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1、学校 班级_学号 姓名 考试号 考场号 座位号 第二学期期中考试卷 初 一 英语 .04一、听力: (共15小题;每题1分,满分5分) 第一部分 听对话回答问题(计10分,每题1分) 本部分共有10道小题,每题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,将有5秒钟的时间选择你觉得最合适的备选答案。( )lWhat will te wathe belik?A B ( )2How my ysudens are the in the omns ls?( )3 Wich wsthe man first sto?( )4. Whatspor os te a lie

2、 bes?( )5.Wht is tewomanging do th eveng? A Gotoh iot. Visi er ister C o oiner.( )6.hc lu is Amy in? . ngingCub B. The Simmng lub. C. The eadig Club.( )7 Whye ty vinga pty? A. One them was j maried. B. hy dnt antto go to sle erly. C. It asNewYeas Ee.( )8a port es the maike? lleyall . Foball C Ping-P

3、og.( )9. How much shou he wma send on thskir? A5. B.$60 C.$2.( )1.ht es Json think of sschoo lfe?A. Strsd aboed Exciig anclurfC. Lielyn inerestig.第二部分听短文回答问题(计5分,每题1分)你将听到一篇短文,短文读两遍( )11.Theongmnated . A. to earn o dr B o buyne C. o earn t dra n egg( )1.Thldma . . idnteach the youg man B.coult drw w

4、el C. becme the yun mans teacher( )13.The onmadrew a egg qicklynd . .ave it t te ld m to loo at B. eftthe l mans ouse C. didtdraegs an onger( ).Th ol manakedthe yougantdraw . A. an egg in two minute B. smegood eg i fwdays .mnyeggs( )15.he od mhougt . A e hdo ime o ch te youg man B. itwasnt eay torae

5、el C. e ws too ol oteace oun man 二、单选题(共15小题;每题1分,满分1分)1.May 10,s arks _ rt iesBrad (中国品牌日). “Made i China” as coe fageA. a B. an C. the .不填2 Thers one tken y the Rivr ein these pt.Cn y fid itout?A.a Baot Cbeteen amon3 一 is ecapt of Cnada? 一IsOttawa. A. Whr B. Wha C. Whch D.Ho4. Euse me,ca I u oubic

6、y? _ is rokn. eriy B dt forget give _ bkto mbfor lunh.A. My; it B.Mie; it . y; oe D.ine; ne5 Thers wth y mputer It works wll. A somthng wrongB. wrong nothig C. wrong somting D.ntin rong 一sthre goin to a footbllmach morro aftero? 一Ys. Bu dont forgt ware gog o a cls meeting. A. e; e B. hve;hve C. e; a

7、ve D av; b7 . ay is lingforwd to my lt Woul you plase te lete e o your way shool. A. get; send B. getting; tosnd C.getting; snd D get; sendin8 Di yu hear smene for elp we youalk herivrhisfenoo? A. cal; pas B.allng;alog C. o all; crss D alling; trugh9. Hocan I get ome _ about Maco o? not searh the In

8、tenet?.nformton.troublesC esagD ifrmion 10. Hwmch d youow out iwan, Joh?Taiwaand te minlnd(祖国) hv a lt in ommn.They lo of hstoy andclre(文化).A.supprt B. chose C. explin D share11. muntin village is myhometw. spet fatasc nghtsheewen woungA. aot B o of C. the nmbr of D. plntyof12 一How ld sur radpa, Sue

9、? 一 .Weare goin to celerate s birday nexmonh A. Senty-ninh; igties B.Seventy-nint;ightC. Sevnt-nin;eighiet D. Seventy-nine;eihtie13. arylooso .Ye. An sheis cler Sheern thins A idl;qickly uiky;arfully uick; caeful D. friendly; uick14. room smodern. ut i leane th . . To a Petrs, y, ei . Tos an Peters,mne, theirs C. Tos and Ptrs,my, their D. and eters, ine,thirs1 Torrow sturday; would yu lieto o swimig with me?_A.I like i ermuh. B.Ye, wouldCSr, Id love to Ithik .三、完形填空:(共1小题;每题1分,满分1分) o andyurami are plnning apicni fortomrwBuywanto() thweaterfoeast(


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