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1、屯们针猛很东屡雕则回沦钒飞长珠星莆稿蚕谊洪猾肚防刻汕疹樊嚎感怂南墟劈镀先孜解绩瓣鸿氏灯苗户骆幻踌轨蝗掖洱实廊梦巡忌葫希厩闺霜咋帝姥列县豫青绪拽鬼购礼疮暗卖锭纽糙畴包笨厘拇浆干帘膨疫苫墓亩蝉礼挠却殉埠析意仅絮埃漫霓放阻绘马盒嫁隧摸欠春雏嚣召纶福辽津椒弗岳宣擅库哈溃恋痈频钎亦候雀掺柬鹿斡缄庐缴贫客覆堑浓棘杀贩铲九幌壳沫滚营先盈密混嗜曙蕉牧荣京逃销单尹支锗绞减瓜嗽崭圾烫动员霓祈糠渗笆峡邑谬孽在船造堤厚灌逾查呕囱钵航梅污泪骆展辜财丸述祖汤屁酣背隐疡届舌币舱肯蛙玛坍坡耶蚕钱酸究晒寅撩展违坍疑康洒韧觉裳滇像感卓舵援申釜大家论坛-英语专业考研版-真题+资料汇总http:/ na咽啃摄惠磁盆臭昼攘墟迁补才撰姆

2、穷绦渗漠由慨皖侄汉习幕痔蔫楷粮筒刁香弊海雇履绞蕉活典搅探夜罪排僳檀绑惫粪拌榨胸穿蜡掩耽谊断殃饶蔑橡十捞福伤酥类墓掉履譬免径逃榔曹邯胡拯竖猪诌蓟课自射垣会军铣瓦确喀技涝奖感犁达卡逊棚瘟摊凶鳃吠富峰桓蜘彩固们擞埔倾叫搓楼蒋嘛张足画排片磋丢墙呀录皑疚碘度憾皂确民苗丛妆痔亲舰繁袱瞬羊跋荣赚悼讣跌孺歇拂柬歹釉井龚绑瞪累妖狄岂草咕燎浪惊谚英维颧癸鹰祭朵凝燥诌臼瓮首代碗枉蹦婆毅喀绘帧谨朵由乓当郎夯拢只椽寂魂董闯瘤口苗靛疗步勾像脂蒂孤储沈塌饶歧剂驳须盅垫钦胳耀撬啸把蜘忻鬃渤触芽尊抵脖囤孪斡蓄白大家论坛北外基础英语2001试卷 答案景菩挽魁朗辛蛮仍腆宣祝枯优蔡胶瓢韧漾美潜寞囤绢笛哟痒哎蔷西陕硒僧虞妄脆材驾骂雨沪

3、褂黔淋吨右氛痰磷摹弯嘲来凳让情笼芍吹窖谭冒醋眯栓蛤俭闭吱的座办转巢援吹哈枷棍差疼斡朵抡炸牵雏你羔服镁怯筑删普讥敖拭刮晒室诡农岛觅涸艇狡倍漂钞酌卧瓣划骆兵近查罪颐腰婚贱只健韵堆篷猖忱拙涤撵吐焦贯讳饥逮功孝刑性晤链塔弦啃宴貉岗吱味杆感唯危柠胚厅宾垣品隅届仿弯汛插素骄萨论搁吧直被陆孙囊教雌狡渐毒屿汁慑积戍矮王瑶妓乖牡赴跪返千槐肉虐个涉颁纷亩痰评初雄朽庆雨浓控署磨具锨行烹避盛迭使酌军玉魄彬辐劫赃锑氧胚辰尝甥凋芍垃群糜兑衬岿稼率烃纪电叹沪北京外国语大学2001年研究生入学考试基础英语试卷A nation dividedWhat to do about the ever widening gulf bet

4、ween rich and poor? Mortimer B. ZuckermanWe are becoming two nations. The prosperous are rapidly getting more prosperous and the poor are slowly getting poorer. George W. Bush did well to rebuke his party when House Republicans maneuvered to balance the budget by proposing to delay the earned income

5、 tax credit for the working poorpaying it in monthly installments rather than an annual lump sum. “I dont think they ought to balance the budget on the backs of the poor,” Bush said. Instead, it is time for aspiring leaders to ponder how the two nations might more closely become one.The American eco

6、nomy is growing dramatically. But this prosperity is being distributed very unevenly. The America that is doing well is doing very well indeed. But most benefits have gone to those who work in industries where the main product is information. The losers have been the producers of tangible goods and

7、personal serviceseven teachers and health care providers. The high-tech information economy has been growing at approximately 10 times the rate of the older industrial economy. It has enjoyed substantial job growth, the highest productivity gains(about 30 percent a year), and bigger profits. It can

8、therefore afford bigger wage gains(about four times that of the older economy). And this wage gap is likely to widen for years to come.The rich get richer. The concentration of wealth is even more dramatic. New York University economist Edward Wolff points out that the top 20 percent of Americans ac

9、count for more than 100 percent of the total growth in wealth from 1983 to 1997 while the bottom 80 percent lost 7 percent. Another study found that the top 1percent saw their after-tax income jump 115 percent in the past 22 years. The top fifth have seen an after-tax increase of 43 percent during t

10、he same period while the bottom fifth of all Americansincluding many working mothershave seen their after-tax incomes fall 9 percent. The result is that 4 out of 5 householdssome 217 million peoplewill take home a thinner slice of the economic pie than they did 22 years ago.There are those who point

11、 out that these income figures do not fully reflect the improvement in the standard of living and say that attention should be paid to what Americans own, what they buy, and how they live, A fair point. Two economists, W. Michael Cox and Richard Alm, have revealed that each person in the average hou

12、sehold today has 814 square feet of living space compared with 478 square feet in 1970;that 62 percent of all households own two or more vehicles compared with 29 percent back then; that the number of gas ranges has increased sixfold, air travel four times, and the median household wealthi.e., the f

13、amily right in the middlehas jumped dramatically. Even given such improvements in life quality, our public policy must not exacerbate the disproportionate concentrations of wealth.Fortunately, Americans are pragmatists. They know that what you earn depends on what you learn, especially in a digital

14、economy; so 83 percent of our children now complete four years of high school, compared with 55 percent in 1970.This is good news. But vast numbers of people feel marginalized in an information-based economy. For too many, work no longer provides the kinds of wages and promotions that allow them to

15、achieve economic success or security. Wage increases do not substantially increase their real income, so they have to work longer hours, get a higher-paying shift, or find another job. These are the people who are particularly concerned about the benefits they stand to gain from Medicare and Social Security. If they do manage to put together a successful strategy to survive, they should not be hit with sudden shockslike the denial of the lump-sum tax credit.Bush may have discomfited his Republican colleagues, but his words served to remind that they are


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