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1、 中考作文集锦1. 作文写作思路中考常考问题及形式:1. 中考作文常用文体:夹叙夹议 2. 中考作文常用形式:写回信;中英提示写作,话题类作文。 写作原则:231原则(1句问候,句概括来信中的问题,条建议及建议因素,1句祝愿) 3. 写作能力之外的得分因素:笔迹、分段4. 写作注意如下几点:避免使用汉语式英语,尽量使用自己熟悉的句型。注意长短句交错,几种句型可交替使用,以避免反复和呆板长短句交错使用(注意:应突出主题句;长句子并非越长越好)。 【阅卷关注】阅卷关注哪几点一、要点:所有图片或问题(要点决定分/语言精确);二、单词:提示词语全用上+单词拼写(字数达标/标点符号和大小写/ fute等

2、数字);三、语法:高档(多用句型/合适加点谚语)+语法出错(三单、时态、避免Chingis);四、卷面:书写规范(过渡词可使上下文连贯)不规定美丽但规定工整。 作文分类击破 【一、写人记事类】(感恩感谢朋友教师父母、难忘经历、微笑、鼓励、毕业感想、暑期筹划等)【1参照范文-合用于感恩/感谢、难忘经历、最喜欢的教师/朋友等:】y life in middle scol ilcometoteend soon uig thept hre yer,my Eglish tacher gave me so muc hel that wll neve foget e. was not go at Engli

3、sh, tried m bst o lern it but couldt ge god grdes, so I ecded to giveitup. y Englishteachrknehat,seotnly ecouraged eo go onarninbualso hled me with m Enlih afer las. it her hel,mad gret proges. wsmovebyhe and I wa realy tankul to hNow I feel more cofidet han fo. I sure I can larn Eglish ery welin th

4、e future.【0参照范文-合用于难忘的学校活动, 、鼓励、合伙、坚持不懈的精神等:】Durg theh yer, ur schoohasel vaious ciites,aongwhic he actvit f cimbing Xiangshaneave ethe deepet memory.Lasttrm,cassmates I hd a school ripo Xianh Pak. T, w edvded ito gops an th first grp tha oppethoutan wou a gprie. Ou roup trir estclimas quik s ossibl

5、. But son Ielt dizzy and was ou of ath Noticinthi, y tmmates cae t e mmedily omeo themgve candis so tat could get mor enery.therscarid hbgformes that Icoud cib he montiesly “Yuan do it!” everynencoure me. Atthatmoment, I fel eepy move d reallypwerful. Atlast, e ere frst t op te montai. This actvit o

6、nly e us a chanc to eep orbdyfianenjoythe beutfulscenery, utao te fel t porof temwor A uited goup a rng us warmtandstrngt and can la stsuccess【参照范文-感恩父母:】 Ths no oubhat prent avgv a lotsnce wa born. With the are, owp happly SoI k it is neceay t do somhing specil for tm to ow my tude. Boh of mypaent

7、loe mu So itud b a great ideto buya wonerfl CD fothem sSunda,I wen a oksre nd cose on among thetop Wile we wr haing dnner tgethr, playthe D.It asatiul With grt jy, thy ge mea wrm hug and bigsile eltvy sw. I was ealypodtha someth fr myparets. Ther mils ere tebet enagemt for meI mde up m mindtoo this

8、ikethis mre f【04参照范文-协助她人、 志愿活动:】 Itinhelpng trsi mprtantand neessa. aking pat in luter wor i ne of th gretest ways to gie a hand hose h ed help. nd lkeitvermuc. IembrI hlpdtheold pope i heold pople hoelastatuday. irst, lead he room n the windos for them becauset was not covienientfr eo d such tins.

9、Wtsmre, I toldthm ome ineesing stries,ang some Enlihon f them and tey moved t ears Whit wastimeto sy goodbye, Ihgthe and prmiseto e he gai. Everyoe ay hvetroubl in lfe n ou lite kid acta mke bi differncn tir lfe. Infac, elpin otesis iouselves. ildo the sam ith futebcaus tcan bring me andohr pple hap

10、iness.【05 参照范文-喜欢的obby、活动:】t isgo t ea aboutour schoo actiities.owIlltel you about mne.Atmschool w have man fun actitis to tae part i. We have wmming, basketall, badmintn,a pingpong. M favoreviy s basketbl. I pla wimy fends evryday afte schol. Bketbl sa eam sport here team-ms psthe bll to ac ther to

11、 thrw i inoaoop fo pints etea ith he os pins atth en of t game is In basketbll it is goo to b tal because iti easier toscoe oints. lie pla bstball beuse it is ateamor ad it isasa ood w o xercie. Basketbal isaloa good game o lear hwt work elwithohers.【06参照范文-Hby、读书类:】 I he grainterest i readig agazin

12、e becase I lie radinganykis fartcl in tm, uch orie, s, ienc, jokes and s o.The storesgve ef esons,th joes mke meaug an h news kep me knowwht haens rund me.I can get ots of formtions ella enjo alotof beautifulpitures in themagazine. I oy eadingmagzis bcuse tey can no lyhelp me stdy tter nd u als k mrlaxe an appy every da.【二、予以建议类】建议类作文写作思路(1231) (一句问候 、两句问题)第一段:不久乐收到来信 针对问题回答或体谅别人的感受 积极



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