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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上 初二 (下)课文(翻译)(14)Unit 1 课文(翻译)志愿工作Voluntaryvlnt()r志愿的 work三个青少年提出去做一些志愿工作,在学校假期期间。他们写了以下的报告。Three teenagerstined青少年 offered f提出;提供 to do some voluntary work during在.期间 the school holidays假期. They wrote the following fl以下的 reportsrpt报告.我在儿童医院做了些志愿工作。那里的儿童都遭受严重的疾病。我们为他们组织了一个绘画比赛。I did som

2、e voluntary work in a childrens hospital. The children there 那里all suffer fromsf遭受 serious严重的;严肃的 illnesseslns疾病. We organized rnaz组织 a painting绘画 competition kmpt()n比赛for them.我遇见一个叫做辛迪的女孩。她想要画一副她家附近公园的画。我去那里并拍些照片。辛迪用它们绘画。I met a girl called Cindy. She wanted to paint pent 画a picture of the park ne

3、ar her home. I went there and took some photos 拍照of it. Cindy used them for her painting.Betty有很多孩子没有父母。我和我妈妈遇见过一些这样的孩子,我们教他们讲故事。这帮助他们表达他们的情感。一个孩子说,“我的朋友不理解我的痛苦”。There are many children without没有parents父母. I met some of these children with my mother. We taught教 them to tell stories讲故事. This helps th

4、em express kspres; ek-表达 their feelings情感;情绪. One child said, “My friends dont understand my pain pen痛苦.”我和一个叫Vivien 的女孩一起度过些时光。她的父母死于一次车祸,她心情不好并非常孤独。她需要友谊。我妈妈和我将继续去看望Vivien.We spent 花费time with a girl called Vivien. Her parents died in a car accident ksdnt事故, and she is unhappy不开心 and very lonely l

5、nl孤独的. She needs friendship fren(d)p友谊. My mother and I will continuekntnju继续 to visit Vivien.Mark我想去帮助残疾儿童。他们走路或移动有些困难。我教他们唱歌因为音乐能够给他们带来快乐和宁静。I want to help disabled dsebld残疾的 children. They have difficulty dfk()lt 困难walking or moving移动. I taught教 them to sing because music can bring them joyd快乐 an

6、d peacepis平静;和平.我遇见一个叫Tim的男孩。他的腿在一次事故中受伤了,但是他十分勇敢。我们需要帮助像是Tim这样的孩子,并且鼓舞他们的精神。在将来,我将继续做些志愿工作。I met a boy called Tim. He hurtht受伤 his legs 腿in an accident事故, but he has lots of couragekrd勇气. We need to help children like 像是Tim and raiserez提高 their spiritssprt精神. I will continue 继续to do voluntary work

7、in the future在未来.Voluntary work志愿工作Joe 在暑假期间想要去做志愿工作,所以他提出在当地医院帮忙。Joe wanted to do voluntary vlnt()r work during the summer holidays在暑假期间, so he offeredf 提出to help at a local lk()l当地的 hospital.每个周六,他去那里照顾病人。当中一个走路有困难,所以他帮助他四处移动。另一个人看不见。Joe给她读新闻和有趣的故事,所以她不会感到孤独。Joe也跟病人聊天。这样能帮助他们表达他们的情感情绪。Joe 乐于助人。有空的

8、时候,他将继续在医院帮忙。Every Saturday, he went there to look after 照顾the patientspe()nt病人. One of them had difficulty walking走路有困难, so he helped him move around四处移动. Another one could not see. Joe read news and funny fn有趣的stories to her so that 所以she did not feel lonely. Joe also talked with 聊天the patients病人.

9、 This helped them expresskspres; ek-表达 their feelings情绪;情感.Joe enjoyed helping people. He will continue to help at the hospital in his free time空闲时间.They need help! 他们需要帮助!你能帮助这些儿童吗?Can you help these children?Cindy, aged 12 12岁Cindy 在住院,因为她遭受严重的疾病。Cindy 想去画她家附近的公园。我们需要一个人去公园拍些照片给Cindy.Cindy is in h

10、ospital because she suffers from 遭受a serious srs严重的illness疾病. Cindy wants to paint画 the park near her home. We need someone to go to the park and take some photos 拍照for Cindy.Vivien的父母死于一次车祸。她心情不好并非常孤独。我们需要有人跟她聊天并和她交朋友。Viviens parents 父母died 去世in a car accident车祸. She is unhappy and very lonely孤独的.

11、We need someone to talk to her and make friends with her交朋友.Tim 是一个健康的男孩。他过去常常喜欢运动直到腿在一次事故中受伤。我们需要一些志愿者教像是Tim 这样的孩子唱歌并帮助他们鼓舞精神。Tim was a healthy hel健康的 boy. He used to 过去常常love sport 运动until 直到he hurt受伤 his legs in an accident事故. We need some volunteers ,vlnt志愿者to teach disabled dsebld残疾的 children l

12、ike Tim to sing and to help them raise their spirits鼓舞精神.春雷(计划)的成功Success成功 for Spring Budsbd春蕾我的名字是冯桂香。我想要跟你们讲述中国儿童少年基金会,以及它是如何帮助我的。My name is Feng Guixiang. I want to tell you about the China Children and Teenagers tinedFund fnd (CCTF 中国儿童少年基金会) and how it helped me.CCTF的特别活动之一是春蕾计划。在1989年,在我们国家48

13、0万的儿童,年龄在7至14岁之间,不能上学。他们当中83%是女孩。One of the CCTFs special activities ktviti活动 is the Spring Bud Projectprdekt (春蕾计划). In 1989, 4.8 million百万 children in the country, aged from seven to fourteen, were unable to 不能attend tend参加;上学 school. Eighty-three per cent psent 百分比of them were girls. 因为这个,CCTF发起了

14、春雷计划去帮助她们。自从那时以来,这个计划已经帮助了成百上千万的女孩重返校园。它也建了很多学校。第一个春雷班级于1989年(出现在)广西这里。春雷计划为我支付(学费)参加那个班级。它也为我在学校附近租了个房间。Because of 因为this, the CCTF launched lnt 发射;发起the Spring Bud Project 春蕾计划to help them. Since then自从那时以来, the project has helped millions of girls return 返回to school. It has also built建造 a lot of

15、schools. The very first Spring Bud class was here in Guangxi in 1989. The Spring Bud Project paid for 支付me to attendtend参加 that class. It also rented rent租 a room close to 靠近the school for me.在这个计划开始之前,我呆在家里帮我妈妈做些家务。上学改变了我的生活。我学会了阅读、写字,以及做很多其它的事情。Before the project started, I stayed at home 呆在家里and helped my mother with the housework. Going to school changed 改变my life. I learnt to read and write and do many oth



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