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1、Software Test Plan (STP)TemplateSoftware Test Pla nINTRODUCTIONThe Introduction section of the Software Test Plan (STP) provides an overview of the project and the product test strategy, a list of testi ng deliverables, the pla n for developme nt and evolution of the STP, reference material, and age

2、ncy definitions and acronyms used in the STP.The Software Test Plan (STP) is designed to prescribe the scope, approach, resources, and schedule of all testing activities. The plan must identify the items to be tested, the features to be tested, the types of testing to be performed, the personnel res

3、ponsible for testing, the resources and schedule required to complete testing, and the risks associated with the plan1.1 Objectives(Describe, at a high level, the scope, approach, resources, and schedule of the testi ng activities. Provide a con cise summary of the test pla n objectives, the product

4、s to be delivered, major work activities, major work products, major milest on es, required resources, and master high-level schedules, budget, and effort requireme nts.)1.2 Testing StrategyTesting is the process of analyzing a software item to detect the differences between existing and required co

5、nditions and to evaluate the features of the software item.(This may appear as a specific docume nt (such as a Test Specification), or it may be part of the organizations standard test approach. For each level of testi ng, there should be a test pla n and an appropriate set of deliverables. The test

6、 strategy should be clearly defi ned and the Software Test Plan acts as the high-level test plan. Specific testing activities will have their own test pla n. Refer to sect ion 5 of this docume nt for a detailed list of specific test pla ns.)Specific test pla n comp onents in clude: Purpose for this

7、level of test, Items to be tested, Features to be tested, Features not to be tested, Man ageme nt and tech ni cal approach, Pass / Fail criteria, In dividual roles and resp on sibilities, Milest on es, Schedules, and Risk assumpti ons and con stra in ts.1.3 Scope(Specify the pla ns for produci ng bo

8、th scheduled and un scheduled updates to the Software Test Pla n (cha nge man ageme nt). Methods for distributi on of updates shall be specified along with versi on con trol and con figuratio n man ageme nt requireme nts must be defi ned.)Testing will be performed at several points in the life cycle

9、 as the product is constructed. Testing is a very dependent activity. As a result, test planning is a continuing activity performed throughout the system development life cycle. Test plans must be developed for each level of product testing.1.4 Refere nee Material(Provide a complete list of all docu

10、me nts and other sources refere need in the Software Test Pla n. Refere nee to the followi ng docume nts (whe n they exist) is required for the high-level test pla n:* Project authorizatio n,* Project pla n,* Quality assura nee pla n,* Con figurati on man ageme nt pla n,* Orga ni zati on policies an

11、d procedures, and* Releva nt sta ndards.)1.5 Defin iti ons and Acronyms(Specify defi niti ons of all terms and age ncy acronyms required to properlyin terpret the Software Test Pla n. Refere nee may be made to the Glossary of Terms on the IRMC web page.)2. TEST ITEMS(Specify the test items in eluded

12、 in the pla n. Supply refere nces to the followi ng item docume ntatio n: Requireme nts specificati on, Desig n specificati on, Users guide, Operati ons guide, In stallatio n guide, Features (availability, resp onse time), Defect removal procedures, and Verification and validation plans.)2.1 Program

13、 Modules(Outl ine test ing to be performed by the developer for each module being built.)2.2 Job Con trol Procedures(Describe testi ng to be performed on job con trol la nguage (JCL), producti on scheduli ng and con trol, calls, and job seque ncin g.)2.3 User Procedures(Describe the testing to be pe

14、rformed on all user documentation to ensure that it is correct, complete, and comprehe nsive.)2.4 Operator Procedures(Describe the testing procedures to ensure that the application can be run and supported in a producti on en vir onment (in clude Help Desk procedures).3. FEATURES TO BE TESTED(Ide nt

15、ify all software features and comb in ati ons of software features to be tested. Ide ntify the test desig n specificatio ns associated with each feature and each comb in ati on of features.)4. FEATURES NOT TO BE TESTED(Ide ntify all features and specific comb in ati ons of features that will not be

16、tested along with the reas on s.)5. APPROACH(Describe the overall approaches to test ing. The approach should be described in sufficie nt detail to permit identification of the major testing tasks and estimation of the time required to do each task. Identify the types of testing to be performed along with the methods and criteria to be used in perform ing


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