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1、Unit 7 At weekends 测试卷School Class Name Mark听力部分(30分)、根据你所听到的单词,将其序号写在题前括号内。(读两遍)(10分)()1.A. waitB. visitorC.visit()2.A. capB. chatC.cat()3.A. come outB. get outC.come here()4.A. afterB. oftenC.office()5.A. theseB. hereC.there()6.A. I nternetB. wi nterC.in terest ing()7.A. go to the cin emaB. go to

2、the parkC.go to the library()8.A. how muchB. very muchC.how many()9.A. writerB. weekC.weekend()10. A. play withB. gran dpare ntsC. play football二、 听录音,选择合适的应答句。(10分)1. A. He always flies a kite.B. She usually has dancing less ons.C. I ofte n go to the park.2. A. I sometimes go to the cinema.B. He al

3、ways has a pic nic.C. She ofte n goes to the park.3. A. She usually goes to the park.B. I ofte n have dinner with my pare nts.C. He always flies a kite.4. A.They sometimes go to the park.B. He always watches TVC. She ofte n plays table tennis.5. A. Basketball is very popular in the US.B. Football is

4、 very popular in the UK.C. Table tennis is very popular in Chi na.三、根据你所听到的对话及问题,选择正确的答案。(读两遍)(10 分)1. -Comean football!-No, I don football.2. comes. Sam and Bobbygo3. -What do you?-1 sometimes my grandparents.笔试部分(70分)、读一读,选出画线部分发音与其它发音不相同的选项。(6分)1. () A. sixB. hasC. close2. () A. flyB. veryC. love

5、ly3. () A. alwaysB. musicC. this4. () A. MathsB. isC. basketball5. () A. picnicB. catC. cin ema6. () A. alwaysB .haveC. chat二、英汉互译。(8分)1.1 often(踢足球)in the playgrou nd(放学后).2. Do you ofte n(去电影院)(在周末)?3.What does your father usually do at ni ght?-He(总是看电视).4.Ca n he(放风筝)?5.He sometimes chat with his

6、 frie nd()on the Internet ().三、单项选择。(10分))1. -What your father do the weekends?-He is a doctor.(A. do onB. does in)2. She always a dancing less on.A. haveB. hav ing)3. -What does your e-frie nd?-She often basketball.A. does playB. doing playing)4ofte nmy gran dpare ntsA. visit B. watch C.look)5.We a

7、lwaysup late on Sun day morning?A. getB.gets)6.-What does your e-friend ?-She often basketball.A. does playB. doing playing)7.-does your mother do Sun days?-He ofte n plays football.A. What atB. What on)8.Su Hai sometimes to the cinema.A. goesB. going)9. -Whatyour aunt usually do?-She usually TV.C.

8、does atC. hasC. do watchingC.getti ngC. do playsC. How onC. goC. do watchingA.do watchB. doeswatches()10 -Mike often fly a kite?-Yes, he.A. Do doB.Does doesC.Can can四、在U栏中选出I栏中句子正确答语。(10分)nA. Yes,there is.B. Four.C. Yes,he does.D. Yes,he ofte n goes to the park.E. Yes, I can.F. He likes eati ng.G. O

9、K.H. She is a driver.I. No,I don t.J. I like cakes.I()1. Does he like En glish?()2. Let s play volleyball.()3. What does she do?()4. Can you fly a kite?()5. What does he like doi ng?()6. Does he ofte n go to the park?()7. Is there a dog on the chair ?()8. What food do you he like?()9. Do you have le

10、ss ons on Saturday?()10. How many frie nds do you have?五、连词成句。(10分)l. what, he, do, does, the, at, weeke nds2.ofte n, TV, i n, eve ning, watch, I, the(.)3. you, usually, chat, do, on, the, Intern et(?)4. Tom, always, homework, does, school, after(.)5. does, do, your, what, mother, the, at, weeke nds

11、(?)六、用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)1. Liu Tao often(fly) kites at the weeke nds.2. -(do) your mother often(go) to the park?-Yes,she does.She(like) running in the park.3. -What(do) your sister like?-She(like) (listen to music).4. My father often(read) magaz ines in the eve ning.5. -What does your uncle often(do)?-

12、He often(chat) on the Internet with his e-frie nd.七、阅读短文,判断下列句子与短文内容是否相符,相符的画區,不符的画題(10 分)Hello, my n ame is Gao Shan. I am a stude nt. I ofte n do my homework on Friday eve ning. On Saturday mornin g, I usually read En glish. Then I go to the park with my pare nts. We usually fly kites and have a p

13、ic nic there. On Sun day, my frie nd Mike comes to my home. I usually play table tennis with him. We all like to play table tennis. We have a good time.()1. GaoSha n is a stude nt.()2. GaoSha n does his homework on Sun day morning.()3. GaoShan goes to the park with his friends.()4. GaoShan and his p

14、are nts usually have a pic nic in the park.()5. GaoSha n and Mike like play ing table tennis.八、小练笔。(6分)仿照第七题的短文,写一写你和你的家人或朋友是怎么样度过周末的。 要求:1、语句通顺、单词正确、书写规范。2、不少于5句哟!第七单元测试卷听力稿一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(读两遍)(8分)l. visit 2.chat e out 4.office 5.here 6.lnternet 7.go to the library 8.very much9.weeke nd 1O.play with(1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.B9.C10.A )二、听录音,选择合适的答句。(读两遍)(12分)1. What do you do at weeke nds?2. What does he do at weeke nds?3. What does she do at weeke nds?4. What do they do at weeke nds?5. What i



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