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1、Unit 6 I m going to study computer science.Period 2 Section A (2d-3c)班级: 组名: 姓名:【学习目标】1)熟记并掌握以下重点词汇:be sure about, make sure, college, education, medicine, university, London, article, send2) 口、笔头掌握以下重点句型:I kno w why you re so good at writing stories.How are you going to become a writer.I m going to

2、 keep on writing s tories.Just make sure you try your best.3)掌握并能正确使用本课时的重点短语和结构:want to do sth , be going to do sth, be good at, keep on doing sth, make sure, try one s best to do sth.【学习重点】能正确使用本课时的重点短语和结构【学习难点】 能用be going to结构谈论理想职业教学过程一、目标呈现1、先由小组内模仿 section A 中的1c、2c对话来复习be going to do 的用法2、导入话

3、题,解读目标二、自主合作学习任务一:1 、翻译并大声朗读下列短语1.确信;对有把握 2.确保 3.继续/不断地做某事4.尽你的最大努力 5.高中毕业 6.上表演课 7. 一名赛车手 8. 一所烹饪学校 9. 把寄到2、你对自己的未来有一个初步打算吗?想一想,填写下表,组内交流。WhatI m going to beWhereHow学习任务二:1、快速读2d并完成以以下问题-What does Ken want to be? -How is he going to do that?- What do Andy s parents want her to be? -2、快速读以下知识,比比看谁能记

4、得准确1 .keep on doing sth坚持不断地做某事 (keep-kept)She questions just now.刚才她不停地问问题。2 .be sure about/ of 确信,对. 有把握He is sure about/ of success.他自信会成功。学习任务三观察与思考:1) 对话中 be good at 的意思是 , =2) keep on后跟(动词原形/动词ing形式/动词不定式),意思是3) Just make sure you try your best.make sure 意思是; try one s best (to do sth) 意思是2.模仿

5、秀:跟读,模仿语音,语调。然后大声朗读、并背诵对话 学习任务四:1. 3a Match what these people want to do with what they are going to do.2. 3b Fill in the blanks. Then practice the conversation aloud in pairs.3. 3c Complete the chart and discuss it with your partner.4.writing and speaking:你知道什么职业最适合你吗?请先填好下表,然后听一听同学的建议吧!Personal In

6、formationName :HobbyBe good at:Appearance : Personality:My ideal job:Suitable jobs:Your friend s suggestions:Your resolutions:三、展示质疑(1) be sure 务必,切记”,用于祈使句中,后接不定式,表示对对方提出要求。 come tomorrow.明天务必来。(2) be sure 一定,肯定”,后接不定式,表示说话人的推测,主语可以是人或物。 rain tomorrow.明天一定会下雨。(3) be sure+that 从句,“肯定,有把握”I m sure th

7、at the books are good for you.这些书肯定对你有好处。3 .make sure 确保,查明,弄清楚,后面可用of/about/that 从句,或用to do.She made sure that she had turned off the light.她确定已经关灯了。turn off the radio before you go out.在你出去以前 ,一定要关掉收音机。4 .try one s best 尽某人最大努力,后常接不定式You should try your best .你应当尽量早起。四、 【巩固构建】1. 单项选择() 1. What do

8、they want to do toso much money?-They want to travel around the world.A. give B. save C. cost D. cut() 2.-Where are you going for vacation ? -. I don t like coldweather.A. Somewhere warm B.Something warm C. Somewhere cold D.Something cold() 3.-What are you going to do this evening ?- I m not sure .

9、Maybe watch TV or go to the movies.A. Just B. ever C. yet D. never() 4. She is good at writing and she every day.A. keep on write B. keeps on writing C.keeps on write D. keep on writing( ) 5.- a volunteer is great.-I think so. Some of us want volunteer for the London Olympics.A.Being , being B. To b

10、e, being C. Being, to be D. To be, to be( )6. When my son grows up, he s going to dohe wants to do .A.what B. which C. where D. When( )7. There a talk about science in our school next week.A.is going to B. Will have C. is going to be D. Is going to have( )8. Everyone would like to get a good job whe

11、n he .A. grow B. grows C. grow up D. grows up( )9. My sister wants to be a school teacher. She is going to .A. study math B. Study education C. take acting lessons D. cooking school( )10.-is he going to be a tennis player?-He is going to play tennis every day.A. What B. How C. Where D. When二用所给的词的适当

12、形式填空。1. -you (finish ) reading the book last night?-Yes. I (return) it this afternoon.1. She is going to look for a (cook) job.2. there (be) a football match in our school this Fridayafternoon.3. Li Lei practices (play) football every day after school.三根据汉语提示完成句子,每空词数不限。1. 他中学毕业后,想上一所烹饪学校。He is going to a afterhigh school.2. 进你的最大努力来提高你的英语。 to your English.3. 他没有停下来,还在坚持跑。 He didn t stop, he just .4. 我 的 哥 哥 在 同 济 大 学 学 习 药 理 。 My brother at TongJiuniversity.5. 他打算长大后环游世界。He around the world after he .


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