7 Seeing a film1

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1、小学英语教学设计(导案)课题6A Module3 Unit7 Seeing a film课时第一课时年级六年级(上)学校郊区实验小学授课教师孔晓艳教学目标知识与能 力1.能听、说、读、写、理解和运用以下单词:shall, police, boring, exciting.2. 能听、说、认读、理解和运用以下单词:princess, policeman,brave.3.能运用句型Shall we go and see a film this weekend.Sure.来提建议。并用句型What film would you like to see? 和What is it about?引起谈话。

2、过程与方 法1.通过看视频和看图片,理解形容词:boring和exciting, 2. 以小组合作学习的方式,能将所学到的知识运用到实际生活中,互相谈论自己喜欢的影。情感态度与价值观教育学生要合理安排自己的课余时间.教学重、难点教学重点:1.核心词汇.2.核心句型.教学难点:形容词的理解。教材分析本单元的主题是Films,涉及的核心词汇有:shall, police, exciting, boring, kill, asleep, see a film等;涉及的重要句型是Shall we ? 以及相应的应答。同时,能使用Id like to 句型表示想要看某部电影的意愿,并用一般现在时态对一些

3、著名卡通电影内容作出简单描述。学情分析本单元的学习主题是“电影”(film)。这一学习内容对于如今的学生来说,既熟悉又陌生。熟悉的是电影院在公共场所中的一个,时有所见;陌生的是,现在的学生鲜有上电影院的经历与体验,发生的频率并不高。教学设想基于这样的一种现实,教师要善于场景的提供和情境的创设,尽量还原生活的原貌,利用虚拟的媒体环境还原真实的生活内容,以便学生能理解并投入学习。教、学具准备CAI教学步骤教学过程设计意图Pre-taskpreparations1. Look and say quickly.2. How was your last weekend? What did you do

4、last weekend?以小学生喜闻乐见的游戏热身、复习旧知,为新授做好铺垫。While-taskproceduresStep Lead inShow “last weekend”, “this weekend” and “next weekend” with the calendar.联系实际导课,让学生感受英语的真是意义。Step Presentation 1.What are you going to do this weekend?2.Shall we _this weekend?Sure./OK.3.T: Let me give you some advise. -Shall we

5、 go and see a film this weekend? see a film = go to the cinema 4. Show the questions. T:Oh, So many films. What film would you like to see? What is it about?创设情境,交流语言,输入新知。Step Drill 1. Fill in the cards.2. Group work. Shall we _ this weekend? Sure./OK. What film would you like to see? Id like to se

6、e _. What is it about?-Its about a _.图文并茂,联系实际,操练语言,激发兴趣。StepListen and say. Listen to the tape. Fill the table.回归课本。StepComplete the sentences. (P47 )Post-taskactivities Shall we _? Sure. Curtainly. My pleasure. Im sorry.拓展知识,增加知识的输出量。HomeworkWrite about a film you like. (P51 )6AM3U7.See5ng a film学案Class _ Name_ Score_


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