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1、Pat On Old nddde glish LiertureI. Fil in the blanks1. hos ths nweCritistend to dideChauer liraryaeer nto tre rids:the French period, theItalianperiod and h Englsh eriod2. hauce eloye theheoicoplt writnh greatet ork Te Cnterbuy ts.3. The framewo in TCanerbury Tales sa ilgrimg.4. WhnChaucerdie on the

2、2th of Octr 1400,ew the irst be urid emitrAbbey.5. e Proloe provids a framewor forthe tals nThe CaneryTales, andi compse aroufivipicres f vrios meeva figurs.6. Th 5thceur a tradtioall bee dscibd aste en ain English ltrature7. Poetry ca be clasife rtiveorlyric.Narative poes stress actin, ndris tres s

3、ngs.Part Tw ngis Liertue i he Rnassance PerI. ill in he lanks1. e scon peio o nglis Rnaisace is lso caldhe Elizabethan peroor te aeof akepeare.2. Shakespearespas have been traitinly vided ito four ateorie accrding o matitype: histores, cmedies, tagedies aroances.3. Edu Spensrisoftnreferred to as “th

4、e pes poet” ecueoiscsideabl influence onlae ots4. Spensrs Amorettisaero 8 snnets i whc he inks ec quarain othene by coininrye: abab bcdcd ee.Thi or isusallcaled Spnsanonnets.5. Chispr Male iconider th fist ga Egshdamtit an th most imporantlibethan playwih bfore hkespear.6. Saseres154onet fall into t

5、o seris: oe seri are aresdto H, yun man, adthethrddrese oa dark lady.7. The witiof rai ac ainly fl ito three cteores:hilosophical, iterary prfssional.8. A Saspaanone s mosed of thr uatrains aa cncludin coulet.PartThreeEnglish Litraue i the17th entuI. Fllnthe k1. The poems oJoh Done belng to to cteor

6、ies: the outhful lov lyrics and he ltersared vr.2. ilton gveuthe oly eic since Beoulf, and Bnyn av us t only gr alego.3. Bunas mot imprtant work s Te igims Pros, written i the ld-fasined,evalfrm falryan eam4. I the 19th ceturyngish liteatu,ne lieray tn, critical reim, apred afterthe romni poetry. 5.

7、 ohn Donneis the fndr of the scoo metapysicl oetry. Hs works ar crateriedbymysticim in contt adantstiaity in orm.6. Bcause o th sussof Pards Lot, John Mionpodued in 161 nothe epc, Pardise Regaind7. John iton Pradise Lo penswith he dsrption fameeing mon thfallen anels, ad ends withthdepartre fdam adE

8、ve om th Grde f Eve.8. h ostdistingushed litargreof the Restration Pei wa John Dryden,poet,cric, and arigt.9. Paradiseo s a long ep. The storiesae akn from the Od Tent10.Part For8thenryLiratureI. i inteblaks1. TomsGays “ElegyWiten in Cntry Chrhyrs” is aen s a molof sentientl poetry, ep. the graeyad

9、school.2. he extig tle of Roinson Cruoei layaadvnture story rthr h the sdyohumacharacr.3. An O, in acent litratue, is anlbore yricapem compoe for acorus o chan and to dane t4.5. I Jeusalem,Willia Bke onded his theory of imaginaton, asertng tha theold f imagnatini thewoldof eenit6. “Til he sea g , my

10、 dear,n the rack elt wi te un:I wil luve thee til, my dear,Whie hsan o li hal un”The aoveine e aken o Robet un famouspem“MyLves Lke a Red, R,Rose”.7. Frd is a haaer i the nelRoinson ruoe8. enryFilding icaldth Ftero t English Noel.9. The 8theturyiskow a th ge o nlghtenment r te ag of rason.10. n Guli

11、ves el, hoos ar the creatures living Houhym.ParFieRanticLitertue I. Fllinthe blanks1. As n ag of oan nthusiam, e Romntic Age ega n 1798 hn Wrswth and olidg publiedLyricalBaladsand ended in 12 when Scotid.2. TheEngitement a a rogrsive inellectal ovemntoughotestern uope in t18th cenur 3.4. In he Pree

12、f te 2d and 3r ediions ofricalalds,Wordswth laid downth principes o oery compston.5. The EnglihRoatic Aeprodued womaor novlsts,Waltr Scttndane Auste.6. Wordsworth, ColeridgeandSh arefeedt as he“Lake Pets”ecuseteylve in the Lake Dstrictinthenorthwesten prt ofEngla7. In 80, Worsworth compete his logautbioahicalpm enitle Th Prelude.8. Py Shely mured for ohn Keats premaure dt


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