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1、2022年考博英语-中国传媒大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题It is impossible for us to()such a difficult task within the limited time.问题1选项A.fuelB.frownC.fulfillD.frost【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项fuel “供以燃料,推动”。B选项frown “皱眉,不同意”。C选项fulfill “履行, 完成”。D选项frost “结霜,冻坏”。句意:我们不可能在有限的时间内完成如此艰巨的任务。因此C选项符合题意。2. 单选题An ambulance must have

2、 priority as it usually has to deal with some kind of().问题1选项A.crisisB.urgencyC.emergencyD.emergence【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项想crisis“危机;危险期”;B选项urgency“紧急;催促”;C选项emergency“紧急情况;突发事件”;D选项emergence“出现;发生;露头”。句意:救护车必须有优先权,因为它通常要处理一些。救护车需要处理的是一些紧急情况或突发事件,C选项符合句意。3. 单选题The thieves didnt know that they were dec

3、eived until the fake diamond turned out to be ().问题1选项A.valuableB.valuelessC.invaluableD.priceless【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项valuable “很重要的;宝贵的;”;B选项valueless “没有价值的;不值钱的”;C选项invaluable “极有用的;极宝贵的”;D选项priceless “无价的;极珍贵的”。句意:直到最后发现那颗假钻石毫无价值,窃贼才知道自己上当受骗了。根据关键词“假钻石”可知B符合句意。4. 单选题The head of the Museum was ()

4、and let us actually examine the ancient manuscripts.问题1选项A.promisingB.agreeingC.pleasingD.obliging【答案】D【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A选项promising表示“有希望的;有前途的”,B选项agreeing表示“赞成,同意”,C选项pleasing表示“令人高兴的,合意的”,D选项obliging表示“亲切友善的,乐于助人的”。由后文可知,博物馆负责人让我们查阅了那些古代的手抄本,所以他应该是亲切友善的,故本题正确答案为D选项。5. 单选题When Gina Garro and Brian D

5、uplisea adopted 4-month-old Andres from Colombia last month, they were determined to take time off from work to care for him. Six years ago, after their daughter, Melina, was born, the family scraped by on Dupliseas $36,000 salary as a construction worker so Garro, a special-education teacher, could

6、 stay home. Now, since Garros job furnishes the family health insurance, shell head back to work this fall while Duplisea juggles diapers and baby bottles. His boss agreed to the time off-but he will have to forgo his $ 18-an-hour pay. It wont be easy. Though Garros $40,000 salary will cover their m

7、ortgages, the couple will have to freeze their retirement accounts, scale back on Melinas after-school activities-and pray that nothing goes wrong with the car. “It takes away from your cushion and your security,” says Garro. “Things will be tight.”The 1993 Family and Medical Leave Act was supposed

8、to help families like Garros, offering a safety net to employees who want to take time off to nurture newborns, tend to their own major illnesses or care for sick relatives. But while the law guarantees that workers wont lost their jobs, it doesnt cover their paychecks. One survey last year showed t

9、hat while 24 million Americans had taken leaves since 1999, 2.7 million more wanted to but couldnt afford it. That may change soon. In response to increasing demands from voters at least 25 states are now exploring new ways to offer paid leave. One possibility: tapping state disability funds A handf

10、ul of states-New York, New Jersey, California, Rhode Island and Hawaiialready dip into disability money to offer partial pay for women on maternity leave. But that doesnt help dads or people caring for elderly parents. New Jersey and New York may soon expand disability programs to cover leave for fa

11、thers and other caretakers. Thirteen states, including Arizona, Illinois and Florida, have proposed using unemployment funds to pay for leave.Massachusetts has been especially creative. When the states acting governor, Jane Swift, gave birth to twin daughters in May, she drew attention to the issue

12、with her own working maternity leave: she telecommuted part-time but earned her usual full-time salary. Even before Swift returned to work last week, the state Senate unanimously passed a pilot plan that would use surplus funds from a health-insurance program for the unemployed to give new parents 1

13、2 weeks off at half pay. Another plan, proposed in the House, would require employers to kick in $20 per worker to set up a New Families Trust Fund. Businesses would get tax credits in return. This week Swift is expected to announce her own paid-leave plan for lower-income mothers and fathers. Polls

14、 show widespread public supportanother reason Swift and other politicians across the country have embraced the issue.Still not everyones wild about the idea. People without children question why new parentsthe first group to get paid leave under many of the proposed plansshould get more government p

15、erks than they do. Business groups are resistant to proposals that would raid unemployment funds; several have already filed suit to block them. As the economy slows, many companies say they cant afford to contribute to proposed new benefit funds either. Business lobbyists say too many employees already abuse existing federal family-leave laws by taking time off for dubious reasons or in tiny time increments. The proposed laws, they say, would only make matters worse.For Garro and Duplisea, though, the new laws could make all the difference. As Melina fixes a peanut-butter-and-



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