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1、pension Gold 8*60 5, living allowance 13*568 four main 1, 2015, financial, education, design section, under the leadership of our accountants to study the countrys financial policies, laws, and familiarity with financial system actively studying accounting, master professional knowledge and master t

2、he accounting technique, adhere to principles, properly implement superior departments accounting requirements. 2, give full play to accounting initiative, careful budgeting annually, and do a year-end work on the budget no budget expenditure, budget expenditures, strictly control expenditures. Ofte

3、n communicating with school leaders reported financial position, and in terms of revenue ideas, ways to strictly implement the financial system, two lines of income and expenditure. 3, further standardize the schools financial management system, created the democratic financial management group, dem

4、ocratic financial group checks the school each semester accounts. Reporting annually to the schools financial income and expenses, so that all the teachers of school finances be aware. 4, with the school leadership greater control in school debt, does not give to the debt did not comply with procedu

5、res in the accounts. 5, various infrastructural projects to the school can do to teach . The poverty alleviation of poverty alleviation and training with the combination of the proposed by 2014. In the province, the city poverty alleviation and immigration office careful guidance and county Party co

6、mmittee and government of the correct leadership, the county seriously practice the scientific development view, and counties around the target, and comprehensively implement the Central Committee and the State Council on poverty alleviation immigration policy, adhere to the, strengthen infrastructu

7、re construction, accelerate the poor areas and immigration of education, health, culture and other public welfare undertakings development, the whole village advancement and the new rural construction, through the entire village advancement, poverty alleviation immigration, intellectual, social, ind

8、ustrial and other means, increasing the masses of poor and immigrant economic income a year, I do all the work staff Through joint efforts and struggle, and achieved excellent results, 2014 for 2666 million yuan project funds, and 2013 compared to increase by 60%, poverty alleviation and resettlemen

9、t work was named the citys third, Tan Lun Tan reservoir migrants synthetic immigration village as the citys economy to inspect a major bright spot, makes the contribution to the economic and social development in Qianshan. For 2020 together to achieve well-off society to make enormous contribution,

10、is now on the 2014 since the county to carry out the implementation of poverty alleviation and resettlement work are summarized as follows: A, poverty alleviation work 1, entire village advancement. Our countys agricultural population of 38 million people, poverty population of 4.9 million people, a

11、ccounting for 1 2.9%. The county, Twelfth Five Year Plan, will focus on poverty alleviation in the village of 14, since poor agricultural village has a total population of 2.55 million, poverty population 0.518 million people, accounting for 20%.2014 years, total planning project 20, 851 million yua

12、n of total investment, including 280 million yuan of poverty relief funds of central finance, county matching funds of 70 million yuan department support funds 3.76 million yuan, self地下工程施工及工程检测监测监理细则编制人:审批人:上海同济工程项目管理公司项目监理部2010年11月目录一、工程概况1二、监理范围与目标5三、监理依据6四、监理工作程序中的流程8五、工程进度控制的监理措施23六、工程质量控制的监理措施


14、方米;由四座塔楼及商业裙楼组成,其中3幢办公楼(1517层)、1幢金融办公楼(29层),商业裙楼(36层);整体设置四层地下室。主要用途 金融、办公等工 期:36个月工程性质:民用1结构与基坑概况(1) 本工程由四座塔楼及商业裙楼组成,整体设置四层地下室,采用桩筏基础。(2) 基坑规模:基坑面积约为20000m2,周长约为620米。(3) 基坑开挖深度:本工程0.000=+4.200,现场场地相对标高约-0.400(绝对标高+3.800),地下室基础底板面结构相对标高-18.500,C楼基础底板厚2700mm,AB楼、D楼、E楼基础底板厚1500mm,裙楼基础底板厚度1200mm。考虑基底设置

15、200mm厚素砼垫层,基坑开挖深度详见以下开挖信息表。2 、环境概况鼎鼎外滩项目位于上海黄浦区外滩204 地块,处在人民路、永安路、新永安路、中山东二路共同围合的地块。基地位于黄浦区繁华地段,四周以道路和历史建筑为主。道路下有较多的地下管线、基地红线距离周边道路、地下管线均较近。此外,基坑北侧为多层居民住宅,基坑东北角为历史建筑工业基金会大楼,基地南侧人民路下为人民路过江隧道和大直径污水管线,基地东侧中山东二路下为外滩通道。周边环境极为复杂,保护要求极高。基地北侧规划中的地铁14号线,距离本工程地下室外墙最近处约9.4m,地铁埋深在25m以上。该规划线的动工时间尚未确定,预计该地铁区间隧道在本工程地下结构完工后建设,本工程基坑施工对地铁14号线不会产生影响。3地质1. 场地范围内涉及到基坑工程的地下水有潜水、承压水二种类型。2. 潜水主要补给来源为大气降水,水位埋深随季节变化而变化,一般为0.3m1.5m。本场地潜水与黄浦江无水力联系。二、监理范围及目标监理范围:施工图中的建筑安装工程及附属设施等工程的施工监理;监理目标:一次验收合格率100%。三、监理依据业主与承包商签订的工程建设合同;我公司与业主签订的施工委托监理合同;国家、上海市有关工程建设的法律、法规、规章和其他有关规定;本工程施工设计图纸、工程建设计划及其它文件;


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