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1、-Unit 8 Gender DifferenceObjective1. read a story about how men and women think differently;2. Learn some pairs of words showing gender differences;3. Get some idea of how men differ from women when shopping;4. Get some tips about the predictive clause in English;5. Learn how to respond to invitatio

2、n cards or letters;Focuses1. Vocabulary in words and e*pressions of Te*t A and Te*t B.2. prehension of Te*t A and Te*t B.3. Grammar (The Relative Clause)4. Practical Writings: How to write aninvitation letterOutline:1. Background Information; study of words and e*pressions in Te*t A; Vocabulary Chec

3、k (Band C)2. Discussion of Te*t A and the follow-up e*ercises (A and B)3. Active Words and Vocabulary Check; Grammar Tips4. Discussion of Te*t B and the follow-up e*ercises5. prehensive E*ercises (Ask the students to do the translation e*ercises outside of the class beforehand)6. Practical Writing P

4、rocedures:Classroom ActivitiesI. Warm-up DiscussionQuestion: In what ways do men and women differHint: Men differ women in numerous aspects, for instance(1)munication; (2)thinking; (3)shopping habit.Gender DifferencesMen WomenthinkingForm an opinion on factsForm an opinion based on personal emotionm

5、unicationTend to be direct, straightforward, focusing on one topic for a long period of timeTend to be indirect, jumping quickly from one topic to anotherShopping habitGo shopping when they need sth, and decide on it immediately with little bargainingGo shopping when they want to and in most cases b

6、uy nothingII. Vocabulary in Te*t A1. thought n. 念头,想法;思想e.g. After much thought he decided not to buy the car. 考虑再三后,他决定不买那辆车。think v. 想,思考;认为thoughtful adj 深思的;思考的;体贴的;关切的thoughtless adj. 考虑不周的;粗心大意的;不顾及他人的2. occur vi. 被想起,被想到;发生;出现e.g: (1)An idea occurred to me. 我有主意了。(2)The disease occurs most fr

7、equently in rural areas. 这种疾病多见于农村地区。Occurrence n. 发生;出现;发生的事情e.g. The occurrence of this word is frequent. 这个词出现的频率很高。3.e*actly adv. 准确地,确切地;恰恰,正好e.g. Thats e*actly what I e*pected. 那正是我所期望的。e*act adj. 正确的;准确的;准确地e.g. Hes a very e*act sholar. 他是一个一丝不苟的学者。4. brother vt. 烦扰,打搅e.g. Im sorry to bother

8、you, but could you tell me the way to the station 对不起打搅一下,请问去车站怎么走?Phrase:bother ones head about 为焦虑或操心5. relationship n 感情上或肉体上的关系;关联,关系Synonym: relation n. (人或事物与他者的)联系,关联,关系6. obligation n 法律或道义上的义务、责任Phrase: under the obligation to do. 有义务做*事e.g. Adult children are under the obligation to provid

9、e for their parents. 成年子女有义务赡养老人。Oblige vt. 约束,迫使,束缚Obligatory adj. 强制性的e.g.(1) The police obliged him to leave. 警察强迫他离开。(2) Atttendance at tonights meeting is obligatory. 今天晚上的会议不得缺席。7. head vi. 朝特定方向前进e.g. He head straight for the restaurant. 他径直朝餐馆走去。8. marriage n. 婚姻关系,婚姻生活e.g. Eventually he pro

10、posed marriage to his beloved. 最终他向他的心上人求婚。Marry vi&vt. 结婚e.g. (1)She married last year. 她去年结婚了。 (2)I am going to marry John. 我要嫁给约翰了。Married adj. 结婚的;已婚的Phrase: be (get) married to 与*人结婚9. dealer n. 经营者,商人,商贩e.g. furniture dealer 家具店deal n. 买卖,交易e.g. They finally closed the deal. 他们最终达成了交易。10. mete

11、r n. 仪表此处指显示油量的表An electricity meter 电表A water meter 水表A gas meter 煤气表11. oil n. 机油Crude oil 原油Phrase: burn the midnight oil 挑灯夜战;开夜车12. overdue adj. 逾期的,过期的e.g. The train is overdue. 火车晚点了。Antonym: due adj. 到期的,应付的e.g. The assignment is due ne*t Monday. 作业应于下周一交。13.blame vt 归罪于,归咎于;责备,责怪 n. 事故、过失等的

12、责任;责备e.g. (1)She blamed him for the failure of their marriage. 她将婚姻的失败归咎于他。(2)Which driver was to blame for the accident 这次事故是哪个司机的责任?Phrase: lay the blame (for sth) on sb. 把*事归咎于*人14. guilty adj 疚的;有罪的;有过失的e.g. (1)He was found guilty of negligence. 他被判犯有玩忽职守罪。(2)He suffered terribly from a guilty c

13、onscience. 他遭受到良心的巨大谴责。Antonym: guiltless adj 无辜的,无罪的Guilt n. 疚,负罪感;罪,犯罪e.g. His face showed guilt. 他面露歉意。15. train n. 一连串,一系列;火车,列出 v. 培养;训练e.g.(1) His telephone call interrupted my train of thought. 他的打断了我的思路。 (2) The top star was followed by a train of admires. 那位流行乐明星身后跟着一大群歌迷。16.warranty n. 有关商

14、品质量的保修单,保用单,保证书;承诺,担保e.g. The machine is still under warranty. 这台机器仍在保修期。17.idealistic adj 理想化的,天真的ideal n. 理想 adj. 理想的,完美的 e.g.(1)He finds it hard to live up to his ideals. 他认为很难到达自己的理想。 (2)This dictionary is ideal-its e*actly what I needed. 这本字典太完美了,正是我所需要的。 idealism n. 理想主义尤指不切实际的追求或信奉的理想 idealis

15、t n. 理想主义者;空想家;唯心论者18. knight n. 骑士knighthood n. 爵士或骑士的称号和身份19. pain n. 痛苦;疼痛e.g.His harse words caused her much pain. 他尖刻的言语刺痛了她。Painful adj. 使痛苦的;疼痛的 e.g. His wound was very painful. 他的伤痛得要命。20.self-centered adj. 自我为中心的 e.g. self-centered attitude 以自我为中心的态度21.fantasy n. 梦想,白日梦e.g. Stop looking for a perfect job-its just a fantasy. 不要再去找完美的工作这完全是个梦想。Fantastic adj. 奇异的,梦想的;妙极的 e.g. We had a fantastic trip to Europe. 我们曾经有过一次美妙的欧洲之旅。22.fool n. 傻瓜,



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