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1、2022年考博英语-重庆大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 翻译题When youre fed up with self-obsessed twenty-somethings, try to remember that theyll be 33 one day. For thats the age when they lose the “all about me” attitude, research suggests. By then, youthful selfishness subsides and people begin to consider others feelings

2、more often, researchers say. When we reach 33, we are also more likely to make an effort with parents and grandparents and take a positive attitude towards ending feuds with family or friends. The older we get, the more selfless we are in almost all areas of life with the exception of volunteering i

3、n the community, the report suggests. Most people agree that having children is the turning point in changing our attitudes towards other people. This is when we apparently find ourselves worrying more about others and doing things for them, such as checking how they are getting home, offering to he

4、lp with childcare and doing airport runs. And we are more likely to keep an eye out for neighbors, as well as give up seats to elderly people on public transport. We will probably also be more involved in the community and willing to donate money to good causes. Those under 33 are most likely to adm

5、it to being very selfish with 40 percent saying that they put themselves first in all circumstances. However, 40 percent of this age group regularly volunteer for charity or their community higher than any other age group. The age at which we are most selfish is our teenage years, researchers found

6、with people saying that just growing up made them more likely to consider others. Others cite meeting their partner or buying a house as the point at which they started being more compassionate and putting others first. Researchers at Make-A-Wish Foundation UK came to their conclusion after studying

7、 the attitudes of 2,000 adults aged from 20 to 60.【答案】当你受够了20多岁的自恋的年轻人,试着记住他们终有会到33岁的一天。研究表明,在这个年龄,人们会彻底改变“一切围绕自我”的态度。研究者表明,到那时,年轻人的自私心理会消失,人们开始更多地考虑他人的感受。当我们33岁时,我们也有可能更多地与父母和祖父母在一起,并以积极的态度去解决与家人或朋友的不和睦关系。报告显示,随着年龄的增长,我们在生活的几乎所有方面都变得更加无私,在社区做义工除外。大多数人认为拥有孩子是我们对其他人态度转变的一个转折点。当我们有了孩子之后,我们会明显地发现自己更加为别

8、人担心,并且为他们做事和付出,比如询问他们如何回家,主动提出帮忙照顾孩子或者去机场接机。而且我们可能更加关心邻居,并且在公共交通中给老年人让座。我们可能也会更多地参与社区活动,更加愿意为公益事业捐款。那些33岁以下的人可能也承认自己非常自私40%的人说任何情况下他们都把自己放在第一位。研究者发现,我们最自私的年龄是青少年时期。人们说,仅仅是成长就会让他们更倾向于为他人考虑。另一些人则表示,在遇到伴侣或买房时,他们开始变得更有同情心,并把他人放在首位。英国许愿基金会的研究人员在调查了2000名年龄在20岁至60岁之间的成年人的态度后得出了上述结论。2. 填空题We use language pr

9、imarily as a means of communication with other human beings. Each of us shares with the community in which 1 we live a store of words and meanings as well as agreeing 2 conventions as to the way in which words should be arranged to 3 convey a particular message: the English speaker has in his dispos

10、al 4 a vocabulary and a set of grammatical rules which enables him to 5 communicate his thoughts and feelings, in a variety of style, to other English speakers. His vocabulary, in particular, both that which he uses actively and that which he recognizes, increases in 6 size as he grows old, as a res

11、ult of education and experience.But, whether the language store is relatively small or large, the system remains no more than a psychological reality for the individual, 7 unless he has a means of expressing it in terms able to be seen by another member of his linguistic community; he has to give th

12、e system a concrete 8 transmission form. We take it for granted the two most common forms of transmission by means of sounds produced by our vocal organs 9 (speech) or by visual signs (writing). And these are 10 among most striking of human achievements.【答案】1.agreeing改为agreed2.words改为these/those wor

13、ds3.in改为at4.enables改为enable5.style改为styles6.old改为older7.seen改为understood8.删除it9.And改为However10.most striking改为the most striking【解析】1.语法题。根据句子结构可知,agreeing作前置定语修饰conventions,agree和conventions之间存在被动关系,所以要用agree的过去分词形式agreed “一致的,同意的”。Agreed conventions “一致的惯例” 。2.语法题。根据上文的a store of words,可知下文再次提及word

14、s,应该添加指示代词表特指。又因为words为复数,所以选用指示代词these或者those。3.固定搭配。根据固定搭配at one s disposal “由支配”,所以in his disposal介词搭配错误。4.语法题。根据句子结构,可知which引导的定语从句,先行词为a vocabulary and a set of grammatical rules,为复数,所以定语从句中的谓语动词不能用第三人称单数形式。5.语法题。根据a variety of “各种各样的”,用来修饰名词的复数形式。这里要用名词style的复数形式。6.语法题。根据句意,“特别是他的词汇量,无论是经常使用的还

15、是他认识的,随着年龄的增长,由于教育和使用经验,词汇量也会增加”。可知这里的old应该用比较级的形式。7.上下文语义。根据句意“除非他能够运用一种能够被语言社区中的其他成员所理解的表达方式”,所以这里要表达的意思是“理解”,而不是seen “被看到”。8.固定搭配。根据固定搭配take sth. for granted “认为某事是理所当然的”。根据下文提到的the two most common forms of transmission “两种最常见的交流方式”,可知文章要表达的意思是“认为这两种最常见的交流方式是理所当然的”,所以这里的it为多余的代词。9.上下文逻辑关系。上文提到 We

16、 take for granted the two most common forms of transmission,“我们认为这两种最常见的交流方式是理所当然的”,下文提到these are among most striking of human achievements, “这是人类最显著的成就之一”。可知前后两句存在转折关系,而不是并列关系。所以并列连词误用,应改为转折连词。10.语法题。文中most striking应该要表达的意思为“最显著的”,为形容词的最高级形式。形容词的最高级前面应该加上定冠词the,为英语的习惯用法和表达。3. 写作题In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high sc



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