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1、完形填空分类练习三(总分:80.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、Passage 1 (总题数:1,分数:20.00)Statuses are marvelous human inventions that enable us to get along with one another and to determine where we fit in society. In our everyday lives, we mentally (1) place people in terms (2) their statuses. For example, we must (3) whether th

2、e person in the library is a reader ora librarian, whether the telephone caller is a friend or a salesman, whether the unfamiliar person on our (4) is a thief or a meter (5) , and so on. The statuses we (6) often vary with the people we encounter, and change (7) life.Most of us can, at very high spe

3、ed, assume the statuses that (8) situations require. Much of social (9) consists of identifying and selecting among (10) statuses and allowing other people to assume their statuses in (11) to us. This means that we (12) our actions to those of other people based on a (13) mental process of (14) and

4、interpretation. Although some of us find the task more difficult than others, most of us perform it rather (15).A status has been compared to (16) clothes. Within certain limits, the buyer can choose style and fabric. But an American is not free to choose the costume of a Chinese peasant or that of

5、a Hindu prince. Wemust choose from amongthe clothing (17) by our society. Furthermore, our choice is limited to a size that will fit, as well as by our pocketbook. Having made a choice within these limits, we can have certain (18) made, but apart from (19) adjustments, we tend to be limited to (20)

6、the stores have on their racks. Statuses too come ready made, and the range of choice among them is limited.(分数:20.00 )A. aim toB. attempt toVC. ascribe toD. ascertain to解析:考点考查动词辨析。aim to意为“目的在于,旨在” ;attempt to意为“努力;尝试”;ascribeto意为把归于”。ascertain意为“确定,查明”,后面不接to。该句意为“在日常生活中,我们总是试图按照他人的身份来为其定位”。attem

7、pt to 最符合题意。A. ofVB. withC. atD. in解析:考点考查固定搭配。ill terms of为固定搭配,意为“按照,从方面来说”。A. proveB. depictC. judgeVD. exemplify解析:考点考查动词词义辨析和逻辑衔接。prove意;为“证明”;depict意为“描述”;judge意为“判断”;exemplify意为“例证。该句意为 “例如,我们必须判断图书馆里的一个人是读者还是图书管理员”。这里的judge和前文出现的determine构成同义词复现,故选C。A. propertyVB. owningC. possessionD. estat

8、e 解析: 考点 考查名词词义辨析。 property 意为“财产,房产”; owning 意为“拥有物”; possession 意为“所有物,财产”; estate 意 为“地产”。该句意为“我们必须判断出现在我们 前的是盗贼还是抄表的。”由此可见空格处应填入的是一个表示房子”含义的名词。 estate 一般用于比较专业的情况,如如: real estate(房地产)。 owning 和 possession 的含义都包括“房产”,但是要用复数,所以正确答案只能是A。A. measurerB. counterC. evaluatorD. readerV解析: 考点 考查名词词义辨析。在英语

9、中, 查水表、 电表、 天然气表等的人, 都叫做 meter-reader ,属于名词与名词的修饰搭配, 故选 D。A. assertB. proposeC. discernD. assume V解析: 考点 考查动词词义辨析。assett 意为“断言”; propose 意为“建议”; discern 意为“辨别”; assume 意;为“假定;呈现”。 该句意为“我们呈现的社会身份会随着我们所遇到的人的不同而有所变化,而且在我们的一生中都在不断 变化。“呈现某种身份”在英语中使用动词assume。此外,在后文中也出现了动宾短语 assume thestatuses ,属于原词复现。A. t

10、hroughoutVB. overC. onD. across解析: 考点 考查固定搭配。 考查介词的用法, change throughout life 的意思是“一生之中都在变化”。A. similarB. variousVC. unanimousD. certain解析: 考点 考查形容词词义辨析和逻辑衔接。similar 意为“类似的”; various 意为“各种各样的”; unanimous 意为“一致的”; ceitain 意为“一 定的”。前文出现了 vary 和 change 等词,根据同义词复现的线索,此处应为 various 。该句意为“我们 中的大部分人都能够快速地呈现

11、不同的情况所要求的社会身份”。A. confrontationB. encounterC. contradictionD. interactionV解析: 考点 考查名词词义辨析。confrontation 意为“对抗”; encounter 意为“遇到”; contradiction 意为“矛盾”; interaction 意 为“交互作用”。该句意为“社会 就是识别、选择社会身份,并且允许他人呈现与我们相关的社会身份”,故选 D。 social interaction 即意为“社会交往”。A. particularB. adequateC. appropriateVD. authentic

12、解析: 考点 考查形容词词义辨析。particular 意为“特别的”; adequate 意为“足够的”; appropriate 意为“适当的”; authentic 意为 “真的;可靠的”。根据上下文可知,此处应是指“正确的、适当的社会身份”,故本题选C。A. relationVB. relevanceC. reconciliationD. reliance解析: 考点 考查固定搭配。C 项 reconciliation意为“和解”,与上下文意群不符,可先排除,其余三个选项的词根相近,都有“关于,涉及”之意, relation 意为“关系”; relevance 意为“相关性”; rel

13、iance 意为“依赖,依靠”。 符合语法和文意的搭配是in relation to ,表示与有关”。A. takeB. putC. imposeD. fitV解析: 考点 考查动词词义辨析。该空格处所填入的单词与后面的to相搭配,taketo意为“将带到某处”;putto意为“将放置在某处”;impose意;为“强加”,后面介词常常用on; fitto意为“使适于”。此处意为“这意味着我们要使自己的行为适于他人的行为”。四个选项中,只有fit 与题意相符。A. continualB. constantVC. consistentD. consecutive解析: 考点 考查形容词词义辨析。c

14、ontinual 意为“频频,接连不断地”,意味着不存在间断; constant 意为“不变的,持续的”,侧重于 事件发生的稳定性和持续性以及经久不变的特点; consistent 意为“一致的”,经常用于固定搭配 be consistent with 表示“符合,一致”; consecutive 意为“连贯的,连续的”。该空格处所应填入的形容 词与 mental 一同修饰 process ,纵览选项可知此处要表达的是“一个持续的精神过程”,故本题选B。A. appraisalVB. praiseC. evaluationD. measure解析: 考点 考查名词词义辨析。appraisal

15、意为“估计,评价”; praise 意为“表扬”; evaluation 意为“评估”; measure 意为“测量”。 四个选项中较难区别的是 appraisal 和 evaluation , appraisal 指的是评审某物的质量,或估计某人的才 能等; evaluation 更为正式,一般指的是为查明事情的本质而进行的大量判断与分析,此处更符合语境的 是 A 项。A. hardB. effortlesslyVC. badlyD. intricately解析: 考点 考查副词词义辨析和逻辑衔接。 该句意为“虽然有些人会觉得这项任务要比其他任务难,但是大部分人却完成它”。四个选项中,hard 意为“困难地”; effortlessly 意为“毫不费力地”; badly 意为“糟糕地”; intricately 意为“杂 乱地”。句子的前半句中出现了 difficult ,并且两个分句是转折关系,根据反义同现原则,该空应填 effortlessly 。A. home-madeB. well-madeC. man-made


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