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1、相关爆笑英语小笑话加翻译20个英语笑话爆笑超短 讲笑话不但能够娱乐自己,还能够表现自己的语言水平,和提升个人魅力。XX精心搜集了相关爆笑英语小笑话加翻译,供大家欣赏学习!相关爆笑英语小笑话加翻译:Reason of PunishmentOne day a little girl came home from school, and said to her mother, Mommy, today in school Iwas punished for something that I didnt do.The mother exclaimed, But thats terrible! Im g

2、oing to have a talk with your teacher about this!By the way, what was it that you didnt do?The little girl replied, My homework.处罚的原因一天,小女孩从学校回到家里,对母亲说:母亲,今天在学校里我因为一件我没有做的事情而受到处罚。母亲激动地说:那真是太可怕了!我要跟你的老师好好谈一谈,对了,你没有做过的那件事是什么?小女孩回复说:我的家庭作业。相关爆笑英语小笑话加翻译:Expensive Advice昂贵的提议The doctor finally reached hi

3、s table at a dinner, after breaking away from a woman who soughtadvice on a health problem.大夫在打发走了一个就健康问题向她咨询的妇女以后,最终来到餐桌上。Do you think I should send her a bill? the doctor asked a lawyer who sat next to him.“你认为我应该向她收费吗?”大夫问坐在身边的一个律师。Why not? the lawyer replied. You rendered professional services b

4、y giving advice.“有什么不应该?”律师答道,“你经过提提议提供了职业性服务。”Thanks, the physician said. I think Ill do that.“谢谢,”大夫说道,“看来我得这么做。”When the doctor went to his office the next day to send the bill to the woman, he found aletter from the lawyer. It read:第二天当大夫去办公室给那位妇女写账单时,她收到律师的一封信。信中写道:For legal services, $50.“请付法律

5、服务费50美元。”相关爆笑英语小笑话加翻译A Bad Impression一个坏印象My husband and I are both writers. During dinner conversations, we often tell our childrenabout our working days. It wasnt clear how much they absorbed until one day I overheard myseven-year- old, Lucy, cry out in frustration at her five-year-old sister, Charlotte, You, you.you editor!我丈夫和我全部是作家。晚夕谈话中,我们常常给孩子们谈到我们的工作。没人清楚她们听懂了多少。直到有一天,我偶然听到七岁的女儿卢希烦恼地向她五岁的妹妹喊道:“你,你-你这个xx!”


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