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1、2022年考博英语-河北农业大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 单选题They gave each other a gold ring to symbolize their marriage _.问题1选项A.approvalB.commitmentC.consentD.obligation【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项approval“批准(计划、要求等)”;B选项commitment“承诺,保证”;C选项consent“(正式)赞同;批文”;D选项obligation“(已承诺的或法律等规定的)义务,责任”。句意:他们互赠金戒指象征他们婚姻的_。B选项commitme

2、nt“承诺;保证”在这里比较符合语境,指金戒指象征婚姻的承诺,符合题意。因此B选项正确。2. 翻译题1. To produce the same amount of electricity, China consumes four times as much energy as the world average. Since the outset of this century, increasing productivity while conserving energy has been one of the utmost concerns of the Chinese governme

3、nt.2. In the world of tomorrow, managers cannot be technologically illiterate regardless of their functional tasks within the firm. They dont have to be scientists or engineers inventing new technologies, but they have to be managers who understand when to bet and when not to bet on new technologies

4、.3. If managers dont understand what is going on and technology effectively becomes a black box, they will fail to make the changes. They will be losers, not winners.4. Even if you know the answer to a childs question, resist the impulse to respond quickly. leaving no opening for discussion. That re

5、inforces the misconception that science is merely a set of facts stored in the heads of adults.5. Science is about explaining. Science is not just facts but the meaning that people give to theby weaving information into a story about how nature probably operates.【答案】1.为了产生等量的电流,中国的能源消耗是世界平均水平的四倍。从本世

6、纪的开端起,提高生产率同时节约能源,这已经成为中国政府最关心的事情之一。2.在将来的世界里,不管管理者在公司有什么职位任务,他们都不能是技术文盲。他们没必要是发明新技术的科学家或工程师,但是,管理者必须清楚对新技术何时押注。3.如果管理者不清楚怎么回事以及技术能有效地成为“黑匣子”,那么,他们就不会做出改变。这样,他们将成为失败者而不是胜者。4.即使你知道孩子问题的答案,也不要冲动地快速做出回应,要给讨论余留空间。这强化了科学仅是一套储存在成人脑海的事实这一误解。5.科学关乎于解释。科学不仅包含事实,而且包含人们通过将信息编织成个关于自然如何运作的故事而给予它的意义。3. 单选题I _ at

7、the maturity of such a young child.问题1选项A.surprisedB.marveledC.shockedD.moved【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项surprised“使感到意外”;B选项marveled“大为赞叹”;C选项shocked“惊愕;休克”;D选项moved“使感动”。句意:我对这样一个孩子的成熟感到_。根据语境,这里是指没想到这么小的小孩子竟然这么成熟,带着褒奖的意味,所以marveled“大为赞叹”符合题意。因此B选项正确。4. 单选题Did your mum and dad go to university, or did they

8、 leave school and go straight to the Job Centre The educational experience of parents is still important when it comes to how todays students choose an area of study and what to do after graduation, according to The Future-track research in the UK.The research was done by the Higher Education Career

9、s Service Unit. It plans to follow university applicants for six years from 2006 through their early careers.The first years findings come from a study of 130,000 university applicants. They show significant differences in prospective students approach to higher education, depending on whether their

10、 parents got degrees (second-generation applicants) or didnt (first-generation applicants).First-generation applicants were more likely to say that their career and employment prospects were uppermost in their minds in deciding to go to university. About one-fifth of this group gave “to enable me to

11、 get a good job” as their main reason for choosing high education. And 37 percent said that a degree was “part of my career plan”.A young person coming from a non-professional household where finances are stretched may find the idea of learning for its own sake to be a luxury. This explains the expl

12、osion in vocational courses.At Portsmouth University, first-year student Kim Burnett, 19, says that she specifically chose her degree in health research management and psychology to get a secure, well-paid job. Harriet Edge, 20, studying medicine at Manchester University, also wanted job security. H

13、er parents lacked college degrees, though the fact that her uncle is a doctor appears to have influenced her choice.“Medicine is one of those fields where its pretty likely youll get a job at the end. Thats a big plus, as the debt levels after five years of study are going to be frightening.” she sa

14、ys. Many experts believe that this situation affects those with no family tradition of higher education far more keenly. The fact that 26 percent of respondents said that they needed more advice implies that some students may end up feeling that their higher education investment was not worthwhile.F

15、or those with graduate parents, this lack of guidance may, the researchers suggest, be less of a problem. “But, for those without the advantages, lack of access to career guidance before applying for higher education leaves them exposed to making poorer choices,” the survey concludes.1. The main idea of the passage is that ( ).2. “HE” in the 4th paragraph probably refers to ( ).3. A young person coming from a non-professional household ( ).4. In which of the following aspects do Kim Burnett and Harriet Edge have in common?5. It is implied that ( ).问题1选项A.parents experience are more importa



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