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1、编号:时间:2021年x月x日书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟页码:第1页 共1页河北大唐电厂机组FGD项目旁路挡板招标文件THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA中华人民共和国FGD PROJECT FORHEBEI DATANG POWER PLANT 4600MW UNIT河北大唐电厂机组FGD项目BIDDING DOCUMENTSOFBYPASS DAMPERS旁路挡板招标文件Bid No.: WX02-WT03标书号:WX02-WT03日 录Appendix 1 Technical specification31 General 总则32 General Descri

2、ption of Project工程概况43 design and operation conditions64 Technical Conditions技术条件95 Design and Supply Scope and Interface Specification设计与供货范围及接口规范166 Cleaning, Paint, Package, Load/Unload, Transportation and Storage21Appendix 2 technical data and delivery schedule 技术数据与交货进度23Appendix 1 Technical sp

3、ecification1 General 总则1.1 本技术规范适用于河北王滩电厂4台600WM机组的烟气脱硫工程。本规范书包括旁路挡板门本体、辅助设备系统的功能设计、结构、性能、安装和试验等方面的技术要求。This specification is applicable for Hebei Wangtan Power Plant 4X 600MW FGD project. This Specifications covers the technical requirements for the functional design, construction, performance, ins

4、tallation and commissioning of the bypass dampers with accessories system. 1.2 本技术规范所提出的是最低限度的技术要求,并未对一切技术细节做出规定,也未充分引述有关标准和规范的条文。供方保证提供符合本技术规范要求和现行中国或国际通用标准的优质产品。The contents of the specification are the minimum requirements, neither providing any technical details, nor referring to provisions of t

5、he relevant standards/specifications. The Supplier shall develop and supply qualified products based on the specification and present international codes and standards.1.3 供方保证提供的设备应完全符合本技术规范的要求。The Supplier shall guarantee that the supplied equipment is in full compliance with this the requirements

6、 herein.1.4 供方提供的设备应是全新的和先进的,并经过2年以上运行实践已证明是完全成熟可靠的产品。同时必须满足国家的有关安全、环保等强制性法规、标准的要求。All equipments and components shall be advanced, new, complete in technology and process with experience at least two (2) years and reliable products. In addition, the delivery shall be conducted in accordance with th

7、e compelling requirements of applicable safety and environment laws and standards.1.5 凡在供方设计范围之内的外购件或外购设备,供方应至少要推荐2至3家产品供需方确认,且需方具有选择的权利,而且需方有权单独采购,但技术上均由供方负责归口协调。For any equipment and parts to be imported, within the Suppliers scope of design work, the Supplier shall recommend at least 2 3 manufact

8、urers for the confirmation of the Buyer. And the Buyer shall have right to choose the manufacturer and to solely purchase materials. However, the Supplier shall offer interface and coordination technically. 1.6 在签订合同之后,到供方开始制造之日的这段时间内,需方有权提出因规范、标准和规程发生变化而产生的一些补充修改要求,供方应遵守这个要求,具体内容由供需双方共同商定。During th

9、e time period from the conclusion of contract to the commencement of the Suppliers fabrication, the Buyer is entitled to request modification due to the change of specifications, standards and/or codes. The Supplier shall comply with the request. 1.7 本技术规范所使用的标准,如遇到与供方所执行的标准不一致时,按较高的标准执行,但不应低于最新国家标准

10、。如果本技术规范与现行使用的有关中国标准以及中国部颁标准有明显抵触的条文,供方及时书面通知需方进行解决。对于引进技术的产品,应按照引进技术所在国的相关标准执行。In the event that the standards adopted by this specification are different from those used by the Supplier, the more stringent governs, but not lower than the latest national standards. 1.8 所有文件中的单位均采用国际单位制。设备标识采用KKS系统。

11、The international unit system shall be applied for measurements and KKS used for identification.1.9 如果供方没有以书面方式对本规范书的条文提出异议,均被视为接受和同意。如有差异之处,无论多么微小,均应进行说明和澄清。All contents of this specification shall be considered accepted and agreed if there is no disagreement in writing presented from the Supplier.

12、 In case of discrepancy, no matter how minor it is, it shall be explained and clarified.1.10 合同中同一参数出现不一致时,将按照满足工程质量及有利于需方要求的原则修改确定。In the event that the values of a parameter are inconsistent in the contract, its value shall be modified and determined in a way most favorable to quality and the Buye

13、r.2 General Description of Project工程概况2.1 概述general河北大唐王滩发电厂一期工程建设4600MW燃煤汽轮发电机组,留有再建设2400MW的可能。Hebei Datang Wangtan Plant Phase I Project consists of 4600MW coal-fired turbine power units, with a possibility of future construction of another 4600Mw units. 2.2场地条件和自然条件Site and natural conditions2.2.

14、1厂址概述 Plant site description河北大唐王滩发电厂位于唐山市海港开发区境内(乐亭县王滩镇),距海边约1公里,西北距唐山市95公里,东北距秦皇岛港73海里,西南距天津新港84海里。Hebei Datang Wangtan Power Plant is at Tangshan Haigang developing zone (Leting county Wangtan Town), about 1km away from the sea, 95km from Tangshan city (northwest), 73 miles from Qinhuangdao harbo

15、r (northeast) and 84 miles from Tianjin Xingang harbor (southwest). FGD装置布置在烟囱后面、占地面积214568m2的区域内,本期工程共四台机组。FGD is located behind the stack, covering 214568m2 . The Phase I project consists of four units. 2.2.2 气象条件Meteorological conditionsItem序号Description描述Unit单位statistical Value统计值Remarks备注1土壤最大冻结深度Max. depth of frozen groundcm742多年最大积雪厚度Perennial max. depth of snowcm183多年平均大风日数Perennial average heavy wind daysd22.44多年平均雷暴日数Perennial average thunderstorm daysd18.65多年平均沙暴日数Perennial average sand storm daysd1.3



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