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1、 Join in 五年级英语上册期末复习总结Unit 1 My family 我的家庭words1. family家庭 2. father父亲 3. mother母亲 4.brother兄弟 5. sister姐妹 6.Uncle 叔叔 7. aunt 阿姨 8.grandfather 祖父 9.grandmother祖母10.Cousin 堂兄弟姐妹 11.Parents 父母双亲12.Grandparents 祖父母 职业的英文单词:1.农民 farmer 2.工人 worker 3.驾驶员driver 4.医生doctor 5.护士nurse 6.厨师cookPhrases:1.Run

2、away 逃跑 2.Walk off 离开Sentences.3. Are these your parents? 4. Are those your grandparents?5. Yes,they are.6. Are you .s mother/.?7. Yes,I am./No,Im not.Im .8. Is he/she.? Yes,he/she is./No,he/she isnt.9. Whos that boy.? Hes.10. My mother/father.is a.11. What does your father/mother.do?12. He/She is a

3、.13.Whatdoyoudo?你是做什么的?Unit 2 Mascots 吉祥物Words1. ring 环.戒指 2. shell 贝壳 3.friendship band 友谊带 4. silver bells 银铃铛5. necklace 项链 6. soft toys 毛绒玩具 7. beautiful 美丽的 8. dollar 美元9. forget 忘记 10. mascot 吉祥物 11. potato 马铃薯.土豆 12. sell 出售.卖13. shop 商店 14. test 测试Phrases:1. is full of 充满的 2. at school 在学校 3

4、. an hour later 一个小时后4. on the Puma Ranch 在美洲狮农场 5. all right 好的Sentences.1. There are mascots everywhere. 到处都有吉祥物。2. I have got a school bag. 我有一个书包。3. He has got red pencil. 他有一支红色的铅笔。4. Have you got a new car? Yes, I have. (No, I havent.)你有一辆新轿车吗.是的.我有。.不.我没有。.5. Whats that?It looks great! 那是什么.看

5、起来棒极了.6. Watch out! 当心.7. Are you OK? 你还好吗.8. Ill be back in a minute. 我马上就回来。9. Let me have a look. 让我瞧一瞧。10. I want to sell this necklace. 我要卖掉这个项链。Unit 3 Time 时间Words1.minute 分钟 2.top 顶尖的 3. athlete 运动员 4. fast 快速的6.fastest 最快的 7.cyclist 骑自行车的人 8. metre 米 9. kilometre 千里10.word 单词 11.say 说 12. th

6、ink 想 13.draw 画画 14.quarter(一刻钟)15. hour 小时 16.half 一半 17.past 过 18.about 大概 19 .time 时间,次数phrases1. how often(多长时间一次) 2. bend your knees(弯膝)3. the fastest car(最快的汽车) 4. the fastest train(最快的火车)Sentences (1) How often can you jump in a minute? 你一分钟能跳几下?I can jump ninety times in a minute. 我一分钟能跳九十下.

7、(2) How often can you bend your knees in a minute? 你一分钟能弯膝多少下.I can bend my knees forty times in a minute. 我一分钟能弯膝四十下。(3) How often can Tom jump in a minute? Tom 一分钟可以跳几下?He can jump fifty-three times in a minute. 他一分钟能够跳五十三下.(4) How many words can you write in a minute? 你一分钟可以写多少个单词?I can write twe

8、nty-seven words in a minute. 一分钟可以写二十七个英语单词.(5) How many animals can you draw in a minute? 你一分钟能画多少只动物?I can draw twelve animals in a minute. 我在一分钟内可以画十二只动物。(6) How many words can Emma write in a minute?Emma 一分钟能写多少个单词 She can write forty-two words in a minute. 她一分钟能写四十二个单词。(7) A:What is the time? B

9、: Its six oclock.(几点了? 六点了。)(8) A:Whats the time? B: Its half past eight.(几点了?八点半。)(9) A:Whats the time? B: Its twenty to nine.(几点了?八点四十分。)(10) A: Whats the time? B: Its a quarter to eleven.(几点了?十点四十五分。)(11) A: Whats the time? B: Its ten to twelve.几点了.十一点五十分。(12) A: Whats the time? B: Its five to fo

10、ur.几点了.三点五十五分。(13) Whats the time? (= What time is it?) 几点了。Words1.stop 停 2.special (特别的) 3.correct (正确的)Sentences (1) In a minute a top athlete can run about four hundred metres.( 最顶尖的运动员一分钟能跑四百米。)(2) In a minute a cheetah can run about 1 kilometre and a half.(一只印度豹一分钟内能跑一点五千米。)(3) A top cyclist on

11、 a special bike can ride about four kilometers in a minute.(4) 一个顶尖的自行车骑者骑特殊的自行车在一分钟内能骑四千米。.(4) Concorde can fly about forty kilometres in a minute.协和客机一分钟能飞行四十千米。.(5) The fastest car can go about twenty kilometres in a minute.(最快的汽车一分钟能行二十千米。)(6) The fastest train can go about eight kilometres in a

12、 minute.(最快的火车一分钟能行八千米。)Unit 4 What do you collect? 你收集什么.words 1.collect 收集 2.sticker 贴纸 3.stick 贴 ic 连环漫画 5.autograph 签名片6. postcard 明信片 7. stamp 邮票 8. football picture 足球图片 9.want (想要) 10.photo 照片 11.thief 小偷.复数.thieves􀊌Phrases.all the time总是.一直.Sentences 1. A: What do you collect? B: I

13、collect stickers. (你收集什么?我收集贴纸。)2. A: What do you collect? B: I collect comics and autographs.A: How many comics have you got? B: I have got fifty-four.你收集什么.我收集连环画画和签名片。你收集了多少连环画.我有五十四本。.3. I dont collect football pictures. 我不收集足球画。.4. I dont collect postcards or stamps.我不收集明信片和邮票。.5. Sandra and I

14、collect some books.Sandra 和我都收集了一些书。.6. I love stickers. I want stickers all the time.我很喜欢贴纸。我总是想要有很多贴纸。7. I stick the stickers on my schoolbag.我把贴纸贴在书包上。.8. A: What does Tim collect? B: He collects autographs.A:How many autographs has he got? B: He has got forty-three.Tim 收集什么.他收集签名片。他收集了多少签名片.他有四十

15、三张。.9. A: What does Angela collect? B: She collects comics and stamps.Angela 收集什么.她收集连环画和邮票。.10. Kevin collects many postcards. He wants postcards all the time.他收集了很多明信片。他总想拥有许多明信片。.11. Simon doesnt collect football pictures. Simon 不收集足球图片。.12. Sue doesnt collect any comics. Sue 不收集连环漫画。.13. Mary doesnt collect stamps or autographs. Mary 不收集邮票和签名片。.14. Lisa and Jane collect



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