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1、2022-2022学年外研版英语七年级下册词汇讲义拓展学习法第57组第57组 long 1)long英l美l 龙 1. Intercultural munication and Translation:A Discussion about Long and Dragon from the Perspective of Post-colonialism; 后殖民视野下的跨文化传播与翻译从“龙”和“dragon”谈起 2. On the Retranslation of “Dragon“ and “Long“; 论“Dragon”及“龙”的再译 3. Eis Shenron - The Drago

2、n of Ice, Eis Shenron, is Nova Shenrons brother. 三星龙:冰之龙,三星龙是新星神龙四星龙的兄弟。 4. The dragons are made into different forms, such as the cloth dragon, the grass dragon, the fire dragon and the segment dragon. 龙舞的道具制作,有布龙、草龙、火龙以及段龙之分, 5. centerline vertical keel 中内竖龙骨中间竖龙骨 6. The flesh of a lobster used as

3、 food. 龙虾肉食用的龙虾肉 7. “Kun Lung Gate House, Lung Yeuk Tau, Fanling“ 粉岭龙跃头觐龙围门楼 8. such as “prosperity brought by the dragon and the phoenix“, “dragons rising and tigers leaping-scene of bustling activity“, 比方“龙凤呈祥”、“龙腾虎跃”、 9. tornado, whirlwind, and waterspout 龙卷、旋风和水龙卷 10. Like Begets like 龙生龙子,虎生豹儿

4、11. Theyre Mr and Mrs Long. 他们是龙先生和龙太太。 12. inner flat keel 内平板龙骨内龙骨内龙骨 13. Week of Dragon: Double growth for Dee Drago and lack Drago. 黑龙周:深渊龙与黑龙产量加倍。 14. FIRE DRAGON: The Fire Dragon is the most extroverted and petitive Dragon. 火龙:火龙是最外向和最竞争的龙。 15. The cloth dragon has a separate dragon head and b

5、ody, which is connected with cloth. 布龙:龙头与分段的龙身,都用布连接, 16. extinct reptiles including: dinosaurs; plesiosaurs; pterosaurs; ichthyosaurs; thecodonts. 已经灭绝的爬行动物包括:;恐龙;蛇颈龙;翼龙;鱼龙;槽齿龙。 17. Only the Green and Gold Dragons are good. Red and Black Dragons serve Nighon, and Bone and Ghost Dragons are the vil

6、e creations of the Necromancers. 只有绿龙和金龙是仁慈的。红龙和黑龙效忠尼根,骨龙和幽灵龙那么是亡灵法师的邪恶宠物。 18. A faucet with a nozzle that is bent downward;a bibb. 弯嘴龙头一种带有向下弯曲的喷嘴的龙头;龙头 2)long英l美l 长;长久 3)long英l美l 长久的,充足的 4)long英l美l 长型 1. long-reach plug 长螺纹长型火花塞 2. linear L2 block 相连长型第2款大厦 3. linear L1 block 相连长型第1款大厦 4. A person

7、 with a slender, thin, or frail body. 细长型者,瘦弱型人身体细长、瘦弱或虚弱的人 5. slender mole having a long snout and tail. 鼻子和尾巴都很长的瘦长型鼩鼹。 6. Simulation of Chinese Brush Based on Lengthening Spring-Particle Model 基于渐长型弹簧-粒子模型的毛笔仿真 7. stocking anesthesia 长袜型感觉丧失症 长袜型感觉丧失症 8. On the Transformation from Quantity-Orient

8、ed Economic Growth Pattern to Quality-Oriented One; 论数量型经济增长向质量型经济增长的转型 9. “For practical purposes rices are generally classified as long-grain, medium-grain and shortgrain. “ 水稻通常分为长粒型、中粒型和短粒型。 10. wavelength independent coupler 非波长依赖型耦合器 11. conducting-core heterofilament 导电芯型双组分长丝 12. a shoulder-

9、length style will suit your face. 披肩长发合适您的脸型。 13. any of numerous small slender long-tailed parrots. 多种瘦型长尾小鹦鹉。 14. light truck with long wheel base 长轴距轻型载重汽车 15. grown-diffused phototransistor 生长扩散型光电晶体管 16. constant percentage growth mode 固定百分比增长模型 17. constant growth model 按固定比例增长模型 18. “crane: any of various large wading birds of the family Gruidae, having a long neck, long legs, and a long bill.“ 鹤:任一种鹤科的大型、长颈、长腿、长嘴的水鸟. 5)long英l美l 好仓;多头;买空 6)long英l美l 长的,长时间的,长期的 ad.长久,长期地 第 页 共 页



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