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1、陕西省初中毕业学业考试(副题)第卷(共分)听力部分.(略)笔试部分单选(共小题,计0分)本题共有1个小题,请从每个小题旳四个选项中,选出一种最佳答案。( )21 M ssteriskid nd lways eady to helpthers A. he B her . hers D ersf( )2. S lied swefood so he adde more to hsp.A. cfee B. wer C.sugar . salt( )2. Pleasefin as mchtm as possble to sy yur pants ancare or tem.A agaist B. ith

2、out . wh D of( )24. Aftr the rain that nigt,the sky ascle and testar lod than usul.brigt B. bright .dakr D rk( )25. h yeald oy theesogscas.A. write B. wrote C. s ritte D. wasriting( )26. yo are areflbout everythnin you lif,you will akagrat acievement.A. houg B. I C Uless D. Bee( )7.e didnt thevlue o

3、f ife uti he was sved from that big ireA.os B. ealize C. provide D eroy( )2 Dd, tomrrow is y6th birha.I wondr , lestotheSeaorl. howe go B.wha we dCow e il o Dwht we il do ( )9.nypolethink bdlyehavd trvelers s tha ty wontbehae tt way agan.A.shldbe punished B. shold unsh C. mustnt be punished D.msnt p

4、uih( )30. Nbodywt to pla wit m, because Ild es.o your true selfto oters, and yol mkemore fs.A. don sho . nt to showCtosw D show 完形填空(共10小题,计10分)阅读下面一篇短文,理解大意,然后从各小题旳四个选项中选出一种最佳答案,使短文连贯完整。A nuse tooka e,nrvous, yung an, osevd the ary, oa old manedside. “Yurson is r,”sesid the ldman. e had 1_ hewordse

5、ralties bf ises opned. Theol moved hs hand toas heyoun manHe hed th old mans 32._ with loean enourgeent.Thenure broughtchir s tha the yog a could it beidethedAlthroug th 33._ sat there in h pory lghtedwar(病房). e held the oma hn an ofeed hiworso love an srengt(力量).Soemes th nure sgste hthe ongman sou

6、l4._ aandrs for ahil.Bt he 35._ pol. Wenever thes ae ntothe rd, s hrd t young man saa fe wods ina 6._voic Th ingan said nohi,oly holdi n tohionall the night.Eary nthe mornng, the o man d.Th yo man enttelhenurse When he swthe nurse, as, “7_ s tatdman?” The nrsecoldnt eeve her ars and swrd, “He your 3

7、8._” “No,hint. I eersawh beforein mlie,” e young mn rd. “Then wh didn ou s omethig when I oo u to m?” aked the urse.Theyun mn s, “ new i was ._ , anhs son just asnthere, but I also kne 0._ he eeed hs son. ws toosick o ell whether ais on or not S I stayed.”( )31.sk B.spll C. wt D reeat( )2 A. bed B.

8、arm C. ha D. clthe( ). A morning B. afternoon C. igh D.day ( )3 .gie B.move C put Drun( )35. eused walke C. tod Dcceped( )6.A.lod . oft C. app . angry( )7. A. What B er .How Who( )38 A. cle B. fathr C. grndfath D. frend( )39. ok B. a msta . story Da excus( )40.Aow uch B. h often Chow on omany阅读理解(共1

9、5小题,计2分)第一节:阅读下面一篇短文,判断下列句子与否符合短文内容,符合旳用“”表达,不符合旳用“B”表达。(共5小题,计分)AFilm stisare heldevery e arudth wr.Tse festivals prveew filmmaes it good chce to shw their talentThey soofer filmakers chancestlarnhe art f filmaking fromoter filmmaksaround the wrld Sundnce Film FestvalTime: JanuaryPlac: Cty, Utae fe

10、tial was stard i al ae City in 97 by SerlngV ene, Jhn Earle ndCrina Htntania. Thfestialsmis toloofor arti and shw unkowflms. A lo of fimere hownhe stal a aer bme ue sccesse.Beri Filmstiaime: Feruary Plc: Berli, GermnThe etival wasstrtedtteTini Palast movi theter i951. Th faous Golden er awards(奖) wr

11、e introdued at the opening fesal.Thefstvahs t larget nuber fl nh world tatend it.anns iestval Tme: ayPce: Canne,rnceAso of the oldest ilmestvals, t was irstheld in 1946. Te stivl was open o al. Hoever, toy t ha beom an iviationonly eent(公开活动).In , t crat 0 yars f Cns im Fstiva, 3 o the word eatt itrs wereinvited t tke pr in it.eic Fl FetivalTime:g/ SeptemberPac: Vece, talyThe fir Venie


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