海南省东方市琼西中学2016届九年级英语上学期第一次月考试题(无答案) 人教新目标版

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海南省东方市琼西中学2016届九年级英语上学期第一次月考试题(无答案) 人教新目标版_第1页
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海南省东方市琼西中学2016届九年级英语上学期第一次月考试题(无答案) 人教新目标版_第2页
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《海南省东方市琼西中学2016届九年级英语上学期第一次月考试题(无答案) 人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《海南省东方市琼西中学2016届九年级英语上学期第一次月考试题(无答案) 人教新目标版(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、琼西中学2015-2016学年度第一学期九年级英语第一次月考题班级 姓名 座位 分数 .辨音题(每小题1分,共5分)( )1. A. stand B. back C. glass( )2. A. great B. meat C. break ( )3. A. think B. thank C. those ( )4. A. all B. tall C. half ( )5. A. why B. baby C. fly .单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分)( )1.Where are Maria and Kangkang?They _ England.A. have been to B. are

2、 away C. have gone to D. had been in( )2. Im working in Beijing. I havent gone back home 2013.A. in B. from C. for D. since( )3.I think that you have made so rapid _ in math.A. a progress B. progress C. progresses D. progressed( )4.How do you like Beijing, Miss Read?Ive no idea. I _ there.A. have go

3、neB. have been C. havent been D. havent gone( )5.What _ to your village in recent years?Lots of roads, buildings, parks and so on.A. takes placeB. have happened C. has happened D. happened( )6.What did you do during your summer holiday?I spent my holiday _ English in Summer Classes.A. improvingB. im

4、proves C. to improve D. improve( )7.Im sorry I didnt step on your foot . Not at all .A. on purpose B. on time C. in fact D. in time ( )8.The family was _ poor _ they couldnt buy a TV set.A. so; that B. not; until C. not; but D. so; but( )9.There were of people in the world living in China .A. one fi

5、ve B. first five C. first fifth D. one fifth ( )10.Have you seen my brother?Yes. I _ him in the library five minutes ago.A. met B. have met C. meet D. have been met( )11. Im hungry . Id like some . A. coke B. coffee C. hamburgers ( )12. Lingling could play basketball and piano at the age of 10 .A. t

6、he , the B. the , / C. / , the D. /,/( )13. There is that the Internet plays an important role in our daily life . A. no problem B. no doubt C. no reason ( )14. Now ,the population of our city 6,120,000.A. was B. is C. has been D. has ( )15. I wanted to explain, she didnt give me any chance .A. and

7、B. but C. so .完形填空(10分) You probably heard about such a story : Long ago , there was a man who as good at fishing . Every day he 1 lots of fish . And he always gave most of his fish to his 2 . One day , he thought it would be better if they 3 the fishing skills . So he began to teach them how to fis

8、h . Soon all his neighbors were very 4 to eat the fish they themselves caught . Teaching people how to fish is more 5 than giving them fish. At present . there are 6 a lot of poor people in China . But its not 7 if we only give food to them . Instead . we should give them a chance to learn new skill

9、s . In some areas , our government has 8 poor people with job training . Once they learn any job skill . they can 9 their families and live a happy life . No job training is very important for people 10 , People can learn a lot of useful things to help them solve the difficulties them selves. ( )1.

10、A . are B. cooked C. bought D. caught ( )2. A . relatives B. neighbors C. parents D. friends( )3. A . accepted B. received C. agreed D. learned ( )4. A .surprised B. pleased C. interested D. relaxed( )5. A . careful B. successful C. helpful D. thankful ( )6. A .always B. still C. only D. almost ( )7

11、. A . enough B. necessary C. important D. difficult ( )8. A . given B. offered C. provided D. afforded( )9. A . leave B. raise C. choose D. enter ( )10. A . in need B. in time C. as usual D. as well . 情景交际(5分)Miss Liu : Hello , Mr. Zhu . What are you going to do ?Mr. Zhu : I have finished my work .

12、1 Miss Liu : Would you like to go shopping with me ?Mr. Zhu : 2 Miss Liu : You know , my mother loves Tang costumes very much . I want to buy some for her .Mr. Zhu : I hear there is going to be a fashion show in the shopping center . 3 Miss Liu : Good idea ? When shall we meet ?Mr. Zhu : 4 Miss Liu : By the way , what are Tang costumes made of Mr. Zhu : 5 Miss Liu : I see . OK. See you tomorrow .Mr. Zhu : See you .A. Lets make it 9:30B. So I have nothing to do . C. Shall we go and watch it ?D. They are made of silk E. Yes , Id love to 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. .阅读理解。(每小题各3分,共30分)(一)Many people do not


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