境中猜词义,学习新词。情境中学习新词。Homework 作业

9、 Retell the life story of Steve Jobs with the time-line. 延续性作业,检测学生学习成果。Designing on the board:板书Unit 6 Steve JobsAmerica Feb.24th game-maker boredbuild computers Apple Computers made a lot of moneyleft Apple cartoon moviesmovie company Apple biggest company iPod, iPhone, iPaddied lost (When he finished school,he worked as a computer game-maker.But he quicky got bored.So in 1976 he and his friend started to build computers in their home.They called their company Apple Computers.People loved their computers and Steve made a lot of money.)4



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