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1、上市公司成功并购机制研究摘 要并购作为资源配置的一种重要方式,被越来越多的企业用来壮大规模,提高市场竞争力。在上市公司并购的过程中,各个阶段的决策都对并购成功有着重要作用,并购决策之间也存在着显著的影响。本文就是站在这个角度,对并购过程中各财务决策之间的联动影响机制进行研究,论证说明并购机制各组成部分对并购成功的作用。并选择一个并购成功案例对本文得出的结论进行说明。本文首先对并购绩效的评价方法进行分析,论证得出适合我国并购市场的并购绩效评价方法。最终得出结论,认为使用会计研究法中的现金流量法综合评价体系,对我国上市公司并购绩效进行评价是客观有效的。本文对采用的现金流量财务指标体系和统计研究方法



4、也不尽相同。本文仍从并购动因出发,论证了两种类型并购的财务整合关注重点,并对如何做好并购整合,保障并购成功做了说明。关键词:上市公司并购,并购绩效评价,成功机制Research on Successful Mechanism of Listed Companies Mergers and AcquisitionsABSTRACTAs a manner of Resource Allocation, M&A has been used to expand scale and enhance competitiveness by more and more companies. During th

5、e process of M&A, decision-makings in every step have great impact on it, at the same time, decision-makings interact each other markedly. Standing on this point of view, this article investigates the linked mechanism among decision-makings, then the paper shows how every part of the M&A mechanism i

6、nfluence the success. Whats more, this paper studies a successful M&A case in order to illustrate more vividly.First of all, this article analyzes the methods of evaluating M&A performance, then put forward the appropriate methods to our M&A market. The result is that, the cash flow method in the ac

7、counting methods is effective when evaluating the performance of M&A in our country. This article explains the financial evaluating system and the statistical methods used in it, and pose the quantitative criteria in evaluating the results of M&A.Due to the study mentioned above, this article poses

8、the emphasisthe successful M&A mechanism. The whole article demonstrated in detail about how every part effect the M&A and how to interact each other.On the basis of the M&A motivations, this article distinguishes the motivations into market motivations and government motivations. This article dwell

9、 less on the government motivations because they will reduce as the standardization and improvement of the capital market. The author differentiates the market motivations into strategic motivations and financial motivations, and then argues their effect mechanism.The premise to a successful M&A is

10、evaluating the companies themselves correctly, it determined the motivations and targets of the M&A, and then proposed standard of the target companies. This article elaborates how to analysis companies themselves before they carry out M&A. After contrasting different evaluating methods to different

11、 types of M&A, this article poses the factors in price negotiations in ensuring a successful M&A.M&A financing and M&A payment are two inseparable parts in a successful M&A. Starting from the features of the M&A financing, this article proposed factors and methods when choosing different financing m

12、ethods. After analyzing the different methods of payment,the paper illustrate its effect to a successful M&A. At last, summarize the effects between financing and payment in M&A. However, successful completion of the acquisition dose not mean that the M & A is successful. When the M&A is accomplishe

13、d, good financial integration can guarantee a long-term positive M&A performance. According to the Cost-effective, different types of M&A should emphasize on different focal point. Viewing from the M&A motivations, this paper demonstrates emphasizes of the two types of M&A, and describes how to carr

14、y out a perfect M&A to make it successful from all aspects.KEYWORDS: M&A in listed companies, performance evaluation of M&A, successful mechanismI目 录第一章 引言1第一节 研究背景和意义1第二节 国内外研究综述2第三节 创新点和技术难点5第二章 成功并购机制的界定与评价方法分析7第一节 并购绩效评价方法分析7第二节 会计研究法使用分析及并购成功评价标准9第三节 成功并购机制的含义14第三章 并购机制影响要素研究15第一节 并购动因15第二节 并购目

15、标公司定位及其定价19第三节 并购融资及支付23第四节 并购财务整合28第四章 上市公司成功并购机制研究31第一节 并购动因对并购的作用机制分析31第二节 目标公司定价32第三节 并购融资方式与支付方式对并购成功的作用34第四节 财务整合重点优化37第五章 并购成功案例研究41第一节 燕京并购惠泉成败判定41第二节 燕京并购动机解析及并购双方状况评价43第三节 目标公司定价及并购融资与支付50第四节 燕京啤酒的并购财务整合51结 论52致 谢55参考文献56附 录58第一章 引言第一节 研究背景和意义国内创投与私募股权研究机构清科研究中心最新推出的中国上市公司并购绩效专题研究报告数据显示:在清科研究中心研究的范围内,20052009年,总共发生565起上市公司并购事件,涉及的并购金额高达1,171.80亿元,平均每起并购案的并购金额为2.22亿元人民币。20082009年,虽然受到海外金融风暴的影响,但是在国家及政府相关政策及并购贷款的扶持下,并购事件在2009年创下新高,达到了2005年的5倍。而并购金额则在2008年创下峰值,达648.98亿元。具体见表1-1。表1-1 2005-2009年中国上市公司并购统计年份并购事件并购金额(百万元)平均并购金额(百万元)2005423,319.1587.352006566,495.


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