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1、七年级下册Unit 3Task主备: 春城中学 应国庆 审核: 石狮中学 许娟 【课前导学】 一、小组合作搜集以下有关句容的信息: Places of interestGroup1Famouse peopleGroup2Shopping mallGroup3Local products (特产)Group4Transport(交通)Group5Your schoolGroup6二、翻译下列短语100个家庭_ 饲养奶牛_我的家乡_ 对友好_带你参观我的家乡_ 在河边_一个居住的好地方_ 【课堂学习】Step one Lead in and free talk (Oral practice) Ta

2、lk about our hometown freely according to the information above,Step two ReadingA. True or false : 1.The people are friendly in the town.2.There are no buses to the town centre.B. Questions:1.How many people live in Johns hometown?2.How do people get to the town centre?3.Whats Johns neighborhood lik

3、e ?4.What do people do in the town? 5.Where does John live? 6.What can visitors do in Johns hometown?C. Read and match: Main body(主体)Paragraph 1 Town Paragraph 2 GreetingsParagraph 3 FeelingsParagraph 4 HouseStep three RetellRetell Johns hometown according to the mainbody.Step four Writing My hometo

4、wn1 Remind them the structure of writing.2 Give a list of useful sentences. 3 Ask four students to go to the blackboard . The other students write the article on their notebook.Then share their compositions in groups.Step Five homework1.Talk about how to make our writing better.2.Make a DV about the

5、 writing with your group members, and have a competition with other groups.【课后拓展】一、 选择正确的动词及词组填空,注意形式变化 have, hold a party, study,showaround, taketo,1. His mother asks him _ hard.2. Why dont you _a break? You look so tired.3. Millie loves shopping. Lets _ her _ a shopping mall. 4. My parents will_ f

6、or my birthday this year. I will get a lot of presents. 5. She has much housework to do. It _ her at least two hours to finish it every day.二、单项选择 ( )1. Let us take _ to the shopping mall A. them B. themselves C. theirs D. their ( )2. How much _ is there on the table? A. meats B. meat C. eggs D. Egg

7、( )5. Thanks for _ meI really need your _ A. helping;help B. help;help C. helping;help D. helping; helping( )6. There is a famous park here_ name is Xuanwu Park A. My B. Her C. His D. Its ( )7. There are many _ in Xian A. interesting place B. interesting places C. places of interesting D. place of i

8、nterest ( ) 8. Theres no buses . He has to _there _ his bicycle. A. go to, by B. go, by C. go to ,on D. go , on ( )9. Its _ room. A. Lucys and Lilys B. Lucy and Lilys C. Lucys and Lily D. Lucy and Lily( )10. The shop is_ to my home and it often_ at 9:30 p.m. A. close, close B. closed, closes C. clos

9、e, closed D. close, closes ( ) 11. This is our _ English class. I hope you can enjoy English. A. the first B. the our first C. first D. first an 三 动词填空。1. What time _ you _ (get) up on Sundays?2. My mother often _ (cook) at four. Now she _ (cook) in the kitchen. 3. We want you _(watch) the basketbal

10、l match with me tonight. 4. He doesnt know what _ (do) next? 5. Id like my son _(be ) a teacher .6. There are always many people _(buy) things in the supermarket. 7. A garden is the best place _ ( grow ) flowers. 8. Thank you for _( invite ) us to your party. 9. The Greens _ ( watch ) TV at the mome

11、nt. 10. How long does she spend _ ( write ) the letter? 四根据汉语意思完成句子。1.我们的老师对我们很友好。 Our teachers are _ _us. 2.这儿环境优美安静,但经常下雨。Its beautiful and _ here, but it often _ _. 3. 大卖场在市中心。 The shopping mall is _ the _ _ the city. 4. 在那条繁华的街道上有一个美丽的花园。 There is a beautiful _ _ that _ _. 5. 小狗的生日是六月五号。 The dog

12、s birthday is _ the _ of June.6. 我很高兴和你共用这个房间。Im happy to _ the room _ you. 7. 他是第二个到达山顶的人。 He is the _ to get to the _ of the hill.五 作文(小组1、2、3号成员完成B项写作。小组4、5、6号成员完成A项写作)A 写一篇介绍你家乡的文章。 1.住在一个大房子里,有个小花园,妈妈在经常在里面浇花。 2.房子的后面有一条安静的街道,离汽车站(bus stop)不远。 3.我的家乡有一个漂亮的花园,人们喜欢在里面散步。B 根据课前搜集的有关句容的信息,写一篇有关我的家乡句容的作文。My hometown_


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