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1、Module 1 Basketball Section IV Grammar & Writingi.完成句子1学生们正在准备他们的期末考试。The studentstheirnow.2它使我更加能够明白残疾人的需要。It made me to the needs of the disabled.3他把信封里的东西全都倒在桌子上。He the contents of the envelopethe table.4她坐在自己的书桌旁。Sheat her desk.5我们希望能找到一所合适的学校。We are hoping to find.【答案】 1.are preparing ; final e

2、xam 2.much more sensitive 3.emptied ; onto 4.seated herself 5.a suitable schooln.阅读理解ASydney,5 May,2010(BBC News) An Australian girl , called Jessica Watson, is 16 years old.She is near home after sailing around the world.But she may not realise her dream to get the record as the youngest person to

3、make the journey.After more than six months at sea , Jessica Watson is in the final part of her long and difficult journey around the world.She is hoping to reach Sydney Harbor later this month a couple of days before her seventeenth birthday.But although there is no question that she has sailed non

4、-stop without getting any help during the journey around the world, sailing experts say she has not gonefar enough to reach the record of being the youngest person to sail by herself.The influential( 有很大影响的 ) Sail World website has praised her heroic(英雄气概的 ) achievement.However , it believes that ru

5、les are very important and must be followed exactly.To have madethe world record the youngest person to make a journey around the world , it says , the girl should not simply cross the equator and then return south.Instead , she should have sailed much farther north into the Atlantic to a point in l

6、ine with France.“ We dont want to take away from what the kid has done ,” said the editor( 编 辑) of the website. “But it is one thing to be a hero and it is another thing to be a record holder.If she had sailed three thousand seven hundred kilometers further , she could have said that she had broken

7、the record.1 When did Jessica Watson probably start her journey?A In October 2009.B In December 2009.C In January 2010.D In May 2010.【解析】 推理判断题。根据文章第一段新闻所提示的时间 2010 年的 5 月 5 日以及文章第二段提到的“ After more than six months at sea ”可以推断,她很可能是在 2009 年的 10 月开始她的航行的。【答案】 A2 Why did Jessica Watson make the journe

8、y around the world?A To be a world record holder.B To know more about the world.C To be praised by the world.D To become famous worldwide.【解析】 细节理解题。 根据第一段中的“ her dream to get the record as the youngest person to make the journey ”可知, Jessica Watson 是想成为记录保持者。【答案】 A3 The Sail World website thinks.A

9、what Jessica Watson has done is perfectB Jessica Watson should have done betterC Jessica Watson has made the world recordD Jessica Watson has sailed into the Atlantic【解析】 细节理解题。根据第四段和第五段可知, Sail World 网站表扬了 JessicaWatson 的壮举,并同时指出,为了成为世界记录保持者,她不应该刚刚跨过赤道就返回,而应航行得更远。故B 正确。【答案】 B4 What would be the bes

10、t title for the passage?A Failure Is the Mother of SuccessB An Australian Girls Coming BirthdayC A Hero but not a Record HolderD Success Means Working Harder【解析】标题归纳题。本文是一篇新闻报道, 主要讲述了澳大利亚女孩虽有英雄壮举,但并没有成功地成为世界记录保持者。本文对其环游世界的举动进行了描述和评论。【答案】CBDikembe Mutombo has gotten over the sadness of the end of his

11、 playing career.Hell take some time before deciding what he wants to do next.The 42-year-old Mutombo announced his retirement from basketball on Thursday after injuring his left knee in a playoff(季后赛)game against the Portland TrailBlazers on Tuesday , April 23,2009.The oldest NBA player will have su

12、rgery on Monday.Although he would leave the court forever , he stayed upbeat as he chatted with reporters.“Maybe I think I cried enough when I was on the floor , Mutombo said. I cried again when I got in the training room and when the doctor tried to talk to me.But right now , I think I have to be h

13、appy. ”Mutombo played for six teams, was the leagues top defensive player four times and played in eight All-Star games over 18 seasons.He said he would talk with his wife , Rose, and six children before deciding what he might do now. When the season is over , I will have the time to reflect on(思考)m

14、yself and take time with my wife and kids , Mutombo said. Then we will decide what the next chapter of life will be like.”Mutombo has been active for years in humanitarian( 人道主义的)efforts , most of them benefiting causes in his native Africa.He was invited to attend President Barack Obamas inaugurati

15、on( 就职典礼)in January.His most personal project is the Biamba Marie Mutombo Hospital, which openedin December 2007 , in his native Democratic Republic of Congo.Mutombo contributed $19 million and set up a fundation( 基金会)to raise money for the hospital, namedafter his late mother.Mutombo played in only

16、 nine games in the regular season, but continued to bea valuable role model for the Houston Rockets younger players, particularly YaoMing.“A great person, not just on the court , but also off the court , “ Yao said. He always takes care of people.Inthe locker room, he always teaches the young playersto do the right thi


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