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1、苏教版七上英语期末试卷一.单选:(分)( )1.t tme _ schol. A. to B. at . for D. i( )2. gkng uallygoe to hoolb_. . car B. thecar C ars D ca( ).Were is o CD? Its _e Wman. .in B. at C. n D. nextt( ). Leslay compur games _ a while. . ud B o. i D ( ) ecn g to a _ to l his. A. post ffie B. staurant C.ta house Dgas staio( ).

2、There_ mny fa houes i urare. .s B. re C am . ws( )7ht r you eighour like? . Ty re wrkes B They aall. C Th aequt. . They are old en( )8.You are vy illWhy _ to se a dor? A nto go B.ynotogo C. t g Ddidnt go( )9. _ o you d udoorctivitis? Two mes a day . Ho lon B. How sn C.Whn D. Ho e( )10. om is _ han m

3、e A. ig B.bigr . ta . lle( )1 There re _ i the rm. .to bagso rce B. two bag of rice C.two bags f rices D tw ag e( )12.Sh says_a mle. A in B for C. wih D. ( )13.He enjys _ Enlis in th mornin. A. ra B. o ead C.reading D. reads( )14 Th second dy he wek is _. A Snday . Satuay C Moda D.esda( )15.I har he

4、 brds _. A. sing B. tsing C. sings D. singing( )16. im an Kte _ Enlish. Aregood in B. ae goodaC. s good at are gwth( )17. hecountr a _fo urs. Aaway B. ay . to D. lon( )18 henTo _ Beijin, it is rag. A. ge B go C.gets D. gto( )1an I speak_ Mr Wag? to B in . wit D ad( )20.Wats hemat _tekitchen fn. A. o

5、f wih C. forD.to二. 根据首字母写单词。(10分) 1. Toy i the f_ a of yur holid 2. Dont w_te baby up.Se s sleeing . e lying c_ gaes. 4. How ofte do yu goto tlibrar? hre t_ eek. 5 How ongcan k_ t? 6. Wang n usually _abus o shol. 7 Mikewatorentfullyf_ houe 8 If yu_ in he rn lac,you geta ticke. 9.Se sualyw_ TV ithe l

6、ving roo. 0.Teacr s waiting for us. Lets go to thet_ room.三.用特殊疑问词填空(20分) wat, wh,wee, y,whih,wen, ow, how ofen, ho may, ho ol 1._o yu get to scoolnthe mornig? At al pas see. 2. _does Kangngsualy pla vlleyball? Onthe plygroud. 3. _irs our sster? Theone nxto tendow. 4._i unr thecha? ts a footll. 5._i

7、 r fa? Heisfoty-one. . _dSteve go swimming? goes swming hree timeswee. 7._sheep re the n theture? herare eleen 8. _doesMariao ovisit er unce? Bytrain. 9. _is knockigate doo? Letme e. Oh,it Jan. 1._are you runing o fast? Becasem lteforcass.II 综合运用(50分)一. 读短文,根据事情发生的地点,将选项重新排序(填字母)(1分) get pt 6:00 ocl

8、ock.Then Iah face. cook ood for myself at6:0. Ive habrgesad milk fo akast.A 7:30, watch T nws.Ike fower and ras very mch. we heat 8:00. Afte tht, Irea books. A.sudy B. ning rom. C berom D.grdn E. bthrm F. livig oo G ktchen 二 根据提示,用oten, lwas,omeimes, seo, ul, nee填空(6分) Ns Activities Time a week Mik

9、o shoppin ane drinkmi iMing a rs ankng wath aimls MrZhou d oing Maria atch V 1. Mik _ osshoppn. 2. Je _ dk mil3. L Ming _ plays spts. Kangkag _watche anmal. 5. Mr.Zu _ oes ooking 6. Mari _ watches TV.三.根据课程表完毕下面的话(1分)节数 星期一 星期二星期三 星期四星期五语文英语 数学 语文英语2 数学语文 英语 数学 数学3 英语 数学语文 英语 语文4历史体育地理 历史政治5微机生物 艺术

10、微机 体育6 音乐 地理历史 生物 艺术Der Steve, ery hpy in my new chool. I e yore enjoying it. etecers an studetshere areriendly to me. Weg to schol ive dys a we. I getto schol at sven thry, and _1_ do yo et to scoo? We he six clase every a, ad_3_ cassdyouhave? _4_ and _5_,he fis class in Chinese. We ae Cins, _6_and Eglsh evrmorig. Wehae


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