新技能英语1期中试题(基础版)(DOC 6页)

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1、新技能英语1期中试题(基础版)新技能英语 基础教程1 期末试题I、 词汇与语法 ( ) 1、 What _ are you taking this term? We are taking maths, English and computer、 A、 majors B、 skills C、 subjects( ) 2、 Jim is a(n) _、 He is very careful and likes to work with numbers、 A、 secretary B、 tour guide C、 accountant( ) 3、 My parents are both very _

2、 with their work、 They dont have too much time to stay with me、 A、 busy B、 kind C、 careful( ) 4、 Alice hopes to _ more friends at her new school、 A、 visit B、 make C、 miss( ) 5、 Amy usually _ at 6:30 in the morning、 A、 goes to bed B、 goes home C、 gets up( ) 6、 _ is good for our health、 A、 Staying up

3、late B、 Sleeping C、 Getting up late( ) 7、 The subway is very _、 A、 expensive B、 slow C、 fast and cheap( ) 8、 Its expensive to _、 A、 take the bus B、 ride a bike C、 take a taxi( ) 9、 I like _ best、 All the clothes are made of newspapers、 A、 the fashion show B、 the talk show C、 the magic show( ) 10、 Wh

4、at kinds of films do children like most?_, I think、 A、 Cartoons B、 Horror film C、 Literary films( ) 11、 My good friend Tom _ going to the park on weekends、 A、 liked B、 like C、 enjoys D、 enjoy( ) 12、 There _ no water or milk in the fridge、 A、 is B、 are C、 has D、 have( ) 13、 Would you like to take _wa

5、lk with me? A、 an B、 a C、 the D、 /( ) 14、We will go to New York _ air _ October、 A、 on; in B、 by; in C、 in; on D、 on; on( ) 15、 Of the three books, I like the _ best、 A、 newer B、 newest C、 older D、 old( ) 16、 Eric and Tom _ have skill training in the school next month、 A、 are going to B、 be going to

6、 C、 is going D、 are going ( ) 17、 _ do you go to see a film? Once a month、 A、 How long B、 How much C、 How often D、 How far ( ) 18、 It rains _ than last year、 A、 fewer B、 less C、 much D、 most( ) 19、 My parents often ask me _ more sports after school、 A、 do B、 doing C、 does D、 to do ( ) 20、 Be careful

7、 when you _ the street、 A、 are crossing B、 is crossing C、 crossing D、 is crossII、 完形填空 During the day we work and play, and at night we sleep、 Our bodies rest while we are _21_、 In the morning we are ready _22_ again、 Our bodies grow _23_ while we are asleep、 Children who are tired usually _24_ slee

8、p、 We can get better at our lessons _25_ we have had plenty of rest、 Boys and girls who are eight or nine years old need ten hours of sleep every night、 Our bodies need plenty of _26_ when we sleep、 If we do not get enough fresh air, we _27_ tired when we wake up、 While in bed we must not cover our

9、_28_、 Our lungs (肺) need to get enough fresh air、 If we _29_ our windows at night, we can have plenty of fresh air、 Cool air is better than warm air、 Boys and girls who want to be _30_ must get plenty of sleep、() 21、 A、 asleep B、 sleep C、 rest D、 play() 22、 A、 to work and play B、 working and to play

10、 C、 to work and playing D、 working and playing () 23、 A、 much B、 more C、 most D、 slow() 24、 A、 can B、 may C、 need D、 must () 25、 A、 while B、 before C、 as D、 after () 26、 A、 air B、 sun C、 water D、 food () 27、 A、 felt B、 will feel C、 are feeling D、 has felt () 28、 A、 foot B、 arm C、 head D、 body() 29、

11、A、 open B、 close C、 draw D、 use() 30、 A、 happy B、 interested C、 helpful D、 healthyIII、 阅读理解A Two little children come to a new city、 Their names are Peter and Tom、 Certainly they live with their parents、 Their family is very rich、 They have a driver and a lot of servants (仆人)、Peter and Tom are going

12、 to a new school、 On the first day their parents say to them, “Peter and Tom, be modest at your new school、 Dont say we are rich、” And they say, “Yes, Dad and Mum、”So they go to school、 They see their new teacher、 And they sit down with other children、 The teacher says, “Hello, children! The first e

13、xercise today is a composition, My Family、” So every child writes a composition、 This is Peters composition、“My name is Peter、 My family is very poor、 Both my father and my mother are very poor、 Our driver is very poor and all the other servants are poor”( ) 31、 Peter and Toms father is very _、A、 poor B、 rich C、 tall D、 old( ) 32、 The subject of the co


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