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1、精彩TOI句子构造10句 1. ypialo th rasad dellers o econinet i the Ameian nteloe,orponghor 典型的,象征性的/草原/居民 大陆,陆地 羚羊 叉角羚2. Ofthe millions ho saw Haleys comet in 1986, how many powil iv ogenugto ee it reurn intetwy-frstcnury. 人类学者,人类学家 哈雷彗星 3 Antoplogist have dcoered thatfear, appies, sadne, and srprie are unive

2、rally efleted in fai epressio. 恐怖胆怯 普遍的到处反映的 面部的 公式 4. Becueof i irritag ft human, the us ofenol a genral atieptc h been laey scontiud.愤怒的/刺激的 石碳酸 一般 防腐剂 停止/废弃5. Isrupstormaiin esee目前存在,a prof利润有助于-main orgnizationmust, nthe ongun最后,prodc sometig consuesonideusful or esirae值得要得,满意的 6. Therearhe polt

3、ion thereis n localy位置地点,th grter thned the is fo waer, transporttio运送运送, an spsal 解决安排f refse废物垃圾,回绝谢绝 7 Iis moe diicult to wite sil简朴的,ircy直接的,ad ffetively有效的 han toemployflwery绚丽的 but vgue模糊不清的 xprein体现tha oly oscure模糊的ons mening .Wit en offices coing more mcanized机械化, ignersr attempting尝试 to per

4、onali人性化的 them withwarmer,lss evre严肃的 ieiors.内部 9. Th iffeence betwe lil污蔑adsander诽谤 that ibel is prnted while nr is poken10.he knee膝盖 is th jints weesthe hig大腿 one mets the lare bon of te loe lg. 1. Acids酸 are hemical ompouds混合物 that, in watr oluton溶解,avea sharptat刺激性味道, acorrove腐蚀性 aton作用onetls,an

5、 eabil o trn ertai blue vgetaledy植物燃料 d12 Billie Holdays rputtion as rat jazz-bues ger rs n he abity o give emotinl depth to her ongs 1. Essntialy, ahery s n abstrat, syblic repreetatin o whaticoneed to beraity. 4. onefore children areable to pa uderstand a lanug, hcommuicate hrgh aalepressions ad b

6、y making noises. 15. hks o mdern rriato, crosnowgrow abudanly n aeawheresoce othing butcct ad saebrushcoul li.16.Thedvelment ofmecanialtipi suredthe search r e acurate sndias ih which o regulatthem.17. Antrpolg is a sciece i hat athroologis us a gorus st f etod ad tehnques to dcuen bsevaios ht b che

7、ckedby her. 18. Fungi are imortntin the rocessofcy, whih returns ingredients o t soil, eance oil ferlity,ad decmes ma er. 19. When istruck,a nngfrk ducean lmot pure one, reanng s pitchove a long prod of ime. 20. Althug peansr mostpletifli the southeaster part of he Uited States, they areound as far

8、nh as ho and Illinoi 21.Elimiatingproblems by transerrng the blam ohes isoftn called scapegoating. 2. Th che ods eten inanyounry depend laely on what grw bes in it climate and sil. 23. Or a very largnumber of tials, th probablty o nevets occurring iseqal to te prblythat it will notoccur. 4.ost subst

9、ance cotc whn e freezes thahedensty f a sbsances solid ihighr than te eni f its liqid. 25. he mecanism bywhic rainls store mori is ot clarl undrtoo. 2 By heiddle o the twetieth century, painters an sculorthe UnitedSates hadbeun toexert geat ore infence over r. 27. Inthe easten ptofNeJerey s ecityofl

10、izbth, major sppin d mnfacuring enter. Eliabet Blcel,th firstwoman edicadoctor in the Unit State, fouded the Nw Yo Infiry, a institto tht has ays had a compltey feml media saff. 2. Axder raa Bel oncetldis family hat ewould raher e ememeed asatechr of the ef than as th invor o the elehone. 30. ecae i

11、t lavesremain greelon fbeingpcked, roeary ecme ascatedwih te iea o emembranc. 3. Alhoghaparently igd, b exhi a degree of elastici tht nabs the skleton twithsnd consderble impat 32. Th xeno coldnotfm hmi opunds was once belevdby scietst. 3. Resarhsitthe amic ofsormsis reced towrd pvg te lity to pedit

12、hes ets and thus to mnmze dag andavd lossfif.34heeiminationo ifatiould sur tat the aoun moeued in reayig a onwold hav th ae vle asthe amount of money rowed 3 Futurism, a arly wenet-tury moveet in at, rjec all taditin and ttepted to glrify cnorry ife byemphasizing thmahin an motin. 36. Oe fthe ilean mosticce



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