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1、小学英语一般过去时练习题一、请选择对旳旳词,把下列句子补充完整。 1. I _aske_ (as asked/s ain) im aquesion stray.2. Tom _rad_ (red is radig/ reas) Eglish nw. .Did you _werd_ (water/ trd /wrs)fowr lasek? 4.ets_get_ (e / gtettn) on the N.1 us. 5. e fen _wch_ (watch / watches /athd)TV at om.6 udy didn _ (wet /g /going) o school ystrda

2、y.7 Hisdad _work_ (wrks / wored is workig)har every day. Thre _were_ (were / ae was) some trees near hoes two yarsao. 9. M ouin _tdis_ (studies/ sdie/ stuy) ina midlscholnGuangzhou. Mr. Wite_ (cae comes / is coing) hina last ye. 1. he isgig _h_ (have / had/hs) a big arty ths nday. 12 Whee didyou _me

3、et_(meet/ me / meetng) Ms White. 13. They wand _o_(g wet/ going) Bejing astweek 14 Lok,To _ wathng_ (wcs tched/ is atching) TV n the living-oom。 5 What_dd_ (did/ does / s)th girl d his rning? 16. I _wll b_ (wll / was / i) rainorrow. 17. Saly usual _gos_ (isoing /goes went) tocooon oot. 18. _Do_ (Are

4、 Do / Did) u oftny a kie? Its 2:0 inh aftrnoon, te hildrn _ar ain_ (mke/made / r mkg) a model shi. Im_dng_ (d /dd /doin)sme reading in th casso. 2 IsYngx _claning_ (clans cleaned / cleaning)he house? 22.Thatgir an _ing_ (sing /ings sng) Enlissongs 23. Th will _lb_ (clib / imbed/iming) aiyn Mountain

5、hi eked. Mysr ikes _sming_ (swi/ sam/swiming)ver uc 25.Did you _play_ (ay / plaing/ played)TVgams astnht? 26. nce _livs_ (led / lives is lvn) on thirdoo. 27. Ben will _e_ (is ws /b) all rigt morrw 2. Wher _as_ (is / a are) she ftr schoolysterday? 三单选:从下列各题后所给旳四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。( )1. Myfter_ll yetrdy. A.

6、 isn rn want . erent( )2 _our ent at hme lat ek? A.Is .Was C. Are D Were( )3. The ns_inDalian ast yearThey_ernow are; wre B ere; ar C. as; ae . ere; as( )4._yr fther a wokthedy_yeterday (前天)?AWas; efore B.Is; eor C.as;afer Is;after ( )5. Who as n duty lastFiday?_. A. am B. Iwa .Yes, I wa DNo, I wasn

7、四.写出下列动词旳过去式 sam_ fl_ plant_ are _drin_ play_ go_ mke _d_ dace_ worry_ ask _tte_ at_dr_pu _thr_ ki_ pass_ do _五、请用对旳动词形式填空。1. I_(have) an xci parylast weend.2. -_ s_(practic) her giar yetrday? -o, e _3. -What _ Tm _ (o) on turday evenn?-H _(watch) V and _(ad) an interesigbook.4. They ll_(o) to e mot

8、ains ysterday monin. h _(not visit) her antastweekendShe _ (sty) at hm a _(do) se laning.六.句型转换1 It wa excing. 否认句:_一般疑问句:_肯、否认回答:_2 All th students wee ery xie. 否认句:_一般疑问句:_肯、否认回答:_3 They eein s poket. 否认句:_一般疑问句:_肯、否认回答:_.Su aitok sme potos t he Sports da 否认句:_一般疑问句:_肯、否认回答:_. Nany went o sho early. 否认句:_一般疑问句:_肯、否认回答:_6. We sngsome Enlish ng. 否认句:_一般疑问句:_肯、否认回答:_九改错题1Hw i n yesterday? _2H go to shoolb u t week._3.He oftege hmat :00 lastmonth. _4. can ly kit seven yars ag. _. Didousawhm justnow _


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