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1、小男孩在老人与海中的作用The Roles of the Little Boy in The Old Man and the SeaResearch PurposeAbstract During the 1920s a group of writers known as The Lost Generation gained popularity. The Lost Generation defines a sense of moral loss or aimlessness apparent in literary figures .The three best known writers a

2、mong The Lost Generation are F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway and John Dos Passos. Among those Ernest Hemingway plays an important role ,he wrote many novels,The Old Man and the Sea is the most famous .The Old Man and the Sea earned its author the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 1952, and was ins

3、trumental in winning him the Nobel Prize for literature two years later.It tells the frustrated experience that the old fisherman fishes in the course. “But man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated” has been the classic saying and the old man also has been the most typical

4、 and the most representative of the Hemingways “tough guy”. What the luck is I have a good man and a good boy, but recently the writers have forget these things.Hemingway said in the novel successful factors, Ceng Po as the great little boy and put on a par with the old man. Thus, the little boy Man

5、olin in the old man and the sea plays an indispensable role in the novel.So the work focuses on the roles of the little boy in the novel. It is him who helps to perform the theme of “grace under pressure”: and helps to show the old mans character. Secondly, as regards readers, it is him who moves, i

6、nspires readers and increases the appeal of the work. The little boys emotions for the old man inevitably impact readers emotions for the old man. Just due to the description of the little boy in the novel, the image of the old man becomes more vivid and the theme of the novel is more profound and m

7、oves more readers.Key words: the little boy, the old man, pressure,grace,emotion 在20世纪20年代,一群作家受到普遍欢迎-“迷惘的一代”。我们将”迷惘的一代“定义为缺乏勇气或是没有明确目标的文学形象。海明威,菲茨杰拉德和多斯阳索斯是最具代表性的作家。其中海明威起着举足轻重的作用,他写了许多小说,最著名的是老人与海。这部作品讲述了老渔夫捕鱼过程中的坎坷经历。“一个人不是生来就要被打败的,你可以消灭他,但就是打不败他。”已经成为至理名言,老人也成为海明威式“硬汉子”的最典型、最完美的代表。 “运气是我有了一个好老头儿

8、和一个好孩子,而近来作家们已经忘记还有这些事情”。海明威在谈到小说成功的因素之时,曾颇为自得地将小男孩与老人相提并论。所以本文重在分析讨论小男孩在老人与海中所起的作用:是他帮助表现了“重压下的优雅风度”这一主题:充分体现了老人的性格特征,使老人的硬汉形象更为突出;其次,就读者而言,是他对读者发挥着打动和启发作用从而增强了作品的感染力,他对老人的感情潜移默化的影响着读者对老人的感受。正因为对小男孩的刻画,老人的形象才更生动,小说的主题才更深刻,从而小说打动了更多的读者。关键词:小男孩;老人;压力;优雅;性格;内心情感Research Background1.1 About the researc

9、h background of the novel Hemingway has met the cold shoulder and attack in the sector which lasts for nearly a decade before 1952. To rescue the declining reputation, he publishes a new work, that is, The Old Man and the Sea. William Faulkner considers it as the most excellent work in this generati

10、on. Because of this work Hemingway wins the Pulitzer in 1952 and the Nobel Prize for literature in 1954 which push his writing career to the peak.1.2 About the plot of Novel It is a short novel about Santiago, an old Cuban fisherman who has gone for 84 days without catching a fish. Therefore, the bo

11、y, Manolin, who used to sail with him, is forced to leave him and catch in another boat. Nothing to Santiago drifting at sea 84 days later caught a tremendous Marlins (marlin), this is a fishing boat than his two feet longer the fish is towing vessels in two days and two nights after the full was st

12、abbed to death of. The fate of the elderly did not seem to succeed, he encountered the shark, after a desperate struggle, leaving only a skeleton Marlins. Bones are the pillars of the spirit, Hemingway seems to Santiago did not let the success of the elderly but to the bare bones of the elderly to p

13、lay the hardness of life. This story tells people a profound truth - people are not born for defeat, a person can be destroyed, but can not be defeated.Research Project2. The roles of the boy in The Old Man and the Sea 2.1 To Help Show the Old Mans PressureThe old mans pressure can be divided into f

14、our levels. In the beginning of The Old Man and the Sea, “he had gone eighty-four days now without taking a fish”2, it tells us the difficulties that the old man faces. If the author only uses the number to arouse the readers sympathy to the old man, it is not enough. In addition, the pressure it ex

15、presses is also not heavy. So Hemmingway gives the description of the little boy to increase the deteriorated situation of the old man. Thus the old mans feeling is more moving and particular tragic. Under such kind of pressure, his manner is more graceful and elegant. 2.2 To complement the Old Mans

16、 Character Hemingways “tough guy”, some critics pointed out that as the heroic manner is too conspicuous, which determined their actions is quite obvious and sometimes it caused the figures thinking abstract and isolated. However, in The Old Man and the Sea, the image of the old man is entire because the author arranges a little boy purposely and describes him in a great deal of details. Thus, the g



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