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1、文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! 2015年深圳市英语八年级上册期中测试卷(A)答案 总分:100分 时间:80分钟 姓名: 得分 第一部分 听力(15分)听力来源:深圳金卷 中考英语听说模拟45套全程听说模拟45套(十八)I. 听录音,在A、B、C选项中选出你听到的句子。(每小题念两遍)(共3题,每题1分)( ) 1. A. There is a kindergarten in my house.B. There is a kindergarten near my house.C. There is a kindergarten beside my house.( ) 2. A

2、. Dont worry. I will let you down.B. Dont worry. I wont let you down.C. Dont worry. You wont let me down.( ) 3. A. The president was paying a private visit to Europe then.B. The president is paying a private visit to Europe.C. The president is is going to pay a private visit to Europe.II. 听录音,在A、B、C

3、选项中选出与你听到的句子意思最相近的句子。(每小题念两遍)(共2题,每题1分)( ) 1. A. Its very windy and raining today.B. Its a little windy today.C. Its blowing strongly today.( ) 2. A. I paid 200,000 dollars for the robot.B. The robot was worth 20,000 dollars.C. It took me 20,000 dollars to buy the robot.III. 请你根据实际情况和所提供的情景完成对话。(每个问

4、题念两遍)(共3题,每题1分)情景:你不太擅长英语,老师与你谈心探讨如何提高。请你回答下列问题。问题1回答:问题2回答:问题3回答:IV. 听短文,回答问题。(短文念两遍,提问念两遍)(共3题,每题1分)问题1回答:问题2回答:问题3回答:V. 请用英语描述下图。(要求6句话以上)(此题4分) 答案:I. ABBII. CCIII. 1. No, I dont.2. Because there are too many new words.3. That sounds good. Let me try.IV. 1. Yes, he did.2. He died at the age of 40

5、.3. He went to Alaska to find gold.V. Jim was at last in Beijing. He promised to visit Beijing someday when he was a little boy. Jim felt very warm and happy in Beijing because everyone welcomed him with great smile. Jim visited the famous Great Wall and some other places of interest. He also bought

6、 a lot of presents for his friends and family in America. It was time to say goodbye in the end. “Goodbye Beijing. See you next year.” Jim said to himself.解析:I. 1. There is a kindergarten behind my house.2. Dont worry. I wont let you down.3. The president is paying a private visit to Europe.II. 1. T

7、heres a lot of wind today.2. The robot costs me 20,000 dollars.III. 1. Do you listen to the English programmes every day?2. Why do you hate reading English stories more often?3. What about listening and reading English every morning?IV. Who is Jack London? He is an American writer. He was born on Ja

8、nuary 12, 1876. His family was very poor and Jack had to leave school to make money. He worked hard in many different jobs. Later, Jack returned to school, but he didnt stay long. In 1899, he went to Alaska to find gold. Instead, he found ideas there for his books and stories. He returned home and s

9、tarted to write. Jack London was not a happy man. He died young when he was only 40 years old.1. Did Jack London die young?2. How old was he when he died?3. What did Jack London do in 1899?V. 四幅图表达的含义依次是:1. 来北京受到热情欢迎。2. 在北京游览长城等名胜古迹。3. 去商店购物,买礼物给美国的朋友和家人。4. 要走了,说声道别的话。第二部分 选择题(60分)I. 词汇测试(15分)i. 从下面

10、每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。(共8小题,每小题1分)( ) 1. Now petrol is very dear.A. cheapB. goodC. expensive答案:C解析:dear“昂贵的”和expensive同义。( ) 2. We have kept in touch with each other for a long time.A. worked with B. lived with C. shared information with答案:C解析:keep in touch with“与保持了解”,work with“和一起工作”,live

11、with“和住一起”。( ) 3. My new shoes feel comfortable, so I like wearing them. A. hardB. badC. soft and nice答案:C解析:comfortable“舒适的”,hard“坚硬的”,bad“坏的”。( ) 4. The baby panda was born on a cold winter evening.A. went to see a doctorB. came out of its mothers bodyC. came back答案:B解析:be born“出生”,也就是“从妈妈身体里出来”。(

12、 ) 5. Dinosaurs all died out suddenly.A. went outB. disappeared C. appeared答案:B解析:die out“灭绝”,也就是不存在了,disappear意为“消失”,go out“外出;熄灭”。( ) 6. Would you like some cake?A. Are you going toB. Do you want C. Did you go to答案:B解析:would like sth.“想要某物”,相当于want sth.。( ) 7. You can have any prize if you win the

13、 game.A. awardB. food C. gold答案:A解析:prize“奖品”,award也是“奖品”的意思。( ) 8. Ants are very tiny animals.A. bigB. empty C. small答案:B解析:tiny“极小的”,与small意思最接近;big“大的”,empty“空的”。ii. 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(共7小题,每小题1分)( ) 9. By the way, is there _ in todays newspaper?A. something newB. anything newC. new anything答案:B解析:疑问句中用anything,形容词new修饰不定代词放在不定代词后面。( ) 10. _, there are six other students.A. In addition toB. In additionC. Except for答案:B解析:in addition“此外”


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