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1、2022年考博英语-中南大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题Although the genetic explanation of why some people are right-handed whereas others are left-handed is plausible, it has been effectively challenged by experiments in which genetically ( )mice showed different paw preferences.问题1选项A.verifiedB.indistinguishableC.

2、identicalD.complex【答案】B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。verified “已证实的”;indistinguishable “不能区别的;”identical “同一的;完全相同的”;complex “复杂 的;合成的”。句意:虽然遗传学解释为什么有些人习惯用右手而另一些是左撇子似乎是合理的,它已经被基因实验有效地挑战,在基因上别无二致的鼠表现出使用爪子的不同偏好。由plausible“看似可信的”与showed different paw preferences “表现出不同偏好”可知 B项符合语境,故B项正确。2. 单选题Although Johnsons and Smi

3、ths initial fascination with the fortunes of those jockeying for power in the law firm ( )after a few months, the two paid sufficient attention to determine who their lunch partners should be.问题1选项A.revivedB.persistedC.intensifiedD.flagged【答案】D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。revive “复兴;苏醒”;persist “坚持”; intensify “增强,

4、变激烈”;flag “减 退”。 句意:几个月后,尽管Johnson 和Smith对律师事务所中那些运用手段图谋权力的人的最初着迷减退了,但是这两个人对于确定谁应该是他们的午餐伙伴的问题上非常重视。由Although和initial fascination可知空格处所填单词应与initial fascination形成对比,故D项“减退”正确。3. 单选题The team should have projected trouble ahead when the road ( )into a gravel path.问题1选项A.interrogatedB.dwindledC.transform

5、edD.collapsed【答案】C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。interrogated 质问,审问;dwindled 减少,缩小;transformed 转换,改变;collapsed 倒塌,瓦解。句意:当道路变为砂砾路时,这个团队本应该提前预测到困难。C项符合句意。4. 单选题Indeed, with computers as basic as a Macintosh, producers can write scripts, budget productions and ( )schedules and locations all on the same machine.问题1选项A.ke

6、ep up withB.keep track ofC.keep abreast withD.keep away from【答案】B【解析】考查词组辨析。Keep up with 赶得上;和 保持联系;keep track of 记录;与 保持联系;keep abreast with 保持与 并列;不落后于;跟上;keep away from 远离;回避。句意:确实,随着计算机如同麦金塔电脑(苹果公司的一种个人电脑)一样简单,生产者可以在同一台计算机上编写脚本、安排生产、记录进度表和生产地点。由write scripts, budget productions与schedules and loc

7、ations可知B符合。5. 单选题When giving any general overview of the development and use of machine translation (MT) systems and translation tools, it is important to distinguish four basic types of translation demand.The first, and traditional type of demand is for translations of a quality normally expected

8、from humans, i.e. translations of publishable quality. This illustrates the use of MT for dissemination. It has been satisfied, to some extent, by machine translation systems ever since they were first developed in the 1960s. However, MT system produce output which must invariably be revised or “pos

9、t-edited” by human translators if it is to reach the quality required. Sometimes such revision may be substantial, so that in effect the MT system is producing a “draft” translation. As an alternative, the input text may be regularized (or “controlled” in vocabulary and sentence structure) so that t

10、he MT system produces few errors which have to be corrected. Some MT systems have, however, been developed to deal with a very narrow range of text content and language style, and these may require little or no preparation or revision of texts.The second basic demand is for translations at a somewha

11、t lower level of quality, which are intended for users who want to find out the essential content of a particular document and generally, as quickly as possible. This demand the use of MT for assimilation has been met in the past as, in effect, a by-product of systems designed originally for the dis

12、semination application. Since MT systems did not (and still cannot) produce high quality translations, some users have found that they can extract what they need to know from the unedited output. They would rather have some translation, however poor, than no translation at all. With the coming of ch

13、eaper PC-based systems on the market, this type of use has grown rapidly and substantially.The third type of demandMT for interchange comes from the need for immediate translation in order to convey the basic content of messages. MT systems are finding a “natural” role, since they can operate virtua

14、lly or in fact in real-time and on-line and there has been little objection to the inevitable poor quality, and are useful in producing spoken language translations, e.g. for telephone conversations and business negotiations. The problems of integrating speech recognition and automatic translation a

15、re obviously hard to tackle, but progress is nevertheless being made. In the future still distant, perhaps we may expect on-line MT systems for the translation of speech in highly restricted domains.The fourth area of application is for translation within multilingual systems of information retrieval, information extraction, database access, etc. This field is the focus of a number of projects in Europe at the present time, which have the aim of widening access for all members of the European Union to sources of data and information whatever the source language.1.I


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