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1、2022年考博英语-宁波大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题The definition of aesthetic pleasure is a popular subject for many different fields. In the following, adapted from an article found in a science journal, a physicist discusses the unique perspective that his discipline allows him.Since time immemorial, count

2、less scholars have asked the question: What is beauty? As philosophers engage in weighty discourses, designers update the latest fashions, and artists create their masterpieces, what is considered beautiful changes at an alarming pace. Fifty years ago, the full-figured Marilyn Monroe embodied the Am

3、erican aesthetic value; today, a legion of Hollywood actresses vastly different in appearance from Marilyns have taken her place. However, aesthetic values not only differ from generation to generation, but do so along cultural lines as well. The conventions that govern painting and music vary great

4、ly from East to West. Often, what is considered repellent to on civilization is the pinnacle of aesthetic appeal in another. Thus, when left to the sphere of human design, the search for an absolute definition of beauty remains an elusive one at best.As fundamental physicists, my colleagues and I li

5、ke to believe that we are involved in a search for a beauty that does not remain impervious to definition. The beauty that we search for is not that which is laid down through the work of people and subject to ephemeral tastes, but rather that which has been established by Nature. Those not involved

6、 with physics tend to think of it as a precise and predictive science certainly not a field of study fit for the contemplation of the beautiful. Yet one of physics greatest gifts is that it allows its students to look past extrinsic appearances, into a more overwhelming beauty. As a human being, I a

7、m captivated by the visual appeal of a wave crashing on the beach. As a physicist however, I possess the ability to be captivated by the much deeper beauty of the physical laws that govern such a phenomenon. Where the non-physicist sees a lovely but inexplicable event, the well-schooled physicist is

8、 able to perceive a brilliant design.In truth, since the day that Albert Einstein first proposed the notion that there might be one overarching physical theory that governs the universe, aesthetics have become a driving force in modern physics. What Einstein and we, as his intellectual descendants,

9、have discovered is this: Nature, as its most fundamental level, is beautifully constructed. The remarkable simplicity of the laws that governs the universe is, at times, nothing short of breath-taking. And at every step, as new discoveries and technologies allow us to examine the physical world on d

10、eeper and deeper levels, we find that the beauty itself becomes more profound. As Einstein himself said, it would seem more likely that we should find ourselves living a “chaotic world, in no way graspable through thinking.” Yet here we are, closer than ever to a full understanding of the universes

11、beautiful clockwork.31. The reference to “Marilyn Monroe” in Paragraph 1 primarily serves to _.32. The authors assertion in Paragraph 1 (“what is considered repellentin another”) suggests that _.33. As used in Paragraph 2, the phrase “laid down” most nearly means _.34. The author uses the words “eph

12、emeral” and “Nature” (Paragraph 2) in order to _.35. In the course of outlining the various gifts of physics, the author cites all of the following EXCEPT _.问题1选项A.provide an example of todays standards of beautyB.discuss her abilities as an actressC.demonstrate how susceptible aesthetics are to cha

13、ngeD.compare traditions of East and West问题2选项A.cultures are naturally destined to clashB.many civilizations are prone to disgusting behaviorC.individuals tend to disagree on what they find beautifulD.it is nearly impossible to say what is truly beautiful问题3选项A.createdB.restedC.sleptD.secured问题4选项A.c

14、ontrast the concept of impermanent beauty with the beauty for which physics searchesB.evaluate the effectiveness of physics as an art formC.discuss how physicists visualize beautyD.criticize people who dont understand physics问题5选项A.the ability to look for a beauty that is unchangingB.appreciating th

15、e visual beauty of a wave crashingC.a greater comprehension of Natures waysD.seeing a deeper design in natural events【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:A第4题:A第5题:A【解析】31.【试题答案】C【试题解析】事实细节题。题干意思是“第一段中提到的玛丽莲梦露主要是用来”。定位到第一段第三句Fifty years ago, the full-figured Marilyn Monroe embodied the American aesthetic value; Today,

16、 a legion of Hollywood actresses vastly different in appearance from Marilyns have taken her place.(50年前,丰满的玛丽莲梦露体现了美国人的审美价值;如今,一群外貌与玛丽莲大相径庭的好莱坞女演员取代了她的位置),结合前一句what is considered beautiful changes at an alarming pace(被认为是美的东西在以惊人的速度变化)可知,第一段提到玛丽莲梦露是用来举例说明美的变化,C项“说明美学是如何变化的”正确。A项“提供一个今天的审美标准的例子”为反向干扰,



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