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1、牛津高中英语Module 3 Unit 2 Language单元自测一、单项填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)1. A: How often do you eat out?B: _, but usually once a week.A. Have no idea B. It dependsC. As usual D. Generally speaking2. A: Nancy is not coming tonight.B: But she _!A. promises B. promised C. will promise D. had promised3. It is surprisi

2、ng that _ Russian can not speak _ Russian language.A. 不填; a B. a; the C. the; 不填 D. a; a4. The story of the group traveling in the desert was _ we had never heard before.A. that B. it C. one D. the one5. There are ten workers there, seven men workers _.A. including B. included C. containing D. conta

3、ined6. The water of the river _ by two feet last night.A. raised B. was raised C. rose D. was risen7. The service industry _ two thirds of the income of the country.A. is made of B. is made up ofC. makes of D. makes up8. Through their hard work, people of Atlanta finally _ their fear and doubt cause

4、d by the war _ hope and faith.A. replaced; with B. replaced; forC. overcame; with D. overcame; for9. Mary smiled _ her mother did when she was her age.A. whatB. thatC. the wayD. as though10. A: _ did you like his speech?B: Not bad, but I did not agree with _ he said.A. What; that B. How; everythingC

5、. Why; what D. How; anything二、完形填空(共20小题,每小题1分,计20分)The eyes are one of the most expressive instruments(工具)of body language. Keith, seventeen, from Montclair New Jersey, learned the hard way about one (1) the eyes can make. “I had a _ (2)_ who graded(打分)heavily on classroom discussion,” Keith says.

6、“He _ (3)_ to have a strong ability to know just when I didnt have the _ (4)_. I couldnt imagine how he could be so sharp. Then I understood. _ (5)_ I didnt know the answer, I would avoid looking at him. When I did know what to _ (6)_, I always stared straight back _ (7)_ him. From that moment on, I

7、 _ (8)_ myself to look him in the eyes, _ (9)_ I knew the work or not. That trick has _ (10)_ me a lot of trouble.Many people, including some policemen, believe eye contact(接触)is a good _ (11)_ of honesty. If someone cant look at you directly in the eye, then he or she is not playing _ (12)_. After

8、many experiments, _ (13)_, a number of experts have found out that good liars(说谎者)can make false eye contact.Eye contact, though not a sure sign of honesty, is a clear way to _ (14)_ interest in another person. When a person looks at you and _ (15)_ to do so, you know his _ (16)_ is placed on you. W

9、hen he _ (17)_ his head away, his mind is probably elsewhere._ (18)_ there are exceptions. A _ (19)_ person may have trouble making and keeping eye contact, no matter how interested he is in the other person. And certain _ (20)_, such as the British and Germans, are much less oriented to(有意向)eyeball

10、-to-eyeball contact than, say, the French and Arabs.1. A. letterB. noticeC. messageD. news2. A. studentB. headmasterC. friendD. teacher3. A. seemedB. appearedC. happenedD. took4. A. questionB. problemC. excuseD. answer5. A. WhateverB. WheneverC. HoweverD. Wherever6. A. thinkB. sayC. imagineD. read7.

11、 A. fromB. toC. forD. at8. A. helpedB. forcedC. taughtD. advised9. A. whenB. whetherC. ifD. as10. A. causedB. savedC. spentD. made11. A. lessonB. wayC. chanceD. test12. A. honestlyB. quicklyC. correctlyD. really13. A. thereforeB. howeverC. soD. still14. A. increaseB. expressC. findD. show15. A. stop

12、sB. continuesC. changesD. hopes16. A. attentionB. spiritC. strengthD. energy17. A. getsB. turnsC. partsB. bows18. A. AndB. OrC. ButD. So19. A. braveB. shyC. stupidD. proud20. A. nationalitiesB. citiesC. countriesD. languages三、阅读理解(共10小题,每小题2分,计20分)APerhaps the most famous theory(理论), the study of bo

13、dy movement, was suggested by Professor Ray Birdwhistell. He believes that physical appearance is often culturally programmed. In other words, we learn our lookswe are not born with them. A baby has generally informed face features. A baby, according to Birdwhistell, learns where to set the eyebrows

14、 by looking at those aroundfamily and friends. This helps explain why the people of some areas of the United States look so much alike, new Englanders or Southerners have certain common face features that cannot be explained by genetics(遗传学). The exact shape of the mouth is not set at birth, it is l

15、earned after. In fact, the final mouth shape is not formed until well after new teeth are set. For many, this can be well into grown-ups. A husband and wife together for a long time often come to look somewhat alike. We learn our looks from those around us. This is perhaps why in a single country area where people smile more than those in other areas. In the United States, for example, the South is the part of the country where the people smile mo


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