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1、-:TU46+3单位代码:10422:公开*:202113087硕士学位论文论文题目:止水帷幕在深基坑支护及降水中的作用效果研究The study onthe effect of anti-seepage curtain on supporting and drainage of deep foundation pit作者柳学院名称土建与水利学院专业名称构造工程指导教师健教授合作导师2021 年 5月 10日原创性声明本人重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进展研究所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的科研成果。对本文的研究作出

2、重要奉献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本声明的法律责任由本人承担。论文作者签名:日期:关于学位论文使用授权的声明本人同意学校保存或向有关部门或机构送交论文的印刷件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和借阅;本人授权大学可以将本学位论文的全部或局部容编入有关数据库进展检索,可以采用影印、缩印或其他复制手段保存论文和汇编本学位论文。(论文在解密后应遵守此规定)论文作者签名:导师签名:日期:. z.-目录摘要IABSTRACTII第一章绪论11.1 课题研究的背景与意义11.2 国外研究现状31.2.1 渗流理论研究现状31.2.2 止水帷幕作用效果的研究现状41.3本文主要研究容5第二章深基坑支护与

3、降水理论72.1 深基坑支护的计算理论72.2 渗流的根本理论与方程92.2.1 达西定律92.2.2 渗流连续性方程102.2.3 非稳定渗流根本方程及定解条件122.3 深基坑降水的计算理论142.3.1 基坑降水的根本方法142.3.2 井点降水设计理论15第3章止水帷幕在深基坑支护中的作用研究183.1 FLAC3D有限差分软件系统183.1.1 软件简介183.1.2 软件的根本原理183.1.3 软件的本构模型223.1.4 软件中的构造单元243.2 工程概况263.3 建立模型273.3.1 模型概况273.3.2 初始条件与边界条件283.3.3 计算参数283.4 计算结果

4、与分析303.4.1 止水帷幕的位置对基坑支护效果的影响303.4.2 止水帷幕的弹性模量对基坑支护效果的影响383.4.3 止水帷幕的厚度对基坑支护效果的影响403.5 本章小结43第4章止水帷幕在深基坑降水中的作用研究444.1 前言444.2 ABAQUS简介444.3 工程概况474.4 建立模型484.4.1 模型概况484.4.2 初始条件与边界条件484.4.3 计算参数484.5 计算结果与分析494.5.1 止水帷幕对水头压力的影响494.5.2 止水帷幕对基坑涌水量的影响514.5.3 模拟结果与计算理论比照524.6存在止水帷幕时基坑涌水量的计算方法544.7 本章小结5

5、5第5章结论与展望565.1 结论565.2 存在问题及展望56参考文献58致61. z.-CONTENTSABSTRACTIABSTRACTII1 INTRODUCTION11.1 Background and significance11.2 Present research situation31.2.1 Seepage theory31.2.2 Anti-seepage curtain41.3 Main content52SUPPORTING AND DRAINAGE THEORY72.1 Supporting theory72.2 Seepage theory and equatio

6、n92.2.1 Darcy law92.2.2 Equation of continuity of seepage102.2.3 Basic differential equation of unsteady seepage122.3 Drainage theory142.3.1 Drainage methods142.3.2 Well-points drainage theory153 THE EFFECT OF ANTI-SEEPAGE CURTAIN ON SUPPORTING183.1 System of FLAC3D183.1.1 Introduction of FLAC3D183.

7、1.2 Basic principle183.1.3 Constitutive model223.1.4 Structural unit243.2 General situation of the project263.3 Build the model273.3.1 General situation of the model273.3.2 The initial and boundary conditions283.3.3 Calculating parameter283.4 The result of calculation and analysis303.4.1 The effect

8、of the location of anti-seepage curtain on supporting303.4.2 The effect of the elasticity modulus of anti-seepage curtain on supporting383.4.3 The effect of the thickness of anti-seepage curtain on supporting403.5 Summary434 THE EFFECT OF ANTI-SEEPAGE CURTAIN ON DRAINAGE444.1 Foreword444.2 Introduct

9、ion of ABAQUS444.3 General situation of the project474.4 Build the model484.4.1 General situation of the model484.4.2 The initial and boundary conditions484.4.3 Calculating parameter484.5 The result of calculation and analysis494.5.1 The effect of anti-seepage curtain on pore pressure494.5.2 The eff

10、ect of anti-seepage curtain onyield of foundation pit514.5.3 pare the results with calculating theory524.6The calculating method of yield of foundation pit with anti-seepage curtain544.7 Summary555 CONCLUSION AND E*PECTATION565.1 Conclusion565.2 E*isting problems ande*pectation56REFERENCES58ACKNOWLE

11、DGMENTS61. z.-摘要我国目前正处于经济建立高速开展的时期,城市化水平的稳步提高使得城市中建筑用地日趋紧。越来越多的基坑工程应运而生,其中不乏大型深基坑。在深基坑设计及施工中,设置好止水帷幕是不可或缺的一环。止水帷幕在基坑降水中的作用是延缓或者阻止地下水流向基坑,以此防止因地下水位下降而造成的基坑外围地面沉降;同时保证基坑部根本枯燥,便于施工。绝大多数的止水帷幕设计都是为了获得最好的止水效果,而很少从力学角度考虑其合理性。本文从力学理论出发,利用FLAC3D软件对基坑开挖支护全过程进展模拟,并在开挖后对基坑顶部加载。通过比照多种工况,用一系列数据分析止水帷幕的力学作用,探讨止水帷幕在

12、不同位置、弹性模量、厚度等工况下对基坑位移和土钉轴力的影响。目前在有止水帷幕时的基坑降水设计中,还没有能准确计算出与工程实际相符合的水位降深与抽水量的理论公式,本文利用ABAQUS软件对基坑降水进展模拟,通过比照多种工况在降水60天后的结果,探讨止水帷幕在不同插入深度下对孔隙水压力场、基坑外水位降深、降水影响半径及基坑涌水量的影响。最后通过分析目前降水设计中常用的井点管井降水理论,结合数值模拟的结果,讨论现有公式在基坑降水设计中的实用性并提出存在止水帷幕时基坑涌水量的计算方法。关键词:深基坑;止水帷幕;支护;降水. z.-ABSTRACTOur country is in the period

13、 of economic development, and the improvement of urbanization level makes the building land of the city inadequate. A growing number of foundation pits arise at the historic moment, lots of whom are large deep foundation pits.Setting up anti-seepage curtain properly is an integral part in thedesign

14、of deep foundation pit. The role of anti-seepage curtain in drainage is slowing or stopping the groundwater flowing in the foundation pit, so as to avoid the displacement around the foundation pit caused bythe decline of ground water; at the same time ensurethe desiccation of foundation pit for the convenienceof construction.The vast majority of anti-seepage curtain designsmainly consider the best effect of seepage rather thanmechanics. Based on mechanics theory, this paper uses FLAC3D to simulate the whole process of e*cavation and supporting, and load the top after the e*cavation. parin


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