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1、文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! Nanping National Middle School (2004 spring Test of Teaching & Learning)Unit 21 she taught herself.Made by Huang Jianlin / 1.词汇(10分)A)根据句意及首字母提示,补全所缺单词。1. The c _girl could swim when she was five2. The p_mother cant buy any new dress for her daughter.3. A c_ is a kind of food

2、. Its round, small and sweet.4. You must k_at the door before you come in.5. Dont read in the d_ moonlight.B) 根据句意,用括号中所给单词适当形式填空。6. Thank you for _(invite) us to your home.7. Help _(you) to some fish. Lily and Lucy.8. She worked all day _(draw) a picture.9. I can hear a girl _(sing) English songs e

3、very night.10. We cant have our supper until mother_(return).2. 单项选择(从下列各题后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个能填入句中空格的最佳答案。)( )11. -Can we do anything to help? -_.A. No, thanks B. No, you cant C. Yes, do D. Sorry, please( )12. If I have _money, Ill build(建立) a school for the poor student.A. a lot B. lot of C. much

4、D. many( )13. The children enjoyed _ at the childrens Palace(少年宫) yesterday.A. they B. them C. himself D. themselves( )14. Its time_ supper.A. for have B. for us C. to us D. to have( )15. -who taught the boy_? -His father. A. swim B. swims C. to swim D. swimming( )16.The sun shines_in through our wi

5、ndows in summer.A. bright B. brightly C. right D. rightly( )17.He sat down and played _for the blind girl.A. piano B. pianos C. a piano D. the piano( )18.A man _the table and hurt his leg.A. fall off B. fell off C. fall down D. fell down( )19.He id rich, _he is not happy.A. and B. but C. so D. when(

6、 )20._lost _in the computer games.A. We, myself B. He, himself C. She, themselves D. They, ourselves3.适当的词语填空,每个词语只能用一次,有两个是多余的。With these words, pardon, like, make faces,Knock at, find out, teach oneself, all by oneself,Turn off, let, come along, care for,21.”I dont want you to do it”. _ , he went

7、away.22.Please _ him help you, you cant finish it by yourself.23. He _ maths when he was at middle school.24. Remember _ the light when you leave.25. Is he going to buy some books_?26. Would you _a drink?27. Were going to Beijing tomorrow. Would you like to _?28 .At last he _when the train would lea

8、ve.29.He doesnt like_ in class.30. _ me for asking. But isnt that my hat?4. 汉译英31.她太老, 不能去旅游了。She is too old to _ _ a _.32. 仔细听并把重要的内容记下来。Listen carefully _ _ _ the important things.33. 令我惊奇的是他写得那么好。_ _ _,he wrote so well.34. 不要把衣服落下。_ _ your clothes _.35. 她没有足够的钱为自己买新电脑。She cant _ _ _a new computer

9、 for herself.5.完形填空(通过下面的信息,掌握其大意,并填空)。A: I lose(丢失)things every day, but not very important things. I always find them again. When I find them back, its too_36_. I dont need them any more! For example(例如), I needed _37_a letter, so I looked for the stamps. I _38_them yesterday. But I couldnt find t

10、hem, so I had to buy some more.B: I am usually very careful_39_my things. But there are _40_which I just cant keep, such as umbrellas. I buy two or three umbrellas every year. I put them in shops, restaurants_41_in the cinema_42_i forget them.C: I lose papers and keysusually important papers. I also

11、 leave my phone card in the telephone. Last month I _43_my bag in a shop. Another thing I often lose is my car keys. Last week I lost _44_so I took the bus to _45_. When I got home, I found them in the rubbish bin(垃圾箱)!( )36. A. good B. late C. nice D. happy( )37. A. to post B. have C. to get D. put

12、ting( )38.A. saw B. brought C. met D. bought( )39. A. for B. with C. to D. at ( )40. A. everything B. nothing C. anything D. some things( )41. A. and B. but C. so D. or( )42. A. or B. that C. and D. than( )43. A. found B. got C. took D. left( )44. A. their B. it C. them D. that( )45. A. my office B.

13、 here and there C. your turn D. up and down挑战并列连词( )1. The nurse doesnt feel well today, _she still works very hard. A. but B. and C. or D. then( )2. Speak loud, _youre sure to speak good English.A. for B but C. and D. or( )3. It is raining hard, _we have to stay at home. A. and B. so C. or D. then( )4. Call a taxi, _you will miss the train.A. or B. but C. so D. and( )5. Mr. Black is poor, _he is happy.A. but B. and C. so D. /(


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